What game would you consider a 10/10 masterpiece?

What game would you consider a 10/10 masterpiece?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Jetset radio future.

Fucking in your mom in the ass, with my cock

Metal Gear Solid
Resident Evil 4
Metroid Prime
A Link To The Past

Pokemon HGSS


Donkey Kong country

Half Life 2 is a pretty solid pick.
Rome Total War is basically a perfect RTS
Mass Effect series

>pic related

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Even the best games have their flaws, I don't consider any game perfection.
Some close ones:
Secret of Mana
Chrono Trigger
Dark Cloud & Dark Cloud 2
FF6, 7 & 8 (in that order)


There are PC Gamer reviews/equivalents who were all butthurt that they couldn't solve the game. Beating those puzzles on my own was the rush of my wee little childhood.

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Ocarina of Time is hard to beat.

Server with no rules
Talk about whatever the fuck u want anons n post whatever u want without worry about a b&


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The Witness
Burnout Paradise
Dead Space
The Stanley Parable
Banjo Kazooie or Tooie
GW2 pre-expansion
Castlevania SotN
Super Mario World or 64
Jedi Academy

to name a few i didnt see when posting this.

Shadow of Colossus (original)
Witcher 3
God of War
Tony Hawk Pro skater 2

to name a few more

Fucking fantastic taste in games.

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I recently started earthbound but its really hard, how long does it take to really get into it?

Taking a break from the call center, Pajeet?

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As soon as you reach Fourside it becomes fucking kino

Ocarina of time, Majoras mask, FF7 and 8

> FF8
Yikes, only bad game on there

Chrono Trigger
Arkham City
Borderlands 2
Super Mario World
Vice City in spite of the niggers
Portal 1 and 2
Half life 1 and 2

Kinda vanilla, if I'm honest. I don't like the Zelda or FF games, so I can't comment on all them, but I know FF8 is god damn trash.

Halo CE

T. /Pol/

Damn user, I like your taste in games

Gta 4. Best online play gta 5

And the original.


probably new vegas or vampire the masquerade. breath of the wild is definitely up there, too.
great taste

Mother 3 bar none

Absolutely based

it's old, but Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis.

also Shadow of the Colossus.

a bit slow, but Obra Dinn was amazing.

Pasychonauts is platform trash

Mortal Kombat 2
Metal Slug
Diablo 2
Gran Turismo
Fallout: New Vegas
Final Fantasy Tactics

Half Life 1 , unpopular opinion: HL2 was good but more like 9/10, first game was 10/10 better

>Left 4 Dead
>The Legend of Dragoon
>Dino Crisis
>Resident Evil 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, and 2 remake
>MGS 1,2 + 3
>Roller Coaster Tycoon original
>Red Faction original
>Halo original
>Pokemon Red & Blue
>Doom original
>Unreal Tournament 1999
>Dead or Alive Extreme Beach Volleyball (first one, and not joking)
>Jet Set Radio Future
>Kingdom Hearts
>Dance Dance Revolution almost any mix, but particularly Extreme cab

i have no idea what that means

Ocarina of Time, Shadow of the Colossus, Chrono Cross, Panzer Dragoon Saga, Trails in the Sky

Bunjo Kauzuki

Every Command & Conquer game from Tiberian Dawn to Tiberium Wars. (Though I personally liked Red Alert 3, I don't consider it a masterpiece)
The original two Star Wars Battlefronts.
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault
Halo 2 & 3
Call of Duty: World at War
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

Need for Speed 2 for Gamecube

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Super Mario Galaxy
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Batman Arkham City
Portal 2

Waw does not get enough praise, especially for its campaign

Super Mario RPG

Even though it's completely busted, it's easily one of the greatest fighting games to ever exist. Also the soundtrack is God tier.

