What will you do when she becomes president, gets rid of immigration control, makes America socialist and bans guns?

What will you do when she becomes president, gets rid of immigration control, makes America socialist and bans guns?

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pee into a cat's eyehole

I'm gonna get high and jack off!! Wahahahahahahahahaha holy cow my fucking MIND is just FUCKED right now! I'm completely out of my god damn fucking MIND MIND MIND MIND!!

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Even if she becomes president (which won't happen), it's pretty obvious she won't have the power to change anything. Just like Trump, every attempt to make a change will be blocked somewhere. The president can't do shit. The different lobbies have all the power.

Go to work, come home, play video games, have sex every couple of days, repeat.


Not even trying... talk about low quality bait

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Losers don't become President, sorry OP.

Throw some water to wake you up from your dream. She’s never debated anyone in public, and the day she does she’ll crumble.

Get popcorn this will be more fun than Trump

Celebrate the power of /pol/ operation Cortez continues .

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Enjoy being an American in a time when it's doing precisely what it was always meant to do and being precisely what it was always meant be.

Take my masters in mathematics and 5+ years experience in AI research and fuck off to somewhere else, which is what all my coworkers and uni friends will be doing.

What will you do when she loses reelection?

One of the literally dumbest in Congress currently. Potato level shit coming from her mouth. Do you hear what she says?

Good luck stopping progress, fascist.

The dems are going to eliminate her congressional distract in 2020 ,so if she gets reelected it will only be for 2 more years.

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conservatives and /pol/ nazis are so deluded. all they can do is lie, make logical fallacies and memes

the right can't argue, which is why they rely on terrorism and rhetoric to subvert debate

We don’t need luck.

dose it bother you that her popularity is tied directly to a /pol/ op and there are hundreds of twitter bots consistently retweeting everything she says to every journalist in the world. NPC journo oh she popular i put on news.

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if that were true, the crusades would have succeeded in retaking the holy land :^)

progress is coming, and all your acts of terror only push normal people into the arms of BERNIE

Trying so hard here. Echo chamber has impaired you, buddy. So sad. Everyone is laughing.

I love you .

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but lets ignore NPCs that do the same for Donald Trump.

bernie is going to beat trump, the only reason trump won is because of hillary and there's no hillary anymore

OK fair enough but the evil Nazis made her so popular to divide the dems . This seems to be working fantastically ,and that is ok with you.

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I don’t know what the crusades have to do with it, but the future is indeed coming. Sadly, only one side is going to get to see it.

go to bed Ivan.

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>Losers don't become President, sorry OP.

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fascism is destined to defeat itself because it is inherently nihilist. it worships only individualism and power, and everybody is backstabbing each other to become il duce

Trying to get into her pants. She is so damn hot. Like that crazy, unhinged, bipoar kinda hot

I think she is going to have a real chance in 8 to 12 years

the dems were already divided retard, but hillary united them and lost, now they are lost and 2018 gave us a whole bunch of new progressives under the mantle of BERNIE

we're coming for the bad democrats and then we're coming for your toothbrush bitch

>ridding of immigration control
good one
you faggot wish you could build a wall like us

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Actual autism.

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Praise God that I am finally living in that Socialist paradise that we have envisioned for all this time.

That, and wait in line for some moldy bread with my fellow comrades.

Ah, I see. You have no idea what you’re talking about. Bait confirmed

Only retards think she can actually ban guns and turn the US to a 100% socialist country.

She'll be fat and ugly by then so no one will notice her anymore.

open borders, closed gulags 2020

this post proves my point I laid out in this post:
(note that I'm not replying to you, I'm just using your post as evidence, please do not reply)

>but hillary united them

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PFFT no she didn't. She only separated the loser collage kids from democrats that actually care about trust in a president.

Yes sir indeed I am.

you want my toothbrush , is that a new fetish or something.

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more like forced them to work for her, im very thankful that bernie was there to show how fucked up the democrats are by running against the heir apparent abuela

no toothbrushes allowed in gulag kulak

Please do not reply Please do not reply Please do not reply Please do not reply Please do not reply
you are not in charge of anything you are just a useless faggot you have no power and you never will, all your dreamsms will fail and you will die alone and un loved.

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She won’t last 2 terms. Already under campaign finance charges. Which, since she has Democrat privilege means that nothing will happen.

