Have you thanked a Huwhite NRA member today?

Have you thanked a Huwhite NRA member today?

Be honest, without us you’d probably all be dead by now.

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You puzzle me, OP.

Why do you need to belong to a group to have sincere belief or take action? Why can't you stand as an individual?


I'll thank the NRA to go broke and stop interfering with our goal of firearms regulation.

Because I have a small penis. That's why I carry a gun too.

>Why do you need to belong to a group to have sincere belief or take action
Has no beliefs.
Takes no action.
Have you always had trouble saying thank you?
Does this come from a false sense of entitlement or is it just you trying to be rebellious?

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actually you just got caught being a hivemind OP
taken down hard

LA Times is saying it was a 19yo white man. NY Times says it was an older person. The reporting is all fucked up. Anyone for the facts?

Your welcome user.
I know it’s hard for you.
Seeing all the winning going on but not being part of it.
Just know that we still love you and will always fight to protect you and your God given constitutional rights.
The only thing we can’t protect you from is yourself.
For that we are sorry user.

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so you're also a known autist

Are you actually implying that’s a bad thing?
You’re not from around these parts are you user?

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You're not very good at this whole trolling thing honestly. Maybe you should just go to your room and think about what you've done here and try to do better next time.

I'm just saying you have incredible difficulties

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You know itttrue deep down user.
Say it.
It’s such a small thing.
Just say it.
Say thank you.

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I'll thank you to shoot yourself.

>So what you’re saying is
Is that so user?
I’ll keep that in mind.


Why should I? Your hugbox is about to go bankrupt. Without the NRA standing in the way, we will ban most assault weapons by 2025.

I felt your heart cry out user.
You’re welcome.

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Politics aside fuck the nra and anyone stupid enough to give them money.

user I'm just pointing out your inability to construct clear and simple methods of communication.

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I'm winning this.

fuck the NRA for supporting gun control

They don't user. That's the joke.

Ya probably not but you keep thinking so trumptard

Yes yes yes.
Yada yada yada.
And I’m just pointing out that you owe someone a thank you.
Come on little guy.
You can do it.
You’re almost there.

19 yr old incel Yea Forums cucker..

user you also exhibit cringing projection as your go to defense mechanism. You should an hero, it's best of all of us.

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screenshots of threads he posted in?

That’s just the MSM trying to get out in front of the story before all the Democrats recent anti-semitism gets put on blast.
Cause a Yea Forums Yea Forumsro would tooootaly talk about Yea Forums in his manifesto.
Super believable user.

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I would. I'd mention how it was post 798412984 that enraged me to the point of where I wanted to kill.

I already said you’re welcomed user.
You’ve made very clear that you’re extremely thankful.
That’s enough for now.
Let someone else have a turn.

Sounds legit.
Should we also subscribe to pewdie pie then?