Is it normal to receive high amounts of euphoria from inhaling weed with a high content of HTC (20%)?

Is it normal to receive high amounts of euphoria from inhaling weed with a high content of HTC (20%)?

Yesterday i blazed for the first time and it was absolutely abysmal, i wasn't mentally prepared for it, i just was just eager to expierence my first high. The first 10 minutes after the drug had reached my brain i had this lucid type of feeling of being stranded on my own island, isolated from society while having an intense form of euphoria.
After that, the paranoia started to kick in, i immediately started to have this huge fear of of the thought that the weed was possibly laced with crack, the more time passed the bigger the paranoia developed. I felt my muscles contracting, that bugs were crawling under my skin (yet i didn't have the need to itch).
Other symptons i experienced were: increased hearth rate, dry mouth, red diluted eyes, a higher temperature, extreme lack of concentration, a much shorter attention span, not being able to expres more complicated emotions, a lack of motoric function, horrible long term memory, lung pain (while inhaling and i'm not a smoker) and having a frequent weird feeling in my organs (especially in my liver, kidneys and testes).

Now my question is: are all these symptons normal for weed.
It's been 24 hours after i blazed and i'm really concerned if i have any permanent brain damage and loss of intelligence.
I was stressing so fucking much if my weed was laced with any other kind of drug like crack or heroine.

Attached: skunk.jpg (750x750, 129K)


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HTC?Feeling in your testes?What a retard

It was laced by nigger's semen.

If you're fine now then nothing to worry about

My bad, i meant THC

So i've did some more research on the effects of skunk other weed a with a content of THC (tetrahydrocannbinol, i've had organic chemistry so i'm not that retarded) and it seems to effect the structure of the collopus callosum, a part of the brain which exchange information between the brain and the rest of the body and is also responsible for the function of the central nervous system, which means that high potencies of skunk can changer the perception of how i view things in my surroundings which can also develop psychoses and schizophrenia (but that is relevant for any psycho active drug).

In conclusion: i should stop taking any illegal, unregulated drugs

>Feeling in your testes
I'm perceiving what i've expiereced, besides, all details can help identify a problem.

20% isn't that high of thc anymore dude. Still good weed but not the dankiest of the Danks or headiest of the heads.
Pot affects everyone differently so how you feel when you smoke is your experience.
Sativa used to give me anxiety attacks and I smoked the shit for 20 years. Indica made me feel pretty good but after smoking day in and day out for fucking ever it became a must that I smoked instead of something enjoyable. I've been completely clean off any substance for 3 months now and I have to tell you it feels fucking great.
It came to a point where I had lived all of my adult life stoned and just got tired of being high.
Good luck in life bro and don't ever be afraid to go your own way.

This is the weet btw, it doesn't seem to include anything but vegetal stuff

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Right now i'm only having the withdrawal effects of light headed confusion and short therm memory loss

20% isnt really high its normal tier
you are listing the effects of smoking weed you just smoked weed nothing to worry about

Lol you just smoked too much for your first time you greened out
You're still high you woke up with a weed hangover start low and slow

You good. Most of those you can always feel/sense if you focus enough. I bet you heard every noise in your mouth at some point(saliva bubbles or tongue rubbing on teeth, if you didnt you will next time. Feelings and thoughs from the back of your mind come out. Just dont become a pothead

Thats not cannabis dude this is cannabis

Attached: IMG_3175.jpg (1536x2048, 501K)

These might be trimmings of weed or not weed. Look for nugs next time

You're good bro. You just smoked too much. Chill with the amounts next time and you'll be fine.

Attached: Crush-FindingNemo3D.jpg (1203x1200, 238K)

What do you mean? Weed's meant to be trimmed.
And what else can it be besides hasj?

Attached: 1108831205.jpg (1612x1270, 156K)

it is not meant to be in a powder like that. you seem to have smoked synthetic weed. never smoke weed that you didnt see as a nug

You trim the leaves out of the nugs. Keep the nugs. This looks like trimmings from nugs or possibly crushed nugs of bad stuff. Could be blended in with dried leaves or what ever spice they want

People take weeds from gardens(that looks like marijuana trimmings), spray them with anesthesia from vets, and call it weed. Dont do that. Thats straight up brain poison

>synthetic weed
You're being sarcastic, right?