There are people who actually want to vote for this guy

>There are people who actually want to vote for this guy


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Other urls found in this thread:\invite\6H9PzSX

why not?

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Because he's a communist faggot that would turn the US into a third world shit hole?

better than chester the cheetah turning it into a banana republic

imagine being this retarded. Have fun dying without health care. Have fun with your student loan debts.

The problem is everyone will die without healthcare and with debts if Trump takes over the govt.

You know how people pay for those things? That's right, with fucking jobs, something I know you communist pussies can't or refuse to do. Not my problem you wasted 4 years studying nigger history and can't get hired anywhere.

There are still some smart people in the U.S. who haven't accepted complacency and want to improve society somewhat.
More power to them

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>Implying republican economic policies make any sense whatsoever

They don't. let's give the wealthiest people MORE money

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>Hey let's spend more money and cut taxes

That's not a jew

let's spend all our money on a military

Are you done samefagging? I know your autistic ass is having a lot of fun, but you gotta make it less obvious next time

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Consistent Lib=all libs love

We're having a conversation, neck yourself

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Countries with capitalist and socialist aspects actually do better than strictly capitalist.

their excuse is usually "how dey pay du niggaz if da see ee ohs dun get mor munee" anybody who isnt retarded sees that they always just lay people off and fire them, while no wages move a penny besides executives when they do this shit.

wow, another great political discussion led by paid russian trolls and edgelords.

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bunch of poor people wanting government handouts

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I make over 6 figures and I'd vote for him so...


socialism is SO easy of a sell.

You tap into poor people's jealousy

And you tap into rich people's guilt.

All you have to do is convince people the worst in them is the correct way to exist.

Then eat rich people until all rich people are gone.

And then we can all be happy for ever.

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no you don't kid

Stfu you don't make fucking shit, just another nigger wannabe that wants other people to give them money

Fuck you, pay me.

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don't be mad a nigger makes more than you

whoever made this "meme" is fucking gay

>Yang gang
I, for one, welcome our new oriental overlords.

So you're admitting that you're a nigger? Either way you need to stop larping and get out

I need my handout first

Most of what he proposes won't pass in the senate, even with a dem majority.
He has my vote for his consistency, integrity, and sincere desire to do something about the corruption in our system.

No u, boomer
There is no American society. There is no American democracy. There is an American government, and I want it to fucking give me money like it gives everyone else money.

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Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?\invite\6H9PzSX


I paid mine off. Why can't you? Maeby do that instead of buying the newest iPhone you dumb shit.

Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?\invite\6H9PzSX


Because he studied afro-history and works at burger king

Ignorance is trending

Not ignorant at all, just calling it how it is

He isn’t Faggot like OP

Why should I have to give hundreds of thousands of dollars to Jews because you had to?

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Based and redpilled

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Maybe you should've thought about that before you took the money and wasted it studying nigger history

Sander's promises are even dumber than Trump's yet no one is calling him on them. There is no possible way to finance his idealistic dream of the new America. Dems keep proselytizing free everything but never really nail down how it's paid for.

I'm studying polisci.
Justify to me why I shouldn't use state power to rip off the kikes currently loaning me money to study.

We can:
>Give huge tax cuts to the rich and large corporations
>Boost our military spending to Iraq wartime levels

We cannot:
>Provide infrastructure (and jobs) for the general population

>I'm studying polisci
Easily as useless as nigger history. What do you plan to do with that degree, work at walmart? Because that's where you're gonna end up. So don't cry because you're too much of a brainlet to study a real major.

The dems NEVER get called out on the retarded shit they say. I'm still waiting for the day somebody gives one of those assholes an actual tough interview, especially that fucking nigger Booker.

I intend to study law after I finish my undergrad, or maybe just become a scholar.
Now kindly explain to me why I shouldn't use the power of the state to rip off Jews. I'm not discussing the usefulness of my degree, I'm asking you a simple question: Why should I not use the state to cancel my debt?

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both parties are retarded.

for the same reason people voted for trump, we are willing to look over his faults for mutual interests

EZ. They want to legalize weed so they can smoke with the girl from the coffee shop thats cucking them

the state of Bernie voters

>There is no possible way to finance X
You must not be familiar with the financing of a sovereign state. Protip: The money is made up and the rules don't matter.