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Little Big Adventure
Little Big Adventure 2
Tyrian 2000
Duke Nukem 3D
Sky Roads

The Multiplayer was fun until hackers hacked the shit out of it

Jazz Jackrabbit 1&2

Metroid Prime
Super Metroid
LoZ Majoras Mask
Burnout Paradise
Resident Evil 2 Remake
Resident Evil 7
Spider-Man ps4
Pokemon Crystal and Platinum
CoD Black Ops 2

I'd fill this post with point and clickers because I've been into them since the late 90s when I got my first PC. They're usually comfy ass games, broken sword series in particular, but I'll settle for just including my favourite one:

Broken Sword 2

My other selections:

Command and Conquer Red Alert (&2)
Heroes of Might and Magic 3
Tomb Raider 2
Theme Hospital
Final Fantasy 9

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RPG: final fantasy: tactics
RTS: total annihilation + core contingency
FPS: counterstrike: condition zero
yes, condition zero. "why?" you ask.
Maps. Corruption. Truth. Vostok. Fastline. these are lost treasures in the CS world. The CZ versions of the standard maps are also superior.
And, of course, the shield. You don't like it. You think it spoils the game mechanics. You think its fucking gay. You rage quit because of it. You need to git gud scrub.

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Persona 5

Every firefight is each opportunity and every death is your fault.

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yep, best game ive played. outside was also great

Best fps ..... bf3 , bfbc2

Half-Life is better. Especially since it can run on any computer made since 1998. HL2 can't even run on a CPU without SSE2 anymore, thanks to valve being homos.

> Diablo 2
> StarCraft

Was waiting for these

Got an Unreal Tournament GOTY sealed copy sitting on my shelf.

Duke Nukem 3D had the first tits I saw I think. Lmao

Maybe the only current masterpiece.

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Diablo 2
Metal Gear Solid
Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 (with DLCS)
Fallout 76

Waiting for a sale. I'm a frugal gamer.

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Metal Gear Solid 4

For me, 4 is one of the weaker ones in the series. I love 3 the most, but I can sit there and torture guards for hours on Phantom Pain. 1 is usually the universally hailed one though.

I've put 3-4 hours into it, when does it start to pick up? I can see how the weapons system would be interesting, but seems like it's a big hassle.

Rance VI.
Sengoku Rance is also really good but I liked VI more

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I just shat my pants

Pic related

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Lisa the painful

>condition zero

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Beyond: Two Souls

CZ had some great custom map/fun servers before it died.

Would wipe memory just to play this masterpiece for 1st time

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Dude the first time I played rush on that and I found out the drop off was the part of the map I fucking came. Still play on 360 sometimes, there's a few hardcore no map servers left

SMT Strange Journey
SMT Devil Survivor
Glad there’s people with taste here
>Mother 2/3

I, too, enjoyed The Lust of Ass.

Mario 64.

>pic unrelated

i see you too are a man of culture

[spoiler]witcher 1

Fucking KEK

Dark Souls 3 is the only answer

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they ruined the franchise with 2. Ok, I still liked it but fucking hell naughty dog. Talk about a genre switch big time

Then. but not now

Halo 1. 18 years and multiplayer is still active today.

I enjoy 2 for what it is but I just wish it had more platforming. From what little there is it's really great.




>>Mass Effect Trilogy
>>Fallout 2 and New Vegas
>>Elder Scrolls
>>Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines

All these games have some flaw that keeps them from being perfect but they are leagues above everything else

My nigga. Seconded.

>god of war
>the last of us
>LoZ: Ocarina of time
>Red dead redemption 1 & 2
>Gta sa & 5
>bio shock trilogy

Halo combat evolved Goty 10/10

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Duck hunt

This game that no one seems to know about. I spent hours upon hours of my time just cruising around and doing side stuff. Hands down my favorite of all time.

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The Last of Us and Resident Evil 4

Galaxy was the first game I actually decided to take the time and 100%. Mario might sometimes get shit for being a kids game, but Nintendo knows how to sell a complete game that looks and feels great.

EASY, that would be TESII Daggerfall. no matter how often you play it, you'll allways find something new and get suprised

Vanilla WoW

Never heard of it but after looking it up this sounds pretty neat

Im playing on pc right now

As far as RTS goes, I will usually say any Age of Empires, although that might be largely due to nostalgia

I was gonna say Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines as well. Fuckin love that game, so excited for the sequel.

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Tony Hawk's Pro Skater games are so great, I love em! (with the exception of a more recent blunder of course)

That game was fun for the first hour or so, but it just got too boring for me to really complete.

clive barkers jericho by clive barker
not a good game but it had a good idea for a game

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Are you guys fucking insane? HL2 was crap... except maybe the grav gun.
>we dont go to Ravenholm
>because it sucks

Timesplitters 2 and Timesplitters 3: Future Perfect anyone?