George W. Bush and Trump prove you wrong. DEAD wrong.

once again, this user proves my point

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wait did you make an assertion, back it up with evidence and then completely subvert your own position all in the same post?

good lord alt right people are the dumbest motherfuckers around

go back to fapping to child porn and playing hearts of iron fatty

It's hilarious watching the far left and right insult each other for having bad arguments.

you might feel superior with that fencepost up your asshole but i guarantee you if you don't join us on the left, centrists are going to wind up in the camps with the rest of us

Ah yes the old 'if you don't agree with extreme ideologies you don't count!' argument. Nice logic there chappy. Must be an interesting black and white world you live in. Have you considered suicide?

i don't think you're a centrist anymore, you sound like a fascist masquerading

Also the left wants to push marxism, zero border control, WAY higher taxes, and wants to destroy free speech. Their ideas are as fucked as the far right, but it's scarier because so many of the young think they know how the country should be ran despite having next to no life experience.

yawn, go back to /pol/ nazi

i used to be a social democrat, then the republicans started calling even conservative democrats communists

now there's no reason for me not to be a real communist

Bring it on.

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you really want to be murdered by the secret service? lol

by all means, go ahead

You sound like a fascist with your totalitarian views. It's a good thing people like you can't gain power because there are too many reasonable people like me.

If it comes to civil war, and I think it will, the left is going to be slaughtered.

Never been on pol, commie faggot.

scopes like that are not ideal for close/mid range fighting

That sounds a lot better than Trumpland

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What has he actually done? He hasn't really been able to do much. Most of what's in the news is sensationalist shit. He sounds like a moron, sure, but he hasn't really done anything more destructive than Obama. Obama deported tons of illegals - why the FUCK didn't liberals say SHIT when he did it? Does the left realize what it looks like when they act like this?


>hy the FUCK didn't liberals say SHIT when he did it?
because most liberals don't want illegals in the US either. we just don't need some worthless waste of money wall.

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Beautiful weapon we will come for you first while you sleep.

lol I'm not really following this debate, but I got a policy grad degree from a top university (not bragging, I was a mediocre, disorganized student), and I've noticed that as I've been deciding what I think issue by issue, I'm coming up with a more and more incoherent mess of positions. I have progressive, conservative, socialist, anarchist, libertarian, fascist, liberal, and green ideas, depending on the issue.

Like, make the firms semi-democratically run and controlled by the workers (anarchist). But the flow of goods is very important, and there needs to be competition to have the best products and services (libertarian). Led kids choose charter schools so the shit schools and teachers fail (libertarian). But have safeguards so by the time the kids graduate, they all have access to quality education; also, universal healthcare (socialist). But don't support the worthless junkies (conservative). Nuclear families (conservative). Execute child molesters (fascist). Choose which immigrants to let in based on their culture and values (fascist, but not actually race-based - Some African countries like Ethiopia have great cultures. Some Asian countries like Laos have fairly shit cultures). I'm pro-gay rights, but I think it's obvious gender dysphoria is a severe mental illness.

I don't even know how to talk to people about this. Depending on the issue they'll either think I'm an extreme fascist, a hippie anarchist, or tons of weird things in between.

That shit would never happen, and that bitch will be shot before it even became an issue

Write a letter to her and to congress thanking them all for their service and for finally coming to their senses.

Site if full of Russian trolls and Americans too stupid to know they are eating up the troll shit. Love watching them destroying themselves.

>What will you do when she becomes president, gets rid of immigration control, makes America socialist and bans guns?

Weren't you morons asking the same question when Obama was elected...twice? Give it up Chicken Little, the fucking sky isn't falling.

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>Russian trolls
Stop watching MSNBC and CNN. Your conspiracy theory is just that: a conspiracy theory.

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It's been confirmed for a long time. Russia has been trying to foment dissent for decades, and we do the same. It's a job, they have call center-type places for this. China does similar things but it's more for gathering information.

I know this is way too long for Yea Forums, but I was hoping for feedback

you sound jelly

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Fuck it
Im not even gonna put a typical bait picture
Fishy dun left

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The FLUNKED out and then her parents paid for a honorary degree.

She was a envelope stuffer and was fired

Diversity win from bitching parents.

Less than 105 voter turnout.

Before congress she can't even do basic math and cannot understand the difference between tax revenue and tax exemption.

