People who participated in habbo raids in 2006 are now in there late 20s-early 30s

People who participated in habbo raids in 2006 are now in there late 20s-early 30s

how does this make you feel?

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people still do raids there

old, especially since im less than a month from 30.

Like 6 for me brother

>pool closed due to aids

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where does the time go?


assuming we were al 18-23 at the time?

13(years ago)+18= 31 which isn't late 20's now is it?

The universe is accelerating it’s not our fault time flys

>implying there was no underage faggots

>implying that wasn't implied in op's post

I participated in those amongst other things, I'll be 30 next year...been on and off this board for years. And yeah, I feel kinda old.

dude any one else watch internet historian ?

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and no

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Hell yeah

the only thing sad about it is the fact you younger faggots will never experience the real feel of just how fun it was. sure its still done but its just not the same as it was.also. funny junk was the shit. along with rotten and laughing lynx

thats the gayest fucking image i've ever seen who the fuck actually came to this website like that or even worse actually thinks like the comic depicts does in the last four panels

user Are you ok do you need a hug?

dude thew best that and neckbeardpedia they get me hard af

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I feel old af...always think that when someone says habbo...those were the days friend. thought they would never end.

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Pfft, you are easily triggered. I just meant that Yea Forums spteads wider than some college kids.

Like I'm in my early 30s and remember habbo.

This. I'm 41 now and Yea Forums isn't what it was before. It was more fun. Now memes are normies stuff.

Pools closed!

30 here, and yea, smartphones/facebook/9gag ruined a great part of the old internet making shit accessible for everyone and their grandmother

mainly smartphones and facebook tho

I miss it