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Except the media always calls out the right but doesn't do it for their democrat butt buddies, and democrats say far more retarded shit than Trump

Weed is legal unless you live in a nigger infested police state

>more retarded than trump

That's actually not possible

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It's crazy how these self-identifying experts I economics draw all of their expertise from managing household budgets

>never really nail down how it's paid for.
Yes we do. TAX THE RICH. DO NOT LET THEM ESCAPE THESE TAXES. SHOOT THEM IF THEY TRY. There I fucking fixed (and funded) it. We could tax Bezos and his kind 110% of their income for the rest of their lives and they'd still have more money than they could ever spend in a thousand lifetimes. Why the fuck is our government subsidizing their greed over our infrastructure? Oh, right. Because that's what the GOP has been doing for FIFTY FUCKING YEARS. And retards like you will just keep letting them do it because they'll shoot some brown people along the way too.

Yo can we hang the rich and take their stuff AND deport brown people

>believing this unironically

Gas those who don't vote bernie

FUCK jews
FUCK capitalists
FUCK trots and leftcoms

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but... but... he's a jew

I keep hearing tax the rich year after year, but it never seems to happen. Why do you think that is?

You know he's not a communist, right? He's not even a democratic socialist, even if that's what he calls himself. Or if he is a demsoc, he certainly is a very incrementalist one. He's advocating for social democratic programs that every other developed nation has. All you reactionaries think everybody in the world is communist except for America. That's no coincidence, you were taught to believe this so that powerful corporations could continuously expand their power over you. Anyone who doesn't agree to give tax cuts to the rich, or supports public services like public healthcare, is to you nothing less than a full-blown communist. You likely don't benefit from this point of view. Few people do. The filthy rich won't break bank if you ask them to pay their fair share.

Way too long a response to likely bait, but there you go. Enjoy.

>You know he's not a communist, right?
You know he is, right?

Citation needed

a person who supports or believes in the principles of communism.

Hmmm... nope

I'd rather vote for a jew that hates israel than a non-jew that sucks Netanyahu's mutilated cock.

his views
you're right, in that case he's a super communist

Name one communist "belief" he has

For one (((free))) college and loan forgiveness

So nearly every european country is communist? I don't think that's a communist belief. College isn't free in China


1. he isnt donald trump

2. he isnt donald fucking trump

Hes old and white whats not to like!

>So nearly every european country is communist?

it really isnt

>college isnt free in china

why would you need a college education to work in a sweatshop or the rice fields anyway?

I think you should go read Marx again

Read up on communism, buddy. Every economy is a mixed economy. Politics today is largely about how to mix it, which parts to leave for the private sector (the revered Market), and which parts to put under the public sector. Healthcare is more effective in the public sector. The private sector can still compete for the upscale treatments, but covering the basis is the moral thing to do in a civilized society.

So you're a sheep that'll vote for anyone the dems put up? Got it

honestly, would vote for any Repub over Trump too.

>Every economy is a mixed economy.
Except we're not talking about mixed anymore. Bernie, AOC, and similarly disgusting people wants full blown communism. Also you can fuck RIGHT off with the "moral" argument. It would be moral for niggers to get off welfare and stop selling drugs too, funny we're never talk about this.

Anyone is better than Trump, but dude has a point, have some standards!
If dems run on "at least (s)he's not Trump" again, he's gonna win 2020.

nope,i havent voted for dems in my life

They don't want full blown communism. Not even close


>proceeds to name a bunch of morons from america who wont give the country real communism

this,they want socialism.if you think a country armed to the teeth like america will accept communism.your obviously living in a fantasy world

oh wow just aknowledgmente for this comment

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also,bernie sanders doesnt have a chance anyway.the dnc already fucked him over yet he and his supporters are to retarded to realize they dont have a fucking chance

it's the same fucking thing you idiot

Go back to high school and graduate this time

Fine, take morals out of the equation. It's about the welfare of the lower class to prevent it from resorting to crime.
There's a limit to how long you can stay on welfare. Its purpose is to function as a safety net. People crashing their lives isn't benefiting society.
And you're wrong, they're keeping within the bounds of capitalism and you have no rational reason to think otherwise. Facts over feelings bitch. You claim they're communists with no facts to back it up.

Yes, they do


Never really was into politics. Can someone say exactly what Bernie believes?