Keep eating tide pods you soiboi retard.

>The FLUNKED out and then her parents paid for a honorary degree.
You literally just made that up, ironic that you're calling him a retard

>make the firms semi-democratically run and controlled by the workers (anarchist)

just taking the first one on your list. this is how things currently work:

owners are free to run their firms as they see fit, as long as they operate within the law. workers are compensated for their labor in timely fashion, and are free to choose to continue or discontinue working for the firm at any time. workers receive their compensation regardless as to the financial performance of the company (if the company does poorly, the owner might lose money but the workers still get paid).

if the firm is publicly traded, a worker may choose to invest their earnings into purchasing ownership shares of the firm and become a part-owner. in this way, a worker may become entitled to the rewards of ownership in the form of dividends and appreciation of the value of the firm's stock. but remember, unlike workers, owners bear the risk of loss. so if the company's financial performance is low, the stock may pay a reduced dividend or none at all, and the value of the stock may decline or become worthless.

owners who bear the risk/reward of investing in the firm, are the ones who have the burden of running the firm (or electing directors/management to run the firm on behalf of the owners).


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The reason democratic worker's ownership is preferable is because it would ideally reduce the disparity in income between those at the top, and those at the bottom, while giving the people actually doing the work and providing the service more creative control, which would lead to more quality products and services. It's how co-ops work. But again, I have my master's in policy, and I've worked a number of labor, retail, and development jobs, so I really don't need to go through basic systems with you.

you 4channers certainly have active imaginations.

Your generation will either be whipped out by the coming civil war or be to afraid of the communist government you voted in. The wall will then serve to keep you in.

The dems would NEVER let her win enough primaries to win the nomination. Look what they did to Bernie with Hilldawg

if you're describing co-ops then we're comparing apples and oranges. if there exists an investor or investors who wish to establish a co-op style firm that relinquishes some degree of operational authority to its workers, they are certainly free to do that. but traditionally, owners who bear the risk/reward of investment, are also free to run their business as they see fit. if yielding operational control resulted in clear productivity/creativity benefits, then I would imagine that more companies would already be doing this. since this is a rare business structure, it's probably safe to conclude that the gains are not as clear as some might suggest.


cum in my own mouth forever

fucking kek spam this shit

people have the right to self defense, if private industry threatens their lives directly or indirectly through enviromental collapse the people have not only the moral the right but a personal responsibility to destroy private industry

I know how things are. I'm talking about how things could be. I was literally describing the syndicalist system. The idea that owners take the risks instead of the workers is far outweighed by the good that would come from workers both getting fairer compensation, and having some degree of creative control and input over their work.

Again, I don't need you to go through the basics of how a company functions. Jesus Christ, look up syndicalism

Impregnate her in the lincoln room of the white house. (Om a proud American)

like individuals, firms must operate within the law. if laws are being broken, environmental or otherwise, both individuals and firms are free to appropriately seek a resolution in court. if laws are insufficient to govern any wrongs, then take it up with your elected representatives.

people have an obligation to disobey unjust laws

laws are meant to facilitate justice and if they instead propagate injustice, then those laws are invalid

The crusades weren't about retaking the holy land. They were about conversion and annihilation through force and by the will of their "god". Which just so happened to be the same thing the muslims were doing. And when the two paths crossed it created the Holy Wars.


...and now she's in Congress and you're in your mom's basement making up shit posts

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lol /pol/ nazis proving me right again

Wake up and be happy it was just a nightmare.


yes, i'm familiar with it but I'm trying to illustrate how there already exists fairness and democracy within the current capitalist system. you seem to be intimately familiar with the subject, and have been educated in how it works, but are either selectively dismissive or misinformed about how the current system democratizes operational authority among owners.

workers enjoy the full freedom to select their employer and sell their labor to the highest bidder, and are further entitled to discontinue and switch employers at any time. they are entitled (and legally required) to be compensated in a timely fashion for their labor. unless workers have invested into ownership shares of the company, then they are not entitled to making operational decisions about how the company should be run.

those who risk an investment, are empowered to see that it is implemented properly, and are entitled to the fruits of the investment in the form of profits and bear the risk of losing their investment for poor implementation.

those who risk nothing more than their labor, are entitled to be compensated for their labor. workers don't make operational decisions because they don't risk anything for the consequences of those decisions. if there are poor operational decisions, unlike owners, workers are still legally entitled to be paid.

