

Attached: 6.jpg (1000x900, 450K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm almost done... 30 more minutes..
Can you keep this alive for me?

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fug, my fav bread is up

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nice pic

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Attached: 18.jpg (472x597, 61K)

I don't understand

Attached: 827.jpg (548x548, 64K)

you were curious
and that's what he does
post 1.jpg

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Abraham Lincoln IS a Faggot

Avengers was pretty good even for a guy who doesn't follow cape movies

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I thought you wouldn't be able to get much enjoyment out of it without seeing the previous ones.

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how was the crowd?

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fug, forgot to quote

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I took the advice you guys gave and watched a few recap videos just to get caught up. I think I would of been completely lost without it.
It was 930 in the morning and the theater was completely full. Also it was American so lots of clapping

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i'm thinking about going tomorrow

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on a scale of 1 to 10, how tired are you?

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hi fren

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that always triggers me; shouldn't it be 0 to 10?


Attached: 263.jpg (1022x1275, 126K)

that was better then last time you asked
what about 0 to -10

Attached: 290.gif (500x281, 165K)

you're right...
but not in this case
just existing is already tiresome, so it's never 0

yay progress

Attached: 70272626_p0.jpg (1350x744, 528K)

You should, it might be be busy depending on what part of the world you are. I would of had a bad time if not for my friend.
Provide me a 7

Attached: c9953ead4cc4f4fcb4115065541139a8.jpg (580x750, 120K)

make me

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I see. I wish I could be less of a loser and stop being a semi-neet.

*heavy sigh* pretty accurate

Attached: 216.jpg (2048x1387, 314K)

can i give up yet?

Attached: 343.png (600x1200, 558K)

i expect it to be busy
but i don't think i won't be able to get a ticket

no, not now

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at the age of 30

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>Just existing is already tiresome, so it's never a 0
Something something fortnite
Lucky you... If you do see it let me know what you think?

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okay tomorrow!
Something something fortnite

Attached: 95.png (547x1000, 273K)

I go to uni; other than that I'm pretty much a neet.

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no fair

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you can't give up
there are nice things to be experienced

boo fake neet

life is pain

Attached: 67245860_p0 (1).jpg (1240x1748, 1003K)

you get to go to uni
no fair
>you can't give up
>there are nice things to be experienced

>life is pain

Attached: 368.png (195x205, 79K)

life is pain
but there are still nice things to be experienced

Attached: 32.jpg (300x354, 38K)

I too speak zoomer, now gib 7
But user you are getting an education to better yourself
Do we live just to suffer then?

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nice pain?

Attached: 99.jpg (1023x873, 134K)

give goatse

Attached: 184.jpg (2709x4047, 820K)

I'm sorry. I wish you could go.

Not really, I don't learn much and should have graduated by now.

Attached: 462.jpg (300x300, 16K)

no sorry

Attached: 15.jpg (535x569, 282K)

>Do we live just to suffer then?
there are still nice things to be experienced

nice frens

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I have to wake up in 9 hours

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then you will sleep 7 hours

Attached: 49.jpg (332x379, 40K)

Does anyone have that reaction image of a girl with her eyes closed but then it zooms in to show she's squinting and tired looking?

why 7?

Attached: 24.png (1285x2000, 954K)

damn, how do you do it

Attached: 221.jpg (800x600, 91K)

No ask for something else
Fake it till you make it user. What major?I agree, I have to stay alive to see friend this summer

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I dont think i can for much longer.
give fetish

Attached: 400.png (606x800, 327K)

that should be enough?..
if you're tired, go to bed now!

>I agree, I have to stay alive to see friend this summer
that's nice
internet friend, right? will it be the first time you two meet?

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do you want to do anything?

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fug, I'm sorry

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i want to stay in this comfy thread

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okay deleting thread

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My fetish is not answering fetish questions.
7 please
Yes the net friend. We have Skype called and stuff but never in person. Logistics are very hard for this.
I checked but don't have it

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no 7 then

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Nice. I couldn't hang with the math
Close enough

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Holy fuck source pls this is gorgeous

no fair..

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can't :P

fun fun fun


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lol there's nothing nice about it and I can't hang with anything, I'm just waiting a lot of money and don't know how to leave or what to do then

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what if i post something bad..
or hit bump limit

Attached: sad.gif (500x281, 940K)

what type of math is the problem?

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under any circumstances, DO NOT drop out of the uni
force yourself to graduate and be lazy after

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Indeed. Discrete mathematics and linear algebra are the hardest I've had so far.

Nah, I don't know how I'd do that. I'll probably stay until I'm kicked out, or perhaps just get my degree and then be a true neet.

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teach me

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ty boss

gib me some up

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Either I'm really happy to meet them, or I get axe murdered I love a win-win situation
I meant like a good field. Sorry I'm sure it's hard.

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I think you missed out on how dumb I am. Even if I knew stuff, youtube unironically teaches you better than I could. I'd actually have flunked more than I have if I didn't, several times, watch some youtube lesson before walking in to take a test.

