Jahseh was essentially a clout martyr

Jahseh was essentially a clout martyr.

Everyone is claiming this was a random robbery, but it's clear what was actually happening: his killers were driven to take his life solely for the sake of clout. They wanted infamy of their own and found it in gunning down a 20-year old.

As Jah was taking his final breath, he was surrounded by kids taking video and pictures of him. Why? For clout. No one was taking his pulse, no one was calling 911, everyone was standing around with their phones out as his body was clinging to life.

The moral lesson of Jahseh's life story should be a cautionary tale of the horrors of social media and how it's fucked our society beyond belief.

RIP Jah. See you in Heaven...

Attached: xxxspiredzzzz.jpg (225x225, 6K)

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sage this thread. no one cares bout this stupid fucking nigger

Millions of kids do. Jah was a huge inspiration to many.

wife beating asshole. go back to fortnite kid

If this negroid inspired kids then we might as well burn the current generation to the ground and start over.

>wife beating asshole.
Except there's ZERO evidence Jah was guilty of the allegations. Geneva ADMITTED she lied and wanted the charges dropped.

What about X makes you hate him?

shit music, shit person.
you're clearly under 18. get the fuck out.

There's a video of him punching a woman in the head you fucking mong.

I'm 26 and educated. I can see through the lies.

And what's the context of that video?

and an audio recording of him explicitly admitting to it.
brainwashed kids these days will do anything to protect niggers

are you black?

lmao listen to his 40 minute tape where he admits it.
"I used to BEAT her ass bruh..." lmao

b-b-b-BUT HE CHANGED!!!!!!! fucking children. glad he got shot. deserved much worse.

The context was the girl was streaming on her phone and he comes behind her and punches her in the head

How do you know that recording was in context? Bitchfork is a known sensationalist publication.

obvious troll


Why does that matter?

low IQ confirmed. no point arguing.

PROOF Jah's murder was deliberately planned:

There's still countless of these out there, it's fine

Why do you think this? Jah was deliberately framed. The Miami police are notoriously racist and would easily lock up a black man on false evidence.

X wasn't a "n****r", he was highly intelligent.

That was his cousin and she released a legal statement that it was just okay fighting and out of context


Eyewitness account bitch.

He was a nigger that lived a nigger lifestyle and had nigger shit happen to him. Case closed.

How do you know Sunny is credible?

Holly shit dude you’re fucking brainwashed kid

I'm not brainwashed. I support Jah because there's NO EVIDENCE he was a criminal.

nobody gives a shit, dumb nigger

Jah was a huge inspiration to MILLIONS.

millions of braindead zoomers.

X hated brainwashed sheep.

imagine hating your own fans, he never cared about you and obviously never will do. he was all about the money and thats it.

What does this mean?

cringey zoomer terminology for popularity

Social prestige on the streets.

Attached: goblins.jpg (1080x1079, 168K)

Jah cared about every single one of his fans. He treated them like family.


Good 1 less nigger. And 69 getting fucked in prison

6ix9ine is getting out. The cops have no evidence on him and only arrested him so he'd squeal on the bigger fish.

A lot of older people liked him too. Remember Kendrick and Erykah threatened to take their music off Spotify after Spotify unfairly banned X.