4300 reporting in, where my fellow Ausfags at? Back to fuckin work tomorrow fuckin oath, cunt's fucked

4300 reporting in, where my fellow Ausfags at? Back to fuckin work tomorrow fuckin oath, cunt's fucked

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4300? i'm 4118... real colse in the scheme of things :P

why share postcodes?

4171 don't look at me cunt

yeah yeah nah yeah

4018 reporting in.

living in little india.. bunch of fuckin curry eating muhammed cunts around here with their stupid fucking monkey kids running around making a heap of noise.

so what are we all doing on a sunday night?

p.s. i dont wanna go to work tomorrow!!

4701 reporting in. fucking over working.

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7250 'ere.
Fuken oath I'm bloody sick uv workin but the shop just got a Reno done so I'm actually a bit keen. Goin out with the missus for some grog afta

3172 who the fuck are you


Fucking work... :/ fucking man

Because it confuses newfags such as yourself

OP here, fuckin A my dad lives in Greenbank

Just jamming some shitty Italian goth metal before a 6am start mate

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I've been here ages but never got it. It's like you want people to know were you live.

Well I mean when you got dumbasses on Snapchat who accept random friend requests without turning their location off, this doesn't sound as dumb tbh

true that. Normalfags are pretty fucking stupid when it comes to the internet.

6168 carrrrrrrrrnt

Doing 2/5ths of fuck all tonight boys

5251 bored as fuck

4207 fuckers, whos got more wins of charlotte??

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Apparently there was a bunch on old user, only ever found a couple.

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Oh shit which suburb?

Dont have her but have other QLD girls... if others share too

Sydney reporting in. Slab of Foster's for all me mates and a good hairy mut to finish

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Please respond.

Lived there for a year two years ago.