Socialism as in to do away with all capitalism? It's a mixed economy. Some things don't fucking work in capitalism, that's why EVERYBODY socializes some parts.

People are prepared for it this time. DNC won't dare.

nope,it is not

i doubt he even got that far in school


>some things dont fucking work in capitalism

yeah,nobody is gonna bother listening to some socialist talk about how capitalism doesnt work.maybe you should try sure starving to death and running of out toilet paper is your dream

prepared for what? americans are to lazy and stupid to do anything.its why there was 0 outrage when cadet bone spurs passed gun control

I ran a bar in Lawrence Kansas and he came in and got a drink. Was nice and normal. Only legit candidate I’ve ever met and my vote doesn’t matter.

I was a Dem. I'm not with either party since the 2016 elections offered up two Bozos to take the reins. The Dems sounds even crazier this time around. They've lost the ability to connect with ordinary people. What people really want is some assurance of stability and the Dems can't seem to understand this. They offer fixes to problems which don't really exist.

also,democrats would vote for a pile of shit on a stick if it promised them more welfare

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unlike donald trump,the libtard who thinks alcohol is the problem instead of the drunken assholes who drink to much

>they've lost the ability to connect with ordinary people

oh right,because you think some billionare who's rich father gave him all the money he needed is somehow going to connect any better to the "ordinary people"

time to get back to reality

Look up "social democracy". He wants public funded healthcare. It saves money for the state because it does away with the profit motives of middlemen and it saves money for patients because they won't pay premiums (insurance)
He wants to regulate investment speculation, he wants to restrict lobbying, he wants to stop military imperialism, he wants to fund public education... These are all beneficial to the nation and the world as a whole. Only red scared boomers and those they've influenced are against these things.

dont forget eating tacos for dinner every night

he believes in giving people who are to stupid and lazy to get jobs more welfare.just like the rest of democrats in america

whats wrong with eating taco's for dinner every night?

Did you suck his cock afterwards? Fucking gay bitch

He already has, moron.

oh wait,let me guess.your one of those redneck "build the wall"trump supporters who hate brown people

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I'm sure boycotting them is helping.
Such a hacky argument. I'm not even a socialist. If you call me that then it's fair game for me to call you a nazi or a fascist and start arguing against the atrocities of Nazi Germany.

He sounds reasonable at least

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>he already has

how? by giving flood victims rolls of paper towels? donald trump cant connect to the ordinary people because he's some rich idiot

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I get $850 month in disability. How the fuck am I suppose to support myself on that?

Who in the government besides Bernie Sanders is even thinking about trying to help me?

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that's how you get fat with diabetics bro


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this just proves the right doesn't care about relating to their leader

>im not even a socialist

then what exactly is the point of this argument? if your a socialist,who gives a fuck.socialism is a failed ideology

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How about you get a fucking job and live somewhere you can afford?

>relating to their leader

>assuming the right still supports donald trump

They do. Unfortunately

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There are people who believe the earth is flat too.

I think so too. And what's more, you know he means what he says because you can look back at his record and see that he's consistent. Plus he's been very effective, which is surprising for an independent congressman and senator.

I've voting for him and there's absolutely nothing you can do to stop me, OP

Does this trigger you?

>Hippies and Reefer Madness
>Drugs in general
>Muslims in general

A few popular american boogeymen from the last few decades
Next decade it'll be something new and you'll all fall for it again because for whatever reason you have no fucking memory over there

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they dont,guess you havent been paying attention much

because the democratic party took a wrong turn playing the bush light thing, and he was one of the few with the brains and the balls to say so all this time.

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or,the dnc will stop you when they screw him out of the nomination just like last time

how does it feel to get fucked twice?

Have you seen fox news lately?
also who will win in 2020?

Point being... There is no real point. No logical point at least. It's a non sequitur. They wanna change the system, you want them to give away their own money. Don't be intellectually dishonest. That gets us nowhere.

i dont pay attention the news media,but go figure some trump boot licker brings up fox news

Cause he can make a coherent sentence unlike our current leader. That alone is already enough.

idk what you're talking about? I'm saying the right supports trump. I'm not on the right

>implying all of those things aren't threats to America
How's high school going?

