Anti gunners are a funny bunch

anti gunners are a funny bunch

>we need more gun control laws
criminals dont follow the laws already

>we need to disarm the populace
>criminals will never be disarmed, and whats more, the drug cartels will just start shipping more guns in with their daily drug deliveries

>guns are scary
know whats scarier? cops dont have an obligation to protect you

>who could ever need a gun?
the woman who is facing down the 280 pound man who just broke into her home looking to rape her.

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truly couldnt agree more. It gets so ridiculous especially when you actually look at statistics showing America is ranked #12 in frequency in shootings and #11 in deaths.

It's so tiresome watching the Second Amendment faggets sucking their own dicks. Yeah we get it. Enjoy your school shootings fucking retards

stay in your country then pussy, we dont want you here. and if youre actually from america, why do you want to see woman become even more victimised by men

i mean, instead of trying and failing miserably at trolling, wby not try and rebutt my points i made?

unless you deep down know that you cant you pussy faced pansy

>government is corrupt and can never be held accountable LMAO sheeple
>against the government that gives you right to have guns
>nothing is true everything is permitted XD

>women more victimized by men
What's that have to do with worrying if my kid is going to die at school

>cops dont have an obligation to protect you

Then I don't have an obligation to pay taxes.

>criminals dont follow the laws already
This means we don't need to have any laws

>criminals will never be disarmed
This means we need more weapons and easier access

>cops dont have an obligation to protect you
We need more criminals

>the woman who is facing down the 280 pound man who just broke into her home looking to rape her
Oh hey and actual critical look at something, even tho the chances of it happening is pretty unique and there are other means to secure a house beyond having roaming patrols of armed occupants.

>okay with cutting taxes to the rich but no for giving them guns

the right to own a gum is not based on what the government says you ignorant hillbilly.

>if rights come from man they can be taken by man

Thinks making guns illegsl it will stop shootings. Does not realize shooting people is illegal and school shootings have been committed with illegal guns.

the SCOTUS ruled that cops dont have an obligation to protect the individual

please refer to
>Warren v. District of Columbia

that cade is proof positive why we need to be able to arm ourselves for our own protection

This is the absolute state of the right. Just spew shit out your mouth and watch kids die thinking it's going to continue no matter what and nothing can be done about it. It's fucking retarded and you are retarded

do criminals follw the law?

will criminals willingly disarm themselves just because society says they should?

see warren vs district of columbia

so your ok with the few tens of thousands of women to be raped just so you dont have to worry about a crminal shooting you?

oh yeah, criminals will still have guns but law abiding citizens wont

go fucking kys before you have kids

Ya, it is. There is many examples of where people have had the guns removed from the country. Japan, UK, Australia.

Medical care, food, water, clean air, these are things that universally you need to live. Not a single time in my life have I or do I ever expect I will need or lack in the need of a firearm.

I don't live a country that imported savage niggers by the literal boatload and then let them fucking LOOSE after they became economically unviable as a means of profit you fucking dumbshit.

Guns are right given by man. You show me one scripture by god that mentions them.

and youre the epitome of the left.

thinking that taking away guns from citizens will somehow make it impossible to commit gun crimes while unironically thinking that guns wont just flow over an open border along with the literally tons of drugs coming in

natural law you fucking knuckle dragger. who gives the gazzele the right to try and live against the lion?

And that's the other thing. You're crazy unhealthy obsession with the Border. If Mexicans were really the problem the world would be a very different place. Your perception is literally fucked

If you're reason to have a gun is to become the punisher, what are you saying. This something everyone needs to do?

>not pro-guns you must be pro-rape
Because rapist can't own guns.

Rape is a natural law, so it's okay too. For the procreation of the species. There's more examples in nature of rape as a means of survival than there is of firearms. You have no fucking clue what the fuck you're even talking about. You're quoting literal buzzwords at this point.

Good point we should legalize clubbing and stoning as the only acceptable means of murder go back to the natural process, o and unarmed. Bringing it back to the way it should be.

There is no acceptable means of murder, so why would the method be the problem?!?!!?

I'm into Marky MarK and the Funky Bunch you fucking chump.

>Rights don't come from government, hurr Durr
Ok, what about the rights of illegal immigrants?
>Immigrants don't get rights HURR FUCKING DURR

KYS, imbecile.

If you're pro gun then, are you in favor of eliminating all methods of control then? Are you fine with terrorists getting hold of guns? What about ex cons? People with known mental health issues?

I'm betting you said no to all of those. So then YOU are not completely pro gun. You are in favor of only certain people having guns, and implementing regulation to keep them out of the hands of those who are dangerous.

Are these regulations perfect, are they going to stop every single one of them? No, of course not, that's why we have police and SWAT and such to respond to those situations when they fall through the cracks. But just because a solution isn't going to be perfect every single time does not mean that we shouldn't implement it to prevent the other times it does work.

Frankly, it all comes down to who we decide can have a gun, and how much of an inconvenience we are willing to cause legitimate gun owners to attempt to screen them out from the ones who we say can't. And frankly, I'm OK with your redneck ass having to wait around 6 months, go through a full psychological evaluation, complete criminal background check, and complete a full training course to get a gun if those measures have even a .0001% chance of preventing another school shooting.