I feel glad about being single to be honest. Not that i hate woman...

I feel glad about being single to be honest. Not that i hate woman, i'm no incel but relationships just seem way to hard, messy and pointless in the end to bother with. I can spend my time a lot better by practicing my hobbies, hanging out with friends or just catch up on sleeping. Of course i get lonely sometimes but feelings are fleeting and i'm wise enough to know i'll be fine in the end.

What do you think user?

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Just wait until you meet a chick with the exact same attitude, you’ll fall hard.

A lot of men agree with you. One size does not fit all and evolution does not support the idea that we were all supposed to be monogamous. Some men were more desirable and had an evolutionary advantage because they would stick by their wife and kids, ensuring their survival. Other men had a different evolutionary advantage of being flighty but fucking enough women that at least one of his offspring was bound to survive. Neither is really wrong when it comes to smart choices for independent lifestyles. As you said, yes, it can get lonely, but it's not like people who get married are blissful for the rest of their lives.

I'm much like you, though honestly if I could not get laid as often as I do I think it would be an issue. I think a lot more men would enjoy being single if not for the compulsions they may attach to lust. The only time I felt really bad about being single was after my best friend died and I just wanted someone to hold and love me and take care of me while I grieved. Honestly though if a platonic friend had done similar duties, it probably wouldn't even have passed my mind.

Or he just won't, because life isn't a rom-com where your personal biases and experience ring true for a complete stranger.

Well said

who the girl and read the book the feminist lie by bob lewis. think it was written in 2015 so pretty up to date info

It's not even about sex or the prospect of continueing my family name. It's about that relationships and love are way to messy and "personal" in a way. Like, i have a friend who's miserable a lot of the times because of his girlfriend, but he loves her. I know they love eachother and i can respect the way they stick together but it doesn't seem healthy to force yourself to be with someone even though your brain is making this arbitrary concoction of chemicals every time you see this person making you think your happy.

I suppose it's just the nihilist in me and me not really understanding life and people yet

No idea who the girl is. Sorry user

Or you're just different. Your friend may love her now, maybe, but most men only fall into love because a woman finally says yes to them and now they are in a relationship and the goal is to make it work, not see if it works.

That seems way too easy and unhealthy though! You can't force happiness because you're with someone. That's not how humans work. Maybe they do and i'm just a moron but come on! I don't want to pretend i'm happy because it'll "make it work"

thank you for replying normally. cheers

No problem friend

This about sums it up

Attached: love-is-just-a-chemical-reaction-that-compel-s-animals-9546156.png (500x303, 99K)

Well fuck me time to change my mindset then. Fucking R&M ruining everything

Personally disagree. While most emotions can be explained as chemicals reacting I think there's some spiritual aspect to giving your flesh, mind and consciousness to somebody else.

Get to loving, faggot

Attached: GregariousEmptyGalapagosalbatross-max-1mb.gif (240x138, 350K)

Ehhh you might be overthinking happiness. You can be generally happy despite having a bad job. You can be generally happy despite having a bad girlfriend. It's pretty normal, really. Most people don't like work or school but other things make up for it, and in some cases, its less about happiness than necessity. We become addicted to the norm, and when dating someone is our norm we will go through hell attempting to maintain it.

Routine and patterns run our lives, you're completely right. And some might even make up for a certain failing part of their lives with another part.

I just can't comprehend the fact that people would accept that norm. It seems like voluntarily imprisonment of who we are as humans. We have the ability to do so many great things! Just the fact that we are able to talk about this across continents is a fucking miracle! Are we really so fickle and weak minded that we NEED love and are willing to do anything to fix it when we could be happier on our own?

No u

i think the same

There's probably tons of little things you do that others would consider similar behavior, such as just using Yea Forums. Romance in particular is a powerful thing, feelings over logic. I mean, even gay men get stuck in relationships with women for yeras and often marry them. That happens less now that we are more accepting of gays but a big part of coming out is thinking you are only bisexual first, because there is this montage that has been playing in our heads since we were kids because parents and tv and movies and really the world has been insisting that we are supposed to fall in love, get married, have some kids, and you come home to your nice house and talk to your wife. They can't comprehend letting go of that fantasy.

With men in particular, dating is about finding the first woman who is going to say yes. They basically say its a numbers game, that you have to ask out as many girls as possible until one agrees to go out with you. It's sad becuase you didn't find a match. The girl did, but not you. You just found the first reasonably attractive girl to say yes, and you are taught to be grateful (and in a sense, you should be, because girls dont say yes often) and you get a bunch of sparks that insist you are supposed to make things work, because hardship means its special according to every romance movie.

this type of thinking is so stupid. more edgy nihilistic teen bs pls. happiness is also not real by this logic. I only respond bs we've all met someone like this irl

I get it. There's been this stupid push by pseudo-intellectuals that 'love isn't real' just because of its 'chemicals'. Maddening. All that does is define or explain it, not invalidate it. I understand where the initial idea came from before it was Rick and Mortyized, though. It's not magic, it's just a part of life and not a permanent one.

I suppose you're right user. I just can't comprehend that. Normality is a preference to being alone i suppose

probs her