Other urls found in this thread:
I'm almost done... 30 more minutes..
Can you keep this alive for me?
fug, my fav bread is up
nice pic
I don't understand
you were curious
and that's what he does
post 1.jpg
Abraham Lincoln IS a Faggot
Avengers was pretty good even for a guy who doesn't follow cape movies
I thought you wouldn't be able to get much enjoyment out of it without seeing the previous ones.
how was the crowd?
fug, forgot to quote
I took the advice you guys gave and watched a few recap videos just to get caught up. I think I would of been completely lost without it.
It was 930 in the morning and the theater was completely full. Also it was American so lots of clapping
i'm thinking about going tomorrow
on a scale of 1 to 10, how tired are you?
hi fren
that always triggers me; shouldn't it be 0 to 10?
that was better then last time you asked
what about 0 to -10
you're right...
but not in this case
just existing is already tiresome, so it's never 0
yay progress
You should, it might be be busy depending on what part of the world you are. I would of had a bad time if not for my friend.
Provide me a 7
make me
I see. I wish I could be less of a loser and stop being a semi-neet.
*heavy sigh* pretty accurate
can i give up yet?
i expect it to be busy
but i don't think i won't be able to get a ticket
no, not now
at the age of 30
>Just existing is already tiresome, so it's never a 0
Something something fortnite
Lucky you... If you do see it let me know what you think?
okay tomorrow!
Something something fortnite
I go to uni; other than that I'm pretty much a neet.
no fair
you can't give up
there are nice things to be experienced
boo fake neet
life is pain
you get to go to uni
no fair
>you can't give up
>there are nice things to be experienced
>life is pain
life is pain
but there are still nice things to be experienced
I too speak zoomer, now gib 7
But user you are getting an education to better yourself
Do we live just to suffer then?
nice pain?
give goatse
I'm sorry. I wish you could go.
Not really, I don't learn much and should have graduated by now.
no sorry
>Do we live just to suffer then?
there are still nice things to be experienced
nice frens
I have to wake up in 9 hours
then you will sleep 7 hours
Does anyone have that reaction image of a girl with her eyes closed but then it zooms in to show she's squinting and tired looking?
why 7?
damn, how do you do it
No ask for something else
Fake it till you make it user. What major?I agree, I have to stay alive to see friend this summer
I dont think i can for much longer.
give fetish
that should be enough?..
if you're tired, go to bed now!
>I agree, I have to stay alive to see friend this summer
that's nice
internet friend, right? will it be the first time you two meet?
do you want to do anything?
fug, I'm sorry
i want to stay in this comfy thread
okay deleting thread
My fetish is not answering fetish questions.
7 please
Yes the net friend. We have Skype called and stuff but never in person. Logistics are very hard for this.
I checked but don't have it
no 7 then
Nice. I couldn't hang with the math
Close enough
Holy fuck source pls this is gorgeous
no fair..
lol there's nothing nice about it and I can't hang with anything, I'm just waiting a lot of money and don't know how to leave or what to do then
what if i post something bad..
or hit bump limit
what type of math is the problem?
under any circumstances, DO NOT drop out of the uni
force yourself to graduate and be lazy after
Indeed. Discrete mathematics and linear algebra are the hardest I've had so far.
Nah, I don't know how I'd do that. I'll probably stay until I'm kicked out, or perhaps just get my degree and then be a true neet.
teach me
ty boss
gib me some up
Either I'm really happy to meet them, or I get axe murdered I love a win-win situation
I meant like a good field. Sorry I'm sure it's hard.
I think you missed out on how dumb I am. Even if I knew stuff, youtube unironically teaches you better than I could. I'd actually have flunked more than I have if I didn't, several times, watch some youtube lesson before walking in to take a test.
but i want you to explain
i'm not sure i understand
give me up
because fren
but eye tired
still fren
can i give up
you're too nice to give up
can i quit
i want to neet
you just started working
and being a neet is really boring
i liked being a neet
i can't tell you what to do, fren
but please don't become a neet
why cant i?
oh if you want to feel absolutely miserable feel free to become a neet
i was a neet before
yeah but sooner or later you start feeling miserable if you're a neet
can you teach me to drive
after i teach myself how to drive
sounds good fren.
im sad
I thought only I didn't know how to drive
yeah that's why people come to Yea Forums
to be sad
whats Yea Forums?
i have nobody to teach me..
and lessons are expensive
discord gg/fSTQHpZ
Join for free traps, steam codes and redpilled memes. Or come be comfy niceposters. Minimal rules :3
a site for sad people
:( digits
digits are fun
Sleeby pills are kicking in. Night night
comfy dreams, Smoll
wow ... .you are ..lucky..
sleep well smoll
go get sleep
why do you take picture of me?
i need time to cry.
i like crying
i havent had time to cry.
are you okay
should i drink tonight?
dont drink alone.
i'm used to drinking alone
also i drink once a few months, so i will be fine
you could drink with me at the end of the week
it's sunday evening for me
i mean like next friday...
okay next friday then
i have to go to uni soon, wish me luck guise
i dont work on saturday so it will be perfect
good luck... and dont waste your chance..
you got this
uni? b-but it's sunday
i wish i could go to uni
i have to move across the country for it in a couple weeks
what for? good luck, fren
can't you just become a freelancer?
oh... soon... i'm dumb
good luck user
engineering, and thanks fren
Too dumb.
And scared
but you're not dumb.
scared is okay.
being scared stimulates.
Where do I start
read fun books!
Hence why so many peeps are into BDSM
there are sites for freelancers
What books?
I've looked at some...
All the stuff looks so daunting..
I dont know if I'm capable..
anything you think is cool or triggers your autism. i like reading books about space
you're capable
give it a try
I still have a book call brief history of everything.. I keep forgetting to finish it..
yes, scary
but i'm sure there will be something you will be able to do
if you need more of those
don't be
I wish I had someone to help me
with what?
Post secondary..
Alot of things
Gonna sleep soon now. Good night, frens.
Sleep well fren
oh i really hope you find that help somehow
it can be crucial
when i was 18 i lived alone and that was the reason i dropped out of uni
i was depressed and lost and nobody was there to help me
comfy dreams
I'm sorry...
I just want a chance at uni...
don't be
i'm a mess but i can't really complain
i've had more in life than i really deserve
and how do unis work in your country?
there are no free unis?
No... nothings free and they are far from me..
Probably a 2 hour drive
this thread is pretty damn pathetic
i came here to either see everyone asleep or happy and all i get is university crap
that's really unfortunate fren
but you already know enough to be able to educate yourself
at least that's what i think
i mean you are able to do coding
just learn more about coding
in many cases they don't care whether or not you have a degree when they hire
Also no jobs in my area
you will be able to get an online job
i believe in you
I'm tired
i would hire you
but i'm a neet
and i'm not sure where you should look for a job that you'd like
What's my job sir
nigga poop eating job nigga
why are not sleeping?
Why arent you sleeping
too busy eating poop and pee nigga really nigga poop head ass nigga
i should
you should, too
Sleep well. .
don't give up
because you will not lose if you just keep going
eventually, everything will be alright
sleep well
and see you tomorrow
i will nigga thanks nigga you really helped me calm down and not eat my own poop nigga thanks nigga you want to have poop sex nigga pls nigga
See you in my dreams
thanks nigga. sleep well young nigga theres a heaven for a g nigga good night nigga
Love you
see you IRL, eventually
thanks nigga. me too nigga. you really are the god of young niggas. thanks nigga.
>eating poop
>mom walks in
>eats her
Anyone want IRL head pat's?
yes nigga