Femanons, describe your ideal dick

Femanons, describe your ideal dick

Big or small, smooth or veiny, hairy or shaved, uncut or cut, bent or straight, etc.

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In b4 55 men rping female

As long as there's lots of cum coming from it.

One attached to a kind man who she loves. The rest is the shit virgins think about.

that's a nice cock

If any femanons here
What your take on male chastity devices


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That's for fucking beta faggots.
Not interested.

Dick size doesnt matter.

Maybe a minimum of 4 inches just because anything smaller would constantly slip out.

Girth sort of matters because it's the act of stretching the hole that feels great.
Most nerves are in the clit but there are some that surround the vaginal entrance like a rubber band.

But really size doesnt mean shit. It's how you use it.
I've been with as small as 4 and as big as 9 and I can easily tell you that 4 was in my top 3.

What makes a dick good is 3 things.

Strength, stamina and endurance.

If you're good at all 3 then you are probably a decent lay.

do you prefer uncut or cut? curved or straight?


I prefer uncut. I think cut is unnecessary unless for medical purposes (like phimosis)

The only argument that people have is that "its cleaner" which isnt even true. Normal hygienic uncut men know how to wash their dicks.
I've never encountered a smelly dirty uncut dick because the men I've been with obviously know how to wash themselves.

Also cut dicks are no fun to Jack off. You need a shit ton of lube or else you start chafing skin.

With uncut guys you can sort of use their foreskin like a personal pocket pussy haha.

Also I prefer a nice straight dick. Curves arent the worst as long as they arent too extreme

what do nice uncut dicks taste/smell like in your opinion?

do you have a special way to make uncut dicks cum hard?

Using the guise of an anonymous woman online to push his "cut vs uncut" propaganda.
Actually sane people who aren't insecure gives 0 fucks

Well depending on the weather and shit it will probably smell a bit different. On a hit day it probably wont smell as fresh because of sweat and stuff.
On a nice cool day they dont carry much smell.

Honestly I think both cut and uncut are the same with smell and taste.
As for any techniques I cant really think of any special ones.
From my experience as long as you treat that dick like your favorite lollipop and give 110% effort they typically cum hard lol

Though cut dicks require a bit more work since they're less sensitive than uncut

Hate to break up your boys club user but I'm not a dude. Just a basic bitch

what's the hardest you've made a dude cum before? have you ever given a man a really long orgasm?

i have never used lube and have never felt the need to
maybe you are bad at giving handjobs

all dicks are different. I have a friend who's cut so tightly that he bleeds if he jerks off with no lube, and I have a friend who is cut be he gained a lot of weight so he got some of his foreskin back and he doesn't use lube to jerk

*but he

Those are odd questions really lol.
It's not like I can recall all the times ive had sex user.

After 14 years of having sex on the regular (aside from a 2 year dry spell) I can't recall moments like that.

I just consider it a win on my end when I make a usually quiet guy make a bit of noise.

Nah I'm pretty decent

I understand, but have you have ever made a dude make a mess all over you two?

I cant really recall.
I'm so used to getting cummed in so theres not much mess aside from me just cleaning myself out

that's SUPER hot. Do you have a boyfriend or is this just different guys over the course of the last few months?

8.50 inches long
6.25 inches of girth
Huge balls
Heavy cummer
Has enough stamina to fuck for 20+ minutes straight

Haha no I have a boyfriend.
Been with him for the last 4 years.

99% of the smell comes from the balls, and all guys have balls of course.

what is his dick like? is it ideal to you?

Makes sense as to why I said they all smell the same I guess Haha

Hes about 5 1/2 inches.
And its ideal for me because I actually love the guy its attached to.

Theres a big difference between just fucking someone and fucking the person you love.

is he uncut or cut? thick or slim?

Hes uncut. And honeslty I would say hes just about average.