We can deport non citizens, many of which are brown, but no one is going to deport people just because they're brown

Hey poorfag. Everyone on both sides of your government claims to have your interests in mind. This is why policy matters. In extremely broad strokes, the Democratic party's general platform is to give you more money, and the Republican party's general platform is to try to make it easier to support yourself.

The Republicans claim that if the government just gives you (and people like you, of which there are millions) more money, that will drive prices up and be ineffective.

The Democrats claim that if the government tries to make it easier for you to support yourself, (through deregulating or tax breaks) this has a bigger effect on the rich than the poor.

The DNC triggers me with their fuckery. But that won't stop me from voting for Bernie in the primary, and then voting 3rd party when they inevitably install their own candidate in place of the people's choice.

Government is not there to help you theyre there to create rules so the everyday person dont go fuckin nuts. You dont ever want them in control. Especially healthcare. They could block you from getting certain medication/ surgeries just cuz they want too. And thered be nothing you could do

Peanut butter kills more americans every year than foreign terrorism, nevermind any of the others
How's that american education going for you?

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ITT: Right-wing CHUDs who make 50k a year lick Jeff Bezos' boots because somehow a tax that only affects people who make more than 10 million a year is bad for them too

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>hurr durr rich people shouldn’t get richer
How the fuck are they supposed to pay to EMPLOY PEOPLE without that you don’t understand basic fucking economy

It's really sad and pathetic to admit but you have a good point

The point is that you're mislabeling everything that isn't 100% laissez-faire right-wing libertarian fantasy as socialism. We're in a mixed economy. Every country has a mixed economy. The art is to get the balance right. Which part to socialize, which part to privatize. Mega corporations want to privatize everything because they want a piece of everything. If you go too far to the right you get a winner-takes-all scenario which we're not far from now.

Amazon boasted $3.6 billion in profit in the first 3 months of 2019. They have enough to pay their lowest earning employees $30 an hour, and still make billions in profit. Why don't they? Because CEOs are selfish. It's not hard to believe.

The 1% would still be orders of magnitude more wealthy than the bottom 99% if they suddenly lost 5% of their money

> They could block you from getting certain medication

That's exactly what health insurance corporations do with pre-existing conditions and employer opinions on birth control.

Corporation are making billions off of the premiums and deductibles and they paid off the republican politicians to keep the system broken.

A single payer medicare for all system would cost less than the system we have now because we wont have this health insurance middle man stealing all of our money.

Socialism govt works for the people
Capitalism govt works for the corporations

was that also true in 2001 when the twin towers fell?

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Also, there's always beneficial to realize where our system is weak, how to finetune it.

dumb argument. If you don't see that our healthcare system is broken and we're paying MORE to get LESS, then you don't really want to have a real conversation.

Dunno, maybe one of the 300 Dem candidates?

That would be nice


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Foreign terrorism has increased both in number and reporting volume since then and it's still true, yes
Yet Americans chose not to spend $200 trillion fighting peanut butter every year

If you tax the rich 100% of income. And gave all housing, food and accommodations to everyone else in USA. It wouldn't last 5 years.

This thread is testament to the truth of the saying

>Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company.

People who actually unironically believe Sanders is a communist are among us

While I agree that something needs to be done with Healthcare, retard borrowers (like myself) need to take responsibility for their mistake. I paid off my loans (42k) without handouts. Why can't everyone else? Is it my fault that you faggots took up basket weaving and spent four years partying? Fuck off with that. That's your problem. Not mine, or anyone else's. You signed for the loans. Did you think they'd magically disappear? I'm not paying for your stupidity.

Poe's Law
It's also a massive problem on discord

I’m not gay so no. But I’d vote for him and let him suck mine.

I wonder, if Yea Forums thinks Bernie is a commie, what do they think of Mike Gravel, whose whole purpose of running is to out-left all the Dem candidates? Gravel isn't a commie either, but he is significantly to the left of Sanders.

Someone say jews?

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It's insane to me that there are people who actually believe Trump is a good president

No one ever suggesting taxing the rich 100%
That's some dramatic fox news lie

How the brackets work is they would tax rich people 70% of their income past the first $250,000. So the majority 95% of the country who earns less than 250k would not be affected.

>voting for someone who's maintained consistant policy through the years regardless of how seemingly unpopular his stance was at the time
>someone who is in government that has aligned with supporters of his morals and policy instead of selling himself to the highest bidder and pushing their policy

What a fucking strange concept. Cant see why someone would want that.

