This is a boy
This is a boy
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Dont mind if I do....
You spelled faggot wrong
Odd shaped body. No curve in hips. Weird face from fillers and surgery. Large hands...I believe it.
Imagine letting a mental illness take complete control like this. What a weak individual
Post anus for authentification
Christian detected
Fuck off jesus freak
Just because it doesnt like fucking little boys in the ass doesnt make it weak
I agree, it's quite sad. His parents must be devastated.
What a shitty comeback.
Are you weak individuals that let mental illness control who you are?
This dude spends all day trying to look as feminine as possible. It’s sad.
I'd be devastated as a parent if my child did this
Fuck off back to your supermodel wife, million dollar mansion and rockstar life.....oh wait, you're still living in your moms basement and fap to traps on Yea Forums.. kek KYS
Don't be retarded
Awe look. It's triggered.
Dont be a faggot and click obvious trap threads and act disgusted while you shove plantains up your ass
You're autistic soyboi....
Suicide when?
samefag detected, pushing the narrative that you have to be religious to think it's a mental illness to be so fucked up you resort to pretending you're of the different gender or even mutilating your penis beyond repair.
All these retards thinking men can just magically become women lmao
when are we going to see some fucking nude pics?
Christian's are right! Always have been! People are sick and its getting worse! ETERNITY! Ever think really hard about that word? Life is short
Bruce jenner!
Is still a man, just a mentally fucked man
I would fuck that face so hard I can't think of anything clever to go here
and after I am done nether will she
Never, there aren't any. that's a professional street fighter player who goes by ricki ortiz and all these pics are from his twitter
Fuck off then
Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?\invite\fGFh734
The hands always give it away.