Hes not thick but hes not a noodle dick either lol

>at least 20cm

No... you are just shit at giving head and handjobs...
I didn't get cut until my early 20s and am far my sensitive now than I ever was hooded. Can't say a dry handy has ever chafed my dick either...

Have i got a surprise for you faguette

Of course your sensitive now because you took off your foreskin in your 20s dipshit.

It's different for guys cut from birth.
Years and years of a growing expose dick head rubbing against cloth makes it less sensitive.

Stop being a fucking moron

Nah I'm pretty good at it lol

Big cocks feel so good to frot with, but small/average cocks are better for anal
t. fag

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Fuck off turd bucket. I was uncut until i was 28. Now that I'm cut its been 4 years there is no difference to sensitivity. It looks better sure but that's about it.

+1 and anal is god tier sex

As has been said 3 times now, if you are causing chaffing your doing it wrong. But i forgot, you have a penis so you know how it feels.

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Nope I just know what guys tell me.

A dry hand on a dry dick is never good.

As the saying goes
"Wetter is always better"

I've only done it twice, first time the guy was really thick i don't know how big but i bled, so i never wanted to try again
second time was better

I’ve been with enough guys to know that size doesn’t always matter.

Having said that the minimum length I’d say I’d want is around 5 inches, preferably closer to 6 though.

Needs to be relatively thick, nothing too ‘porn’ thick but enough to get my fingers wrapped round it nicely.

I’ve had cocks bigger than 8 inches and can honestly say it was just too much.

Foreplay is probably as exciting and important to me as the actual act of fucking.

Any further questions?

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Anal is always good, my partner daid i pleased her well when we did it and i like it when im getting fucked too

most of the answer will be from homo, just saying

Lots of girls are on Yea Forums user

Cool, i always prefer frotting, it feels more intimate

God i wish to fuck some nice anus again, i like anal to the point pussy sex just doesnt please me anymore


whats your body count?

do you think its a lot according to yourself?

If not, do you feel like you have missed out?

I've been with 13 men.
To me it's not that much but Its not like I feel like I missed out on more.

Honestly if I were to have fucked every guys that's shown interest I'd be in the triple digits for sure.

I fucked the ones I wanted to fuck and I'm good with that.

Tits and timestamp or gtfo

Kik is jesus_frieskk also to whoever chick wants to send some nudes

I’m not showing you my breasts just for the hell of it, I’m simply replying to a thread if you don’t want to believe I’m a girl then I honestly couldn’t care any less

Lol seriously.

I love how they think we actually care about whether they believe us or not.

You think I'm about to expose myself online just to prove something to strangers that dont mean shit to me?
Lol no thanks, you can call me Bob with the 12 inch dick if it makes you feel any better haha

i forgot age, i'm currently 28. also around the same number.

except i have taken my distance from woman for a while now. i have had those number add up within 1-2 years because well, i used to be a good boy.

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roasty toasty no more posty


Thats only for attention whores newfag, quit being autistic.
I dont know why i bother Yea Forums is dead abyway

>not attention whore
>but she post her "related?" body
>newfag back

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doubs of truth

>OP asks for femanons
>femanon replys
>hurr durr show tits
If you dont wany attention whore dont give them a platform then.
Sage goes in all fields

>Cut fags pretending their shit is equal are better when it's worse in every way.

5 or 6 inches, cut
2 or 3 fingers thick
no visible veins
trimmed public hair
a pleasing aroma is required as is cleanliness

I have a shallower funbox than some girls, but that's pretty representative of what my friends and I are looking for, dickwise.

Fuck, ment want any

I don’t care if you show tits or not, I care that you get out and vote against this faggot army of hate mongers and incels each and every time.

user asks for timestamp only for slut who post her? pic, not for the others who wrote in the thread. So he did the right thing

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ITT Fags larping as chicks.

Aight now im horny

> inb4 sickfucks post animal ones

Gay user here just with my opinion. About 7 in, decent girth, uncut and Steven smooth...... Mmmm tasty