What is Yea Forums drinking tonight?
What is Yea Forums drinking tonight?
Bells two hearted ale. Sour monkeys pretty good tho
>want to impress the guys on Yea Forums
>better google a picture of some alcohol
I got it in front of me if you want, it's just easier than taking a picture.
SPOILER: Adults don't do this.
They don't go on Yea Forums to talk about beer, they don't take pictures of beer, or they don't use pictures of beer from the web? I'm not sure what you're getting at here.
Chill out man, it's a Saturday.
Nice. My dad likes their Oberon.
This shit and a little weed gets you very nicely fucked up.
211 is life
An Argentinian Malbec 2015 (Reserve)
It is a bit alcoholic but tastes so good
Was honestly not expecting a wine. I'm not really a wine guy.
Any recommendations for a guy that has almost exclusively had beer and liquor?
Picture related. We should start a Omegle tag and find eachother lol
Come join us on the /beer/ general on . It's fun and we could always use more posters.
looks good user
and that's a nice glass
probably the best IPA ive had, and im not an IPA drinker usually, i prefer darks.
You mean niggers*
cheers, queers
>This IPA is named after the Hexagenia mayfly hatch (the largest in North America) that occurs every year during the summer months on the Fall River. Our bold IPA is also well balanced with a strong malt backbone to offset the barrage of hops that create a shifting flavor of hop bitterness and aroma.
I'm having trouble getting into IPAs. How does this one taste?
Looks noice.
its refreshing, it has a citrusy, clean, light floral flavor, and doesn't taste like you are licking a pinecone or a bar of soap. (like most IPAs ive tried lol)
its a local beer tho, i think its only in northern california.
Nothing fancy just American lager
Oh shit nigga im drinking that too
They brew that in Canada.
To me the BETTER IPAs are ones that taste citrusy but those taste bitter like a less than ripe orange peel. I'm trying to understand the hype.
>what are you drinking tonight
If you're drinking some black man's semen and enjoying it, then good for you. I meant for this thread to be about beverages though.
Speaking of, I am out of Sour Monkey and moved on to this.
only the best
Gin and tonics
i dont understand the hype either. i just know what i like and drink it haha.
Did spics not get the memo that clear bottles make beer farty?
did dipshits not get the memo im not latino and this is a soda
Yeah, I am into sours and bloody marys so that is what I drink.
I like other stuff, but those are my favorites.
I picked some of that up a couple weeks ago because I'm a huge fan of passion fruit, but boy did that shit suck ass. Do not recommend. Love pretty much all of NB products though.
Same here.
Fermented Welsch's
>not recommend
>love pretty much all of NB products
You like their Sour Saisson? That's my fav.
love this stuff, have it somewhat often.
I've worked the past 34 days straight, and work in the morning at 6:30. Drinking water. Excavation sucks boys.
Would love for it to be this but I’m still at work
400mg Seroquel
The champagne of beers
>the tears of my enemies
Founders All Day. I'm not big into IPAs but this one is a session and doesn't taste like I'm chewing a hopp.
Finished my Battlehill scotch last weekend, starting this tonight
I can dig it.
You can do better.
RIP. What are you doing on a Saturday night?
RIP as well.