There's only one I consider 10/10.

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Fuck you, the first half life was way better.

No love for Halo Reach? That and Halo 3 were the only games that managed the take me away from even Christmas. I still remember my crazy friend from XBL (who was on an insane amount of drugs) who stayed up all night with me on Christmas Eve because he was going to camp out on the roof of his house and shoot Santa Claus out of the sky with his 12 gauge. Retarded ass story, but stories like that hit the feels region pretty hard for me.

awful bait, take a lap.

It's a shame all you fucking kids don't know what Tribes is.

Too bad so many thought they could redo it thinking they know how to do it better. Dumbing it down was never an option.

I unironically think fortnite is 10/10 and I don't give a fuck.

If I had to pick out some 10/10 games, they'd be (mainly FPSes, that was my main genre):

Ultima 7 (High point of Ultima RPG series)
Ultima Underworld 1 (first use of credible room-over-room, 3d RPG).
Dark Forces 1 (first Star Wars FPS)
Quake 1 (first true polygon FPS)
Half-Life 1 (FPS w/ story told mainly through scripted events, engaging environment)
Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight 1 (first Star Wars FPS to truly give you Jedi powers)
TRON 2.0 (pitch perfect game representation of movie IP)
Morrowind (Hasn't aged well but, at the time, absolutely stunning open world RPG)
Doom 3 (The graphics were just stunning for their time, playing with monitors within the game felt awesome and the level of interactivity was incredible).
Portal 1 (I can't believe I can walk through walls)

Anyway, those were the games where I just couldn't believe that I was allowed to live in a world where I could play those games. Admittedly, I've kind of gotten out of bleeding-edge gaming since so the list obviously kind of dies out after a time.

only shame about this game, was that there was only 1 dlc, but considering that dlc was pretty huge and amazing dat shit still gud, just wish it had more so i could enjoy it a bit longer

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Shit idk, I played that shit like 10 years ago, maybe more, mostly nostalgia I guess

The amount of money I would pay, to go back and play this game when it was in its prime.

This 10/10

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Super Metroid
Chrono Trigger
Super Mario Odyssey

Dark Souls 3
Witcher 3
The Last of US
Uncharted 4

We love Katamari is the only true answer. It has no flaws


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just some off top of my head
Dungeon keeper 1&2
Deus Ex
Vamp Bloodlines
Knights of the old republic
lufia 2 rise of sinistrals
the sexy brutale
banjo kazooie
pretty much all zeldas
doom (original and 2017)
masters of orion 2
witcher 3
also love the old moraffs games but not even close to 6/10

No joke there, most people who liked that manipulative piece of shit are soyboys and pedophiles.

Behold, plebs

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Seconding The Witness

You must be excited about bloodstained

almost forgot
Divinity original sin 2
Eternal Darkness
also not the whole game but thief deadly shadows shalebridge cradle was awesome

Apex Legends

Now I am lol

Or fathers, yanno, the intended manipulation targets

Gran Turismo 4


Deus Ex

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All of them.

Are you kidding me ? Stalker deserves in the best moment 7/10 and 4/10 in the worst. Only perfect thing about Stalker was Eastern European climate. Besides that game was very far from 10/10

Yeah no, game's more popular among virgins


i was about to name jojoban but did it before me a pretty nice if playing you're the actual arcade version the fightcade version is just hard to make any combos with

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they're clearly not in a father daughter relationship, they're basically adam and eve and if you didnt pick up on that you're a huge dissociative retard

>Imagine being this much a of a sicko

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how does nobody mention this gem?

