How did he remove the glove from Thanos hand when he had all stones????

How did he remove the glove from Thanos hand when he had all stones????

He literally just jumps in from nowhere and suddenly got the stones in his hand? Dafuq

Attached: ironman.jpg (798x421, 47K)

The glove was Starks own nano tech, and Thanos didn't yet have the full power of the glove

He didn't remove the glove, just the stones.
Thanos was silly enough to try to use a glove Stark had made... there'd be failsaves, and there was. Watch the movie again, you've missed details.

He built the glove remember, my guess is some release/safety function built into the glove to then transfer onto his glove JUST IN CASE of a situation where a bad guy got it. He is a genius first remember, kind of his 'super power'
somewhere along them lines anyway rather than sly of hand, because as you saw the stones then formed themselves on tony's glove armour

...Nano tech.

While we're here, how does Tony's glove equal the power of a glove forged in the heart of a dying star?

Attached: suckingmydick.png (200x202, 20K)

nano tech

nano tech faggot

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with the heat

given how severely if fucked up the hulk i wouldn't say its as good as the infinity gauntlet. its like home brand cereal. its kinda the same but not as good.

no omfg
hulk is not immortal like Thanos
watch Guardians 1 again

Remember how Stark gets a drop of Thanos's blood in infinity war? He probably uses the DNA off of it to sort make sure that the glove is worn by anyone but Thanos.

thats kinda stretching it

That's what she said...


Attached: fguns.jpg (304x344, 20K)

This whole thread.

Why don'cha give yer stones a tug you tit fuckers?
SO much time wasted on stupidity giving Disney your money and for what? Quit playing with dolls and fucking go outside you invalids.

Seriously. Grow up a little.

Comparing Hulk to Thanos its just the only somewhat viable measure available in terms of personal resistance, they're in the same ballpark strength wise and hulks resistant to gamma radiation.
We never saw anyone else but Thanos use the infinity gauntlet and we only saw Hulk and Tony use the Stark glove.
Counter argument to which one is better could be that the Stark glove is better since it didn't melt when restoring half the universe like the gauntlet did destroying half the universe but we cant be sure that they take the same amount of strain on the stones.
I'd argue its a power distribution kinda deal, Gauntlet takes the brunt of the damage from overusing the stones where as the stark glove puts more strain on the user.


stupid comic book nonsense

so just reading these remarks and it sounds like they fucked up this story even worse. this was a really good comic book story but the move is completely different. i just wish theyd leave these comic books alone. changing the wheel is making it worse.

the story doesn't have to make sense, it should only make more shekels

he smart

No one reads faggy books user. As far as everyone's concerned they made this story for the first time