Cum, and then immediately start farting.

English is...not your strong suit (of course you don't understand! - It's idiomatic - that contraction isn't possessive).

Dumb fuck. No thinking person will ever be influenced by you. You really are a joke.

Before you make assumptions about the "masses", look at how the US rural areas are killing themselves.

Ghosts don't vote.

Proving you right how?

In the sense that you have very little to 0% knowledge of history. Or that your just some dillhole who thinks that because you watched 10 second of the history channel makes you an expert of some kind?

Open a book, study, and do some research before you open your mouth again. Or should I say type a response. Because it is obvious that you are lacking somewhere in mental capacity.

There are better systems than the current one, as virtually everyone can see. That's why both progressive and conservative/libertarian think tanks are pushing very hard to figure out how to get past the current stage we're at, where wealth is accumulating at an insane rate at the top, and economic disparity is becoming unsustainable. What you're doing, ranting about the basic ways companies function, isn't actually contributing anything to the discussion. Really, it just comes across as bizarre and autistic. I was honestly starting to wonder if you were trolling me.

Good. Bernie is so easy to cuck that it will make it certain we have all the guns we want, kick all niggers and kikes to the curb, and hang all leftists from lamp posts.

The only reason anyone even looks at Occasional Cortex twice is she has two tits.

Start killing people. Because it will probably be legal.

Jesus dude. She almost went to fucking prison already. She's never gonna make it to the end of her term before being too stupid to hide her corruption.

how much money did you donate to him this time user
I'm only asking so I can laugh at you

This. It's hard to get more collectivist than Fascism.

actually it was your moms money, she's a real masochist and pays bernie so i'll beat her with a rod

You'll have to knock it down to escape the coming techocracy.

Not that guy, but he makes a good point. Why would you give a fuck about making a piss-poor decision if you don't bear any of the consequences of said piss-poor decision? 99% of workers are paid to provide a service to the business with no risk in regards to the success or failure of the business on a policy level. I mean, maybe you could make the argument that workers are due a severance if the business fails on a policy level. If you work hard and honestly for 10 years, and then the company fails because of retarded policies and bad hiring practices and you're out on your ass while the executives run away with all the money, I can imagine being frankly murderous.

She bitches about the 1% but its the 3% she’d have to worry about

sweet piece... where is the full auto selector?

Like any ideologues are gonna stop the camps. you're all fucked. Your only hope is HRT and surgery so you an become a fleshlight for kike perverts, or becoming an actual man.

I wouldn't count on the latter.

Nope, since reason, facts, and love of your family don't matter to you, you are actually already a communist!

>waste of money
>attempts at entry now require more money, time, and effort put in at the place they most likely to be spotted
the fact that there are people in this country who honestly can't/don't take the time to think more than ten seconds about simple shit yet still tell people how to vote is the root cause of all our problems
thinking that executing child molesters is a fascist standpoint is retarded. fuck RBG and all her friends that said we can't

Fear of socialism is stupid: We already live in a socialist country. We have Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, ACA, welfare, earned income credit, graduated income tax, public health, Center For Disease Control, interstate highways, free police and fire departments, etc. The list is endless, and we all like those things. AOC's "socialism" is just a tiny bit different from what we already have.

It probably seems bizarre/autistic because you already know this stuff but fail to grasp it's significance and hearing it repeated by those around you comes off as ranting... You're conflating many issues together, wealth accumulation has more to do with economics and money policy rather than the operational structure of firms. If you want to discuss that just be more clear up front. I just took your first point about making firms semi-democratically run and addressed that to begin with.

That's the whole point of political parties: to force people to accept unacceptable positions so (((they ))) can get them to vote like lemmings for them. It's why electoral politics are a trap.

Decentralization is freedom. Gain for yourself the means of production that make sense in your circumstance, and let the collectivists rage as they continue to lose power.

if AOC gets voted in as president, itll be definitely time to leave, cuz americans would be majority retards at that point and share nothing in common with me.

