Be me

>be me
>almost 25
>no job
>shitty car
>only family member to still live in cali
>meet the girl of my dreams 2 weeks ago
>show her how much i like her by using what little money i have to go on a night out
>super 10/10 girl for me
>get home and fuck twice
>next day
>"i only really like you as a friend user"
>but i care for you alot more, i want to be with you.
>"it just wont happen in this life time"
>crippling depression sets in
>bills become overdue, have to leave my apartment soon
>plates to car get stolen so car is no longer street legal
>gonna be homeless in a month.

Should i just end myself now Yea Forums? I feel as if im so fucked up mentally and physically.

Have you ever felt like there was a person in this world so perfect for you although they do not feel the same way?

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Call your family.

Not on speaking terms with any of them. They all think i am stupid to live in cali still.

If I was you I would rob a liquor store and buy crack..

depression is genetic and there is no cure...

A shitty job is better than no job.

Why aren't you working? It'll be easier to pull yourself back together when you have a place to call home. Find the nearest unemployment office.

Do it, don't forget to live steam

>They all think i am stupid to live in cali still.
Are you?

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Thats what you get when you live in a dumb country filled up with idiots and hoes, you get what you deserve cunt

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Im actively seeking employment from anywhere, but with my credentials im very limited to what range of options i have. Last job let me go due to lack of work and so now here i sit at 3 in the morning, not able to sleep, eat, or even get out of my head long enough to give a shit anymore. Suicide constantly rushes to my head, but as my idol once said "suicide is a permanent solution to temporary problems." Although i think my problems are a bit more then just temporary

Obviously not, this is just the only place that my job credentials can really make an impact.

I don't see how it's obvious.
Too me it looks like you're unable to take care of yourself both economically and emotionally.

I see what you mean, but even if i were to leave to a different state i wouldnt have a place to go or anyone to see. Ive essentially become an outcast to my family because of my decision to stay here and pursue my career, instead of dropping it all and starting over from the beginning. But when you reach so close to the peak of the mountain, do you ever think about starting over again? I damn near became a CEO of my own business before i hit rock bottom.

No lie bro, look into getting a security guard license. Work is abundant, and it's easy as fuck.
And if it's about a high school degree or whatever, just put u graduated and attended some college, no one is going to check.

doesn't sound like the girl of anyone's dreams, OP. It's time to pop that bubble of delusion and realize that her actions are a part of who she is.

You showed up, you tried, you got laid. You own a means of transportation. You supposedly have some sort of skill set. You're still young. What exactly are you missing to make this all work? Focus on getting yourself -any- job and it will all slide back into place.

Then stop thinking about "ending it".
Take the fucking punch and do whatever you have to do to get back.
First step: stop browsing Yea Forums

> got laid by 10/10
suicide right now would be a great choice. you get to go out on a high note, and get to miss out on all the misery that inevitably awaits your unemployed, friend-zoneable ass

Aka "there is no specific reason why your genetic material should propogate in the future" always good for a laugh
You don't have to kys(although it's an option) you can always become better
Or you know.. , lie to a bitch. Bitches love lies

you spend the remaining money on a night out. You ever just look at yourself and wonder maybe its stuff like that, that has put your life where its at right now

My guess? Self motivation. After rolling with the punches left and right ive just become rather unmotivated to do much of anything besides sit and sulk over just dumb shit that i normally wouldn't give two and a half fucks about. Im usually no stranger to rejection or misfortune, but this time just feels very different, like a fire has risen from my gut and is now eating me alive from the inside.

When you are drunk on love, you make stupid decisions that greatly effect you.

It's survival mode time. You do not have the luxury of pity partying. Don't get stuck in the cycle of being homeless. Do whatever you need to do now to set yourself up to stabilize.

welp I guess you aren't a catch. Improve yourself until you are.

1. Lower ur standarts in living - mexis can live from a shitload less
2. Get job to get enough to live. Savings are prio 2
3. Build up existence
4. Become better in what u doing and climb up the ladder from rock bottom
5. Years go by
6. Maybe you become happy one tome in life again
7. Youre welcome

Addtion: been there myself and worked for me. Now have decent life qt gf and quite a lot of money

>drunk on love
>met her 2 weeks ago
Pick one kid