>agreed with in polls on almost all positions
>why would people vote for him please explain i'm retarded durr

It's insane to me that there are people who actually believe obama was a good president

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CoMmUnIsM bAd

He literally rode Clinton's dick though.

There are millions of Americans who unironically believe this. Don't underestimate the propaganda arm of the establishment parties. Both republicans and democrats agree about smearing Sanders. Trumpists only see the supposed "liberal" media treating him unfairly and but most of them gladly swallow every lie fed to them about "crazy Bernie".

I completely understand why people voted for him. Mass unemployment, opioid addiction and hopelessness is tearing apart the Appalachian region of the country, he promised to help and democrats didn't.

people like OP do want that but only in phrases, not actions
that's how they voted Trump
same old corrupt Clinton buddy and whoring out the US to Israel, Saudi and military industrial complex interests

They are a minority of the population but they are just very loud and vocal about their stupidity so it seems worse than it really is.

Idk about you, but the economy is looking pretty good right now, and well after Obama's fiscal year.

Obama spent less than Bush. and?

Obama wasn't a good president. Trump isn't either. BOOM

Why does the DNC despise him then?

tHiS iS tHe eNd oF mY pReSiDeNcY

i'M FuCkEd!

>trump isn't either.
That's where I disagree.

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It's still shocking that people believe uncritically everything they're told. At least make propagandists work a little.

it's called opportunism, to stay in the party
the whole freaking 2 party system needs to be demolished but he chose to play along with it to get what he wants through it
that's just what people do who play within the system to change it from within
since he's not claiming to want to undermine and overthrow it but rather reform it, that's sadly legitimate policy on his part
even though clearly wrong and would show in his presidency
he will be fucked with and just play along

my uncle tried to convince me this a misquote

I'm sort of amazed he managed to rebrand himself as a working class hero, a man who lives in the penthouse of a literal gold plated tower, and people are willing to go along with it.

What has he done and why is that good?

By every empirical measurement, Obama was a better president for working people than Trump has been. Now, Obama was a pretty shit president, which speaks to how shameful Trump is. Obamacare was a band aid on the gaping wound of US healthcare, and only a transition to a single payer system will fix it.

I hope you're right

If you just take this chart at face value, sure. But believe it or not, context is important here. Not a ringing endorsement for Obama, but don't just provide shit tier evidence and go "SEE. SEE LOOK"

It is a misquote did you even read the report?

we can't spend our way to prosperity

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citation? is that you, unlce?

Here's the thing though... I knew trump was wealthy (the amount of that is irrelevant) before he was elected. I knew he had all that shit. He elected to not take a salary.

hes got good policies

Obama was blocked for the majority of his presidency by congress and senate from making any meaningful legislative impact. Yes, the system is designed to tend towards gridlock. It just seems strange the public holds the president responsible in these situations.

How is it relevant whether he takes a salary or not. And if you knew he was that wealthy, but still went along with the narrative of the people's champion, doesn't that just reflect badly on your judgement?

Yeah, if you want to bankrupt the country into oblivion.

Obama donated his salary to charities. Trump donates his to the Department of Homeland Security

funny how u think policies existing in other counters, that didnt bankrupt them will bankrupt your country

I voted for the better of two evils in 2016, like many others did.

I'm not sure what point you're trying to make.

And because you mocked those words, communism is no longer bad

the president is largely a figurehead, but both parties (and the public votes them into power) are equally complicit in the crisis we currently have.

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lotta people cheering for the return of robber barons and consolidated wealth and power pretending they will be allowed to the party

sorry, I meant to respond to your op, not to you

Why do you retards continue to compare apples to oranges?

Yeah, Healthcare works for countries like Sweden, but they have a population smaller than NYC alone.

hmm that's a good power to have

citation: the actual mueller report. go read it kid, enlighten yourself.

Look at these fucking retards who get all their information from grandpa's racist facebook memes, but think they somehow outsmart everybody.

Dude anybody can make a jpg image and make it say whatever they want. That's not an argument you're just admitting you are dumb enough to save propaganda on your computer to use for later, like that somehow proves your claim?