You think THAT give you socialism?

an-cap is only way huh

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start stabbing people instead of shooting them

Underrated post

But let me guess, the lying, corrupt, retard, bad orange man is good huh

just what a Russian troll would say
>kidding/not kidding for real tho

Unfortunately, I have the power basic literacy, and was able to discern quite easily that those first two points are literally meaningless. studying economics doesn't make you an economist. I read a book on neurology but I'm certainly not qualified to get hands on with your brain.
>worked on immigration issues
I couldn't possibly come up with a more meaningless way to say that, it's literally nothing.

not the og dude but you guys call everything communism and now people are like "I like communism"
pretty funny, also u dum


Imagine believing Russians don't influence Americans over the internet.

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What country would take you though? lol

Eat ass and waste gas

I'm moving to the moon and starting a new civilization there. I'm done with this fucking planet.

lol... i didnt vote for orange man bad, knock it off with the political duality already, its old and stale.

>economics and money policy rather than the operational structure of firms
Wrong. One of the most basic, key ways to create a fairer system is to adopt a more democratized, collective control system for the firms. The easiest way to transition to that kind of system is through tax incentives. You keep inferring that we're in the best system, and literally no one on the left or right thinks that. I find it extremely hard to believe you're some top economist who just has such a profound understanding of these things.

Imagine believing the internet, mass media, and social networks are free of influence.

why do you care tho?
if you like AOC, then i should be able to go to any country i want, amirite?


imagine believing americans not influencing any country of your choice for oil, useless dollars or "freedom"

>Knock it off with the political duality
>if AOC gets voted in as president it'll definitely be time to leave

Are you even able to use your brain?

why is the safety on

I don't think any country will want you though
It's not about what you want

You Trumptards need to take some fucking Prozac and chill.

yes... lol.. are you tho?
theres more than 2 sides, quit being closeminded.
not everyone shills republican or democrat.
hurr durr, mindjob yet?

Same thing I do now... smoke some tweeds and get drunk.

I don't like any of those things. I don't like you either. Get off my Yea Forums

probably fap to that dance video

You literally said you will leave if shes elected. If that isn't the most extreme form of political duality to you theres a problem.

I'd buy a sawmill in the Yukon.

blow up the white house and start a civil war for slavery

You spelled 'kikes' wrong.

LOL the kikes just have to hit up daddy trump and they get whatever they want retard.

we will not have to worry about illegals from the south since they are fleeing socialism they will not want to come here the ones we have to worry about would be Muslims and sharia law

murrica is kike kingdom
i don't think kikes would go for other kikes

i "literally" did, yes.
thats because socialism's track record is shit.
it has nothing to do with party loyalty.
think outside of the box every once in a while.

A lot better off.

and the goal post has been moved. good talk user

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no, i just shat all over your preconceptions of who i was coming into it.
nothing else changed.
deal with it.

I never said we are have the best system, I was just describing how the current one works. I'm not a top economist, I got my degree from a public university but with honors (also not bragging). I have to leave now but I would suggest making an effort to disconnect from the groupthink and what the right or left thinks. What is important are the actual policies, their cause and effect and how those effects ripple though the system. If you're interested in wealth disparity maybe study up on money policy, and the federal reserve to become informed. Ripping apart firm ownership would have disastrous consequences and is no panacea to achieve the results you describe. There are literally zero instances where this has succeeded on about type of scale. Private ownership is the bedrock on which the United States was founded, and what had made this country the wealthiest and the envy if the rest of the world.

>groupthink and what the right or left thinks.
you mean the right

the left has the right ideas that are in touch with our times

You really can't read can you? You told me to "knock it off with the political duality" while claiming to do something extremely divisive.

>DeAl wTIh iT

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You're projecting. Co-ops have worked many times. You've just been describing how companies work on the most basic level, and it's really silly. You didn't refute or point out any weaknesses in syndicalism. That's not to say there aren't any, but you didn't bother to engage them. You just really boringly ranted about how our current system already works, which was both stupid and boring. If you'd actually talked about why a syndicalist system doesn't work, it might've been worth reading, but you didn't do that.

oh i can read, you just are stuck in your dem/pub compartmentalization.

not my problem, thats yours.

theres a much bigger picture, but i cant get through your thick skull.

also, how is leaving the country "extremely devisive?"

Yeah why would I try to fight when I feel my beliefs are threatened when I could just leave the country?

Then again why am I surprised someone who makes an effort to give up in life is on Yea Forums. You can go to bed now user. Its getting late and mom wouldn't be happy


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None of that shit is free you brainlet

>muh co-ops
no one is stopping you from that shit