So this attention-seeking Yea Forumstard scumbag John Earnest just went batshit crazy on a Synagogue in Poway...

So this attention-seeking Yea Forumstard scumbag John Earnest just went batshit crazy on a Synagogue in Poway, California. Why do you incel neo-Nazis always wind up being soy-filled weak ass white little bitches? Hope this dude gets raped in prison. Douchebag even posted all his manifesto bullshit on eight-chanz like the pathetic white bitch that pulled the New Zealand shit.

White people are the single biggest terrorists on the planet. Fuck y'all.

Attached: typical 4channer.png (1861x951, 693K)

Other urls found in this thread:

He ain't a 4channer he's a 4channeler

lulz...this bitch was the dude posted all over Yea Forums & eight chanz. He was stopped by one of the Jews at the synagogue. Neo-Nazi white boy got owned by a Jew. So much for you bitches & your "master race"...hahahahahaha

Behold the "master race"

>be white
>go around genociding other people for hundreds of years
>wonder why people dont like you

He was atopped by an armed civilian

>the NPCs will STILL want guns banned.

Dindu & the Gimme Gimmes

this guy couldn't even start a livestream, he was brenton tarrant in a gay form

exactly, dont ban guns, ban white people

6 million was NOT enough.


>4 6 8 steeple we should ban all people

Anyone got the video?


I agree.

No, both brenton Tarrant and this dudes mistake was picking the least white and most liberal places. He should've done this in oregon, washington, alaska, or anywhere on the east coast except new jersey and new york. He should've done this in europe, or in where (except darwin, whites don't belong that close to Asia and the equator.

whites as the superior race act out like this because pos poc drive them crazy because they are such shit bags look at majority black cities but talk about the big black dick myth and feel better in your fantasy

Attached: hate.jpg (125x121, 3K)

there is no. he failed to start the livestream. he didn't plan it at all probably and forgot to turn off facebooks privacy feature stuff that probably only showed the stream for his friends or some dumb shit.

The dude's Youtube channel. Figures it some right entitled white boy that did this shit.

Waiting for the day when one of these guys shoots up a corporate meeting or a lobbying conference or something
Anti-Semitism is based and all but at this scale it's not particularly productive

Do we even have proof hes a Yea Forumstard, let alone a chan browser? Follow up, why are you guys so hungry for notoriety that isnt even trickling down to you? The site takes all the bad rap, its not like it makes you cooler if you browse a site of jew hating, mass murdering incel wimps. Is it just the sole fact that the news says "Yea Forums" on live TV? I dont understand.


((( they ))) disabled comments. fucking jewtube

Stop jews from taking over our environments. West coast like California belong to European as europe is a west coast, hence we belong there, like eagles belong in America. Get the invasive species out! They can live in their homland, or similar desert places like Mexico or los angeles. But nowhere more rainy or fertile, or farther North or south.

So this bitch hates conservatives, hates Trump, admitted to burning down a mosque in Escondido, California last month & hates trannies....yup, sounds like your typical Yea Forumstard.

>Screenshot of his manifesto

Attached: manifesto 2.jpg (675x1200, 145K)

Why do they not just do a DC sniper version picking off all of (((their))) children, instead of some random synagogue?

>has radical beliefs
>hurrdurr every psychopath ever definitely browses Yea Forums
You guys arent gonna let this go, are you?

Nothing ever happened. Lol. 1 person died at summer camp. Those retards blame whites for everything.

Because muh signalling. Apparently, """the race war""" is now because a few alt-right shooters showed up at a sand temple. Gotta wake up all those sleeper warriors with some action, what better way to do it by acting out on extremist viewpoints.

is he an actual incel is this like with the zealand terrorist where you just call him that?

>((( whatever )))

Fuck off back to /pol/. OK. Thanks. Bye.

Shill army checked

We can make assesments of his picture; hes definitely not big enough to be an alpha so hes at least beta tier. Chances are hes full blown incel. Twinks cant be men.

i'd do him if I were gay or a woman.

/pol already trying to rile people up I see.

Youre grasping hard. Hes a total bottom. Dont act like he isnt. He has no meat on his bones. On top of that, hes deffo a manlet. Sub 6ft

Why are you such a butthurt little bitch? And where are you getting that this was the shooter?

>. Hes a total bottom.

B-b-b-uh muh white genocide!

Thus, hes a beta. A twink. Thats the entire point of this conversation. Hes a weak manlet.

fucking hilarious this keeps getting reposted. Yah the shooter was "engaged" but stopped because his assault rifle's magazine failed.
little white boy twink didnt even know how to use his weapon

Fuck off back to Tumblr, landwhale cow. God, Yea Forums is getting more and more Tumblrina everyday.

>BTW, retards YOU’RE currently posting on the “Ebul Cishet white male nazi incel site.”


BTW. Yes, this guy is a shitty person. But
You’re lumping all 4channers and White people in with him. No, I don’t support what he did, yes I understand you’re angry, I am too. But FFS, Yea Forums isn’t some terrorist headquarters.

Not all Muslims are terrorist. But almost all terrorists are Muslim

The shooter with his dad.

Attached: 11242433_10203001355633427_6863703042026486772_n.jpg (720x960, 67K)

Further more, how about you think about the victims instead of trying to signal boost and make it all about how oppressed you are?

Fuck off glow nigger.

This whole story is a lie
Guns are illegal in california
Therefore this couldn't happen there

It doesn't make sense. Why don't they just Go after the oligarchy? Why some random place? Was anyone even affiliated with (((their))) lineages? I mean, thats how you hit them where it hurts.

>meanwhile 300 Christians dead in Sri Lanka.
>never reported on MSM


because that's retarded. Life aint like a movie. You can't just keep sniping prominent people's children and expect to get away with it. Besides killing people one at a time over a period of time isn't realistic.

It was all over the news, what the fuck are you talking about?

Who says it will be one at a time?

Why would they worry about "getting away with it"?

(((Their))) greed has destroyed countless lives and contaminated the planet (so future generations as well.

DC snipers wasn't a movie. It actually happened and they were killing for quite sometime.

You said the DC sniper. They did multiple shootings, not just one. That was also in the 90s, and you won't get away with it in any major city today. You won't get away with sniping that many people anyway.

He sure plays real pretty. Too bad he hated himself so much he had to displace his hate onto someone else, i.e. a whole ethnic group.

But honestly, his arms and fingers probably hurt all the time and he was passed about carpal tunnel and his parents probably yelled at him all the time to make something of himself.

So he did. He just didn't an hero correctly

You said the DC sniper. They did multiple shootings, not just one.
>and? Implying other squads cand do that
That was also in the 90s, and you won't get away with it in any major city today.
>says who? You?
You won't get away with sniping that many people anyway.

>because YOU said so?

Because this shooting was one person not a squad.

And he won't get away with sniping people, because first, you need to find a good place to snipe people, and from here I will assume you need a good vantage point where you can oversee the place you are going to shoot. Second you need to be a good enough shot to be able to accurately hit people from your vantage point and a lot of mass shootings don't take a lot of planning, and so I won't assume many mass shooters will do this. The ones who do this have training, like Charles Whitman. Once you start shooting, you will obviously make a lot of noise unless you have a suppressor on, but they're still pretty loud, so you only have until so long until the police are called to your location and until people all run for shelter and you dont have anyone left to shoot. So youre now on top of the building or parking garage and you need time to escape if you want to, or hole up and die like Whitman.

It's not realistic and overly complex to other mass killings.

>doesn't meme at all
not /ourguy/. just another psycho 19 