Asian girl I went on date with is obsessed with black guy

asian girl I went on date with is obsessed with black guy.

I am inferior white guy. can see anyone who comments on her insta is always a black dude yet still talks to me.

should I start a fake black snap and add her to flirt?

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>fake black snap

Can't tell if troll or you're just an idiot. You guys make me squinch my face all the time reading this shit

>inferior white
Contradiction, my boy

snapchat or insta profile lol of a huge black guy. seems like anything I do she ends up talking to black guys anyway

you're right. but it seems that she's obsessed with these black beasts. how do I deal with this?

It's all just bait for replies. The going theory is that it's pushed by shills because something something porn companies and the constant sex game on Yea Forums keeps customers repeating for porn, I guess.

It's all trolls, though. Very much just bait for a reply.

that makes total sense to be honest but in this case I am completely serious.

No man. Where's this gonna get you in the long run? So you're gonna talk to her and be with her as yourself, a white man, and ALSO talk to her as a big black man at the same time?

I have been noticing quite a lot of big black men shit on Yea Forums lately...

What you do is don't stoop to that level. She'll never want anything more than a mongrel, and you're better than that. Plus, you'll never change your skin color. Best to give up the ghost, I'm afraid. Asians aren't all they're cracked up to be. Go for a nice Mediterranean slut. They can cook

Never thought Yea Forums would actually help me or there would be genuine people on here.

Thank you. My second thought is just to post her insta on some black bull forum and fuck off. Let her have all the black she wants and realize its not what she thought it was.

Exactly. Trust me, there is far better for you, king. Always here to help

This might sound like bull shit but you actually helped me. How do you feel about maybe if I posted her insta on some black bull forum as a sort of fuck off sort of thing? Let her get a ton of black guys talking to her until she inevitably realizes white is where it's at? This might be stupid but something I'm considering


I wouldn't personally do it. I'm not a revenge kinda guy. If you leave her be and let her do whatever she wants, and DON'T harass her like that, there may remain a chance that she will someday think of you again. If you do that, it's all over and she'll never reconsider with you

thank you!! and no I don't mean doing it out of revenge at all. just basically giving her so much of what she wants that she'll get sick of it. plus she won't know it was me.

Mmm, that IS true... like I said, I wouldn't personally do it, but if it'll never be traced back to you, then I suppose it'd be OK for you to do. Do what you think is right, I suppose. Get yourself a honey with a fat ass while you're at it

Thinking about a fake black beast profile on Instagram and then flirting and asking if I can show off her photos on some websites

Would like some advice on this please

Sure go for it nigga. Then keep the pictures. Profit

By pictures I just mean off her insta. Already added her on a fake lol. She accepted right away. Now just need some site recommendations which would have a lot of black bucks to post her on

That's where I become useless. The most "dangerous" site I get on is Yea Forums. Good luck tho. I would make a seperate thread for it to ask, as this one is obviously gonna die soon

If you're white, stop being a degenerate and date within your race. If you're not white, who fucking cares

Thank you :)

Godspeed, fellow user