The us govenment collaspes due to debt

>the us govenment collaspes due to debt
>ancapistan becomes reality
>the streets are engaged in corporate fighting for dominance
>you must choose one corporation to join
Well user, who are you fighting for

Attached: ancapistan.jpg (262x192, 7K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Yum. Pepsi and Taco Bell, KFC and Pizza Hut.

for a giant army of horses and dogs to ride and have ride me

Hot topic.
so I can enslave the remaining helpless emo girls and use them for my pleasure and sell them off occasionally

Attached: emogirl purple hair.jpg (737x850, 76K)

Always wanted to be a big pharma goon

you can use all the fat fuckers if you have the high ground to run over enimies

Attached: Violet-demise.jpg (220x250, 12K)

>monster energy
I give it to all the boomers as feul in exchange for ride on mower charges and doom combat tactics

Some gay bar
When the patrons get slaughtered, the other people die from the aids they get by getting blood splattered on them


We would do well. Nobody has the food AND the drinks.

united airlines.
we drop off third worlders to give vibrant diversity to all who oppose us

Attached: Screenshot 2018-02-11 at 12.59.00 PM.png (1366x768, 264K)

With pepsi we could divert the stem cells from the unborn babies and sell them

incase no one knows

Attached: pepsi.jpg (332x152, 10K)


Attached: ecstasy.jpg (440x500, 71K)

litterly this
the spice must flow niggers

Google and Facebook utilizing AI and having a live human element with a Hive mind Social network infrastructure will rule and devastate the world. Humans will be predictably programmed and used for task elementary to machines. 75 years in the future.

Nah, use those cells for super soldier experiments. Recombine human and animal DNA for some interesting creations.


Then I can spray Agent Orange all over America

Obviously bass pro fishing

unless something else happens, which it may, this is a likely future for the languishing human cattle

what purification / culling / purge methods do you propose for the masses of useless eaters, human weeds, oxygen wasters, reckless breeders and so forth?

then again, I suppose said human waste are already preprogrammed to self cull and reduce in size automatically

also, do you propose mass 3d printing technology, wireless electricity and no road travel in the future?

you mean Bayer

i use rapidly flashing screens to cause condishoning

Attached: N.jpg (612x612, 25K)

I can buy up all the old & new media companies and have a monopoly on information. Also I can feed all your activity into quantum AI and now I'm reading your thoughts and can predict your next thoughts with >90% accuracy.

Attached: 48eff8e1-bf48-49e3-f257-a940f282a72d.png (1600x900, 1.55M)