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boomer here

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Doom I / II

Fallout I / II
Diablo I / II

- Honorable Mention -
Impossible Mission
Maniac Mansion
Major Motion
Fallout 3
Gran Tourismo 2
SystemShock / BioShock

It's utterly irredeemable trash, and I've been playing since the beta. I could write a 100 page thesis about how fucking terrible this game is. Here are the bullet points
>routine game breaking glitches after four years of updates
>ranks are rarely tied to skill
>ping abuse is still in the game after four years
>no map selection after promising it for four years
>90% of operators are game-breakingly OP on release, then nerfed later once everyone's already bought them. Off the top of my head, this applies to Frost, Blackbeard, Mira, Ela, Lion, and it keeps going.
>most new maps are boring trash which we're forced to play since there's no map selection
>community is nothing but toxic squeakers who aren’t' good enough to play CS;GO, but still want to be annoying tryhards like they're playing a real competitive game
>the developers spend far too much time trying to appease competitive players, when competitive players are essentially just a bunch of golds with ADHD aim and fnatic boosts
>most new maps are cluttered like all hell, making target acquisition much harder for no real reason. House is much more fun to play than any of the new maps for the simple reason that enemies stand out from their background, and are therefore easier to hit. CS:GO, the inventor of competitive FPS gameplay, routinely has updates that do nothing but change the colours of walls to make players stand out from their background more. Ubisoft has never done this in the history of siege, because they don't know how to make a competitive first-person shooter. Oh, and to make it even worse, there are skins that objectively make you blend in to your environment more, like the one for glaz that turns him from forest green to tar black. That not only makes him harder to identify as glaz, but it also makes him blend in more, slowing your reaction time, and making headshots less likely.

Rainbow Six: Siege is a steaming shit

Red Dead Redemption
Dead Space 2


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OP's pic related

>online play gta 5
>flying bikes
>freemode deathmath 24/7
>insane money grind
>cashgrab bullshit
so fun

'cause Mafia II was better

Whiteboi Getting His Ass Beat 2

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-Age of Empires and 2
-Crusader Kings 2
-Mount and Blade Warband

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bad company 2 was mad

ypu play this lame ass shill shit with some ugly bitch on the cover?

fuck you OP shill

only had the demo version but it was still fun and i still remember it


Made you fap

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forza motorsport 3
Halo reach
Modern warfare 2
World at war
New doom
Bad company 2

Quake 3

Mother 3
Ocarina of Time
Arkham City (would have been Arkham Knight if not for the mandatory Riddler shit)
Doom (2016)
Borderlands 2
Super Mario World
Megaman X
Sonic Mania

semi-tacticalfpsboo here

rainbow six vegas 2
swat 4
arma: cold war assault


i have my own reasons. but its far from a perfect game. just nothing else as close to it.

Gta 3-5
Tony Hawk pro skate
Downhill Domination
Battlefield 1-4
Call of duty 2-BO3

Tony Hawks underground 2
Gta San Andreas
Red dead 2
Gta 4
Seeing how many times I can her off I to the same plastic Walmart bag
The original Star wars battlefront games

Cod mw2
Skate 2 and 3

Yeah fucking awesome idea shame the game was a bit lacklustre still never finished it! was the first game i got for my PS3

Propably this. The world was so fucking amazing back then with depth and so much possibilities. Elder scrolls today is also really good but its not the same. Morrowind hat something more but maybe thats just my nostalgia speaking lol

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Jerk off into*
Also battle field bad company 2

Also Black & White 1 was a damn good game. The 2nd game was kinda shit compared to the first

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Witcher 3?

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Glad another user pointed out the obvious. I have over 600 hrs since 2017 and can safely say the game is trash. One GOOD thing about the game is the anticheat engine

The Elder Scroll V: Skyrimâ„¢

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The original discs.....

*drools respectfully*

I have the whole Myst 1 in one disc, I'm guessing that came out later

Donkey Kong Country 2 > DKC

World at War!!! Yes!!

hollow knight

Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?


I played 2 before playing the original.. which interestingly made me dislike Jak 1 for it's lack of weapons and slow traveling.. and minimal story.. I loved Jak 2 but the whole series is fantastic

This. And DKC3 was just kinda... okay.

Yup. In fact I only have the Scummvm version of it now.

And DK64 has been underrated

Fable: TLC, Mass Effect 2, Skyrim, Breath of the Wild, Half-Life 2, Portal 2, TF2.

Anything that hasn't released in the past 3 years I'd say. (Basically since Dank Souls 3)
>All RPGs are dead
>Only FPS that's even decent is L4D2
>Tired of garbage "LOOK 100 PEOPLE IN BIG MAP" trend when every Battlefield game before 3 did this 100x better.

You're probably not on this thread anymore user, but my niggaaaaaaaa. Used to play it for hours every single day. Don't play it as often but I still try to get a few matches in every week or so. What's your player name?

I was about to post this, glad I'm not the only one.

Super Metroid
World of Warcraft (2008-era peak)
Fallout: New Vegas
Metal Gear Solid
Crono Trigger
Deus Ex

I'd say those could easily go on my video game Mt Rushmore.

Kek check my post right above yours
Not only did it have the best multiplayer IMO, but no one can deny it had the best campaign. I've probably finished it hundreds of times, and out thousands of hours in the multiplayer

Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?


Quake III Arena

>Heavy Rain

>Bioshock 1 & Infinite were good (even though the later had some boring parts)

>Unchartered 2

>Battlefield 3 (multiplayer only, the single left alot to be desired)

>Most Metal Slugs

>Little Big Adventure

And many others but these are the ones i remember

the last of us
good story and a loli what else can a man ask for

Never had a chance to play the first Dark Cloud, but Dark Cloud 2 was one of the first games I remember having trouble putting down. I would have dreams about that fucking game.

Unreal Tournament GOTYE

Woah did you just use the F76 word?

Phantasy Star Online

Todd Howard in the thread, confirmed.

Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?



>hl2 was crap
woah buddy, fuck you

>Biocuck 1
>Max Payne 2
>Metro 2033
>MW2(soundtrack+multiplayer on release day was dope as fuck, good times)
>GTA IV(pc port was shit for those with garbage pc)
>BF3(multiplayer so massive and good that it is played even today)
>MW1(singleplayer missions, if only multiplayer was as good as in MW2)

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no fuck you
you double nigger

true dat. overhyped shit, only fun part was grav gun

Dying Light

no one posted the ART of videogames
disappointed in you faggots

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Age of Empires 2.
Company of Heroes 2
TF2 back in its heyday (Basically dead now)
Stellaris is awesome, if they could fix the fucking late game lag

I can't get into modern games anymore. Too many paywalls. You play with your wallet for most.


Portal 1,2 and rust

Yeah this game is outstanding, until they added the P2W overpowered commandos. That's when I stopped playing.

The winner is you

Garry's Mod, Old School Runescape, and Natural Selection 2.

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The spin-off game was much better.
Cucklords: Californian Man Bun Edition

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Mafia 2. Loved the story, it was something different. It had pretty good graphics for that era. Also the humour in the game was brilliant.

all yall have some fiine game taste!
New Vegas is mine pick, still playing that shit and it never gets old for me.

New vegas

Call of Chernobyl
Killing Floor 2

oh yeah and ODST

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surprisingly good taste for Yea Forums

Kerbal Space Program.

Its the only thing I play

Because it barely sold on consoles.

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Playdead's 2016 masterpiece, "Inside."

Some people won't get anything out of it, and that's not their fault or Playdead's fault. You'll know in the first 3 minutes if it's for you or not. If it is, hold the fuck on, because what a ride.


Mass effect


Classic multi and campaign

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Red dead redemption

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100% with you. Didn't even play it until it came to gog a couple of years ago so zero nostalgia here. It was still fucking great and made me sad that barely any games like it were made afterwards.
Never understand the complaints about puzzle difficulty either, it's absolutely fine without a guide. Just look around and be patient, things will dawn on you sooner or later

Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly

Crash Bash

this game netcode is hot garbage, who hasn't died to shit that wasn't on your screen on this game? peekers advantage SUCKS and so does this game

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Battlefield Bad Company 2
It was primitive in some aspects for it's time and focus towards consoles but I haven't found anything in life to be as fun as the hours I poured into the game

Remove suppression and introduce some of elements from bf4 (charge defibs, canted sights etc), until then it's a 9/10

Sid Meyer's Alpha Centauri

Ocarina of Time

hl3/ another hl game from valve.

Bleep bleep bleep, Nuclear Launch Detected.

>Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
cod4. my man

Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask
Half Life 2 + episodes
Mario 64
Paper Mario
Ocarina of time
Portal 1+2

and right now Risk of Rain 2 game is legit

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FFX First game to really ensnare me with the audio tracks, storyline and game play. Main story was captivating and enough side shit to do to keep replay value high. Still hum the temple tune.

>Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask
Fuck off

and why is that my friend, is there something wrong with the game of my choice?

Could you possibly be a retard and you just shit your brain?

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