Great response

ikr they're so transparent it's disgusting. Those talking puppets are selected so that they're either too dumb to see what their role is or they're too amoral to give a shit. Rachel Maddow has made millions paddling Alex Jones lite conspiracy theories about Trump and now it all blows up in their face and Trump gains a huge boost from it. So shortsighted!

That's why we have a state system, where the country is subdivided into manageable regions where policies like this can be enacted. Are you saying Sweden is capable of enacting this, but the states aren't, despite comparable population sizes?

I have.

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can't hear you over the silent victory of the

If you think I'm Maddow supporter and somehow upset by this, you're mistaken. All cable news is trash.

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it's pretty simple. we have a spending problem. america is addicted to spending money it doesn't have.

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Obviously Sweden is the superior country

so u r saying more ppl cant support more health care?
How come USA population didnt die out of poverty, since its bigger than swedish?

Clinton's 'controversies' were laughably thin. Even Comey apologized afterwards for the unintended effect of investigations on her campaign.

>Go to DMV
>want to kill myself
>We should put the same type of people in charge of our healthcare.

I strongly disagree, the US produces vastly more value to the world. No reason you can't have the best healthcare also.

>Improve society
>Barnie Sandels

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I fully support any sort of logical fix for this Healthcare disaster.

I agree with you. I was being sarcastic

>According to notes written by Hunt
>by Hunt

Being this gullible. Also If he actually said it, it's just an expression. learn to understand how people express emotions. It's not a confession of guilt, you fucking dolt.

Better having some safety net than none.

he triggers neocons as much as Trump triggers everyone who isn't retarded.

>Public programs are only affordable in small countries
This is such a tired argument. There's more patients in a large country, but there's also more people to pay for it!

We do.

Our 5 year cancer survival rate is higher than any other nation according to the CDC

I like how you moved the goalposts from "This is a misquote of the Mueller report" to "Oh this is in the Mueller report but obviously he didn't actually say it" Keep it real

Have you ever been on the phone with an health insurance company? I would take the people at the DMV rather than someone actively trying to fuck me over. It's not even a secret, insurance companies are out in the open about it, that's what they do.

cause they know in their heart that Bernie's a good guy and they support the bad guy

More people = more profit opportunities.

Why cure cancer when it can be treated and charged for every step of the way?

Its also handy that sweden gets to benefit from the US's tech developments in healthcare. Which we lead the world by a wide margin.

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and in the richest country in the world

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I didn't move shit. I said it's a misquote and really is a misquote. A misquote of intentions, and second hand evidence. I understand you are probably illiterate and liberal but try to approach it from sane reason instead of 'muh biased hate of the president'.

Not at all, I'm just expressing my frustration to someone who feels the same way. Damn dude, politics is hostile, huh?

enjoy getting fucked by single entities on things you have no choice to pay for, but free market sure

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So you didn't say:
citation: the actual mueller reportt?

It's right there

Eh sorry, since 2016 discourse has taken a nosedive and the amount of smug internet posters who don't care about the state of the country as long as they're 'owning the libs' has increased dramatically. I'm pretty defensive because of it.

Yes it is right there in the mueller report. Context proves me right. Are you really that stupid?

I am talking about the hospital.
They already hardly give 2 shits about you, wait until they are government employees. Ask veterans how that is working out.

As for Insurance, it is a stupid system because the government set the prices for health services. And the shit is so expensive now, people get it from work, so they have no way to shop it. They get away with that shit because there is no alternative. Thanks Obama.

surprise, the left want's to make VA hospitals better too

It's almost like all the shit that is super regulated, monopolized, or subsidized like healthcare, childcare, college tuition, and textbooks is getting more expensive. Just like all the free-market theorists have predicted since the 1800s.

Meanwhile, all the highly competitive environments with minimal regulation produce much less expensive goods... such as TVs.

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eat electronics, u pleb

Obama was actually trying for single payer which would have avoided this problem, but wasn't able to get support from his own party, because too many of them are in states whose economies are propped up by health insurance

>government subcontracts road construction.
>government subcontracts prisons.
>can't even build fucking roads affordably.
>lets give them our healthcare.

>which would have avoided this problem

But it also would have just created a fuck load of new ones.

The problem is that we have too little competition, not too much. Let companies compete across state lines. Let doctors compete with each other for patients. Let drug companies compete with each other to produce the cheapest drugs. Open the markets up to new actors with better ideas.

THAT will reduce costs.

Or you can just keep over-regulating everything and shrieking in existential horror when government-imposed monopolies somehow manage to utterly fail again for the 1000000th time.

Republicans purposely broke the VA so they can get rid of it entirely.

Obama had republicans obstructing congress

TVs are a discretionary good, you don't actually need one to live. It's a really shit comparison to healthcare. Nobody is going to negotiate their bill or research competitor pricing when they're intubated and sedated in an intensive care unit.

>believing this amount of bullshit

What government program isn't broke?

But I bet they can handle healthcare just fine.

Tories do it with the NHS in Britain, deliberately underfunding it to make it function poorly, which gets the public to support its dismantlement. It's not unbelievable.

eyyyy, bernie! my man

Republicans want to pull the battery out of the VA so they can sell it for parts.

pretty convenient you left out U.S food industries and oil/coal because we both know you won't do shit with them

Yeah, TVs are discretionary and healthcare is important, so we damn well better make healthcare as free-market as possible to get the best product instead of fucking around like the goddamn liberals want.

Even if you don't shop around for a TV and just buy the first one you stumble across you're going to get a better product for less money today than 10 years ago. The opposite is NOT true with healthcare... you could get anything from amazing care to utter shit.

Controlling the economy just makes everything suck. Mild regulations are all we need, not this government-infused crap that jacks the costs up and enforces insurance cabals.

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Dumb nigger

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>We need obamacare for the people!

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>free-market as possible to get the best product
Except that never happens. When you got a free market you don't get the best product. Look around at the various free market goods we have here in America. Are they the top of the line? Are they really the best damn product? No, because companies have no incentive to make the "best" product. Look at modern gaming as an example. Video games are as free market as can be. Do the super big publishers take the time to put out quality shit? No, they fucking don't. They rely on gimmicks and name brands to sucker in customers and then try to milk them for as much money as possible. When other outfits produce better games, they buy those fuckers out, then go back to the same old exploitative practices.

Because there should be a balance between parties that allows healthcare and gives people opportunity to succeed in the world.

>Mitt Romney laughs in the distance.

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Why did lasik cost me 4k and fixing a torn labrum cost 50k?.

One is free market and the other was not.

Yeah I get it. It takes a lot of patience to suffer through all the hacky talking points that are repeated so dutifully everywhere.
I don't think the propagandists are lazy. They don't hammer away on good points because they're too involving. I think it might actually be more effective for them to focus on simple, easily parroted talking points.

>One is free market and the other was not.

Cheaper doesn't mean "best"

Ya there where people advertising lasik for 900 an eye.

But I wasn't going to trust my eyes to a bottom basement surgeon.

Wonder if I have that option with my fucked up shoulder? No. No I don't.

those are very different surgeries requiring different levels of professional training

You're seriously going to tell me, implanting a new lens in my eyeballs, is drastically easier than stapling a flap back to my shoulder blade?

Hell I had my stomach scoped, their just sticking a camera down my gullet and it is 15k.

its a far more common surgery. And yeah its fairly simple

That's not what lasik is. Lasik surgery doesn't give you a new lens. And yeah, medical prices are outrageous. Putting on the free market isn't going to do anything because the costs are so high because they expect you to have health insurance. They charge those prices because they expect they expect to be charging the deep pockets of some large company.

If they can do a better job for little cost, let them function on the side of the public healthcare. They do this elsewhere. You can take the private option for your eye surgery if that's what you prefer. What's the problem?

It's the same argument as above. You don't actually need Lasik. Nothing bad will happen if you don't get it. Surgeons have to price competitively, otherwise they wouldn't have any customers.

You do need surgery for your tear to continue functioning in life decently and without pain, so the leverage is on the surgeon's side.

It's not to do with free market competition, it's discretionary versus non-discretionary medical procedures.

both republican and democrat economic policies are both broadly similar, both are corporatistic, but just have a differing group of corporations and lobbyists on "their team".

They often overlap though

The simple talking points do seem to be the most effective. Additionally repetition makes them stick regardless of the truthfulness of them. Goebbels had a lot of valuable observations about the weak points of human psyche.

Lasik is 15 minutes of automated burning of your eyeball. The surgeon does basically nothing except position you under the machine, open your eyeflap and press the start button. I was shocked how simple it is when receiving the treatment.

How much should you get each month?

It's a threat to private healthcare because almost nobody would pay private prices if a 'good enough' public option existed.

It was ICL with followup lasik.

>high because they expect you to have health insurance.
You do understand the government sets the rates for health services? They charge those prices because the government tells them to. That is why you see these huge writeoffs on your bill when it goes to your insurance carrier.

Get a fucking job then

I haven't read his observations, but I know that repetition is the core principle in brainwashing. 2+2 becomes 5 given enough time.

he's the last best hope for humanity

rich people destroyed all the jobs, now they're building robots to kill us

lol are you telling me that capitalist healthcare can't handle a little competition??

get a load of this retard

I'm not understanding your argument with that. We need more regulation not less.

Corporations have proven over and over all they want to do is get as much money as they can out of you. I'm not sure why you would trust a corporation over an elected government. That is why socialism is better than capitalism.

"We live in a nation that worships love of money above all traits. That my brothers and sisters is not the world we should be living in."

B Sanders.

I ain't no commie fag but i do believe in the betterment and advancement of society as a whole and think that if the Democrats had never aligned themselves with the murder of the very idea of the nuclear family and destruction of all values that have created American exceptionalism as we know it there would never be a competition of political parties.

Instead our political system is created to maintain confusion and "look over here" distractions to the fact that both parties are corrupt and are literally not doing the job of governing or compromising. Blame gerrymandering, blame Jews, blame bureaucracy but the American experiment is failing and with it our future.

I honestly believe you could put the 100 smartest human beings from everywhere in the same room to solve humanities problems and a single individual could stand up and yell the word "abortion" or "religion" and those beautiful minds representing the best of us would beat each other to death with their bare hands over their differing viewpoints.

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Then there you go. It's good enough. If it's not good enough, people who can afford to pay more will pay more. Compare this with no public healthcare where people who can't afford to pay their insurance have to choose between death or bankruptcy.
There will still be a market for more luxurious healthcare. It exists in scandinavia, it's gonna exist in america.

he should get enough to live comfortably, because we're the richest nation in the world and we can accomplish it.

he will spend all the money he gets, and others will use that money to buy other things, the economy expands and we get richer.

if we take that guys money and give it to the already rich they're going to hide it overseas and shrink our economy

from a purely unemotional standpoint welfare is superior to austerity

He got pushed around by two random black girls. Imagine what world leaders would do to him.

Which asian country? Is it exclusively private? Is their better quality of life attributable to private healthcare?


this might make sense in your /pol/ addled nazibrain but real people see the willingness to let them speak is true strength of spirit

he's a good man

whoops sorry i meant to say socialized healthcare sorry

there's virtual 0 asian nations without at least a private option

just mistyped

They also don't have the amount of pre-diabetics america has. I'd be much more for a public system if I didn't have to share this space with a bunch of fat alcoholic smokers who have no idea or will to live a healthy life.

damnit i mistyped again

i mistyped, they have public healthcare and have a better quality of life than the USA

No, he simply got bullied. He also claimed white people 'can't know poverty' so he basically told every white person that has been or is poor that he doesn't want or need their vote. I also don't go to that section. You can't deny he got pushed around by a couple of fat, loud, and angry black women.

You're missing my point. In order to pay for the vast amount of unhealthy people, our taxes would be astronomical.

he said white people cant understand black poverty which is true, even if you're a poor white guy you won't get arrested for breaking into your own house

you're wrong and trump is going to lose

kind of a chicken and egg thing; do people lack healthcare because they're sick or are people sick because they lack healthcare?

you have no faith in america and maybe you should leave america or shut the fuck up if you're not american

Ah yes the leftist idea of 'anyone who opposes my argument must be a trump supporter!' And you wonder why so many people despise liberals these days.

And his literal quote was white people don't know what it's like to be poor. So fuck him and fuck you. I grew up on food bank food and welfare and knew plenty of minority families who had it much better than me. Guess I missed my white privilege money in the mail.

Health care doesn't = prevention. It's not a chicken and egg thing at all. It's a simple lack of dietary awareness and self-control. You don't need medical care to avoid becoming obese. Not sure where you got that idea from.

i despise liberals too, you're gonna wish i was a liberal when you're rotting in the gulag fascist