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but i want you to explain

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i'm not sure i understand

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give me up

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because fren

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but eye tired

still fren

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can i give up

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you're too nice to give up

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can i quit


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i want to neet

you just started working
and being a neet is really boring

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i liked being a neet

i can't tell you what to do, fren
but please don't become a neet

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why cant i?

oh if you want to feel absolutely miserable feel free to become a neet

Attached: 69931778_p0.jpg (1500x1061, 662K)

i was a neet before

yeah but sooner or later you start feeling miserable if you're a neet

can you teach me to drive

after i teach myself how to drive

sounds good fren.
im sad

I thought only I didn't know how to drive

Attached: 142.png (1211x720, 497K)

yeah that's why people come to Yea Forums
to be sad

whats Yea Forums?
i have nobody to teach me..
and lessons are expensive

discord gg/fSTQHpZ

Join for free traps, steam codes and redpilled memes. Or come be comfy niceposters. Minimal rules :3

Attached: D4GiJ_7UcAIsfPP.jpg (900x1344, 165K)

a site for sad people

:( digits

digits are fun

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Sleeby pills are kicking in. Night night

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comfy dreams, Smoll

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wow ... .you are ..lucky..
sleep well smoll


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go get sleep

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why do you take picture of me?

i need time to cry.


i like crying

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i havent had time to cry.

Attached: 68718283_p0.jpg (864x1000, 345K)

are you okay

should i drink tonight?

Attached: 68752843_p0.png (1748x1181, 780K)

dont drink alone.

i'm used to drinking alone
also i drink once a few months, so i will be fine

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you could drink with me at the end of the week

it's sunday evening for me

i mean like next friday...

okay next friday then

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i have to go to uni soon, wish me luck guise

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i dont work on saturday so it will be perfect
good luck... and dont waste your chance..
you got this

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uni? b-but it's sunday

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i wish i could go to uni

i have to move across the country for it in a couple weeks

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what for? good luck, fren

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can't you just become a freelancer?

oh... soon... i'm dumb
good luck user

engineering, and thanks fren

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Too dumb.
And scared

but you're not dumb.
scared is okay.
being scared stimulates.

Where do I start

read fun books!

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Hence why so many peeps are into BDSM

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there are sites for freelancers

Attached: 1517541045762.jpg (1200x1353, 132K)

What books?

I've looked at some...
All the stuff looks so daunting..
I dont know if I'm capable..

anything you think is cool or triggers your autism. i like reading books about space

Attached: tumblr_phs53uhRj91tgpbz6o1_400.jpg (392x495, 33K)

you're capable
give it a try

Attached: 36.jpg (644x703, 85K)

I still have a book call brief history of everything.. I keep forgetting to finish it..

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yes, scary
but i'm sure there will be something you will be able to do

if you need more of those

don't be

I wish I had someone to help me

with what?

Post secondary..
Alot of things

Gonna sleep soon now. Good night, frens.

Attached: 827.jpg (1280x720, 81K)

Sleep well fren

oh i really hope you find that help somehow
it can be crucial
when i was 18 i lived alone and that was the reason i dropped out of uni
i was depressed and lost and nobody was there to help me

comfy dreams

I'm sorry...
I just want a chance at uni...

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don't be
i'm a mess but i can't really complain
i've had more in life than i really deserve

and how do unis work in your country?
there are no free unis?

Attached: 20961223_p0.jpg (320x320, 67K)

No... nothings free and they are far from me..

Probably a 2 hour drive

this thread is pretty damn pathetic
i came here to either see everyone asleep or happy and all i get is university crap

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that's really unfortunate fren
but you already know enough to be able to educate yourself
at least that's what i think
i mean you are able to do coding
just learn more about coding
in many cases they don't care whether or not you have a degree when they hire

Also no jobs in my area


you will be able to get an online job
i believe in you

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I'm tired

i would hire you
but i'm a neet
and i'm not sure where you should look for a job that you'd like

What's my job sir

nigga poop eating job nigga

Attached: nigga sex.jpg (960x758, 280K)

why are not sleeping?


Attached: 1500x500.jpg (1500x500, 105K)

Why arent you sleeping

too busy eating poop and pee nigga really nigga poop head ass nigga

Attached: nigga sex.jpg (853x1280, 155K)

i should
you should, too

Sleep well. .

don't give up
because you will not lose if you just keep going
eventually, everything will be alright
sleep well
and see you tomorrow

i will nigga thanks nigga you really helped me calm down and not eat my own poop nigga thanks nigga you want to have poop sex nigga pls nigga

Attached: n1ggasex.jpg (720x1080, 77K)

See you in my dreams

Attached: 6.gif (400x233, 635K)

thanks nigga. sleep well young nigga theres a heaven for a g nigga good night nigga

Attached: nigga sex.jpg (480x442, 29K)

Love you

see you IRL, eventually

Attached: 67877699_p0.jpg (1754x1240, 244K)

thanks nigga. me too nigga. you really are the god of young niggas. thanks nigga.

Attached: nigga sex.jpg (1000x667, 93K)

>eating poop
>mom walks in
>eats her


Anyone want IRL head pat's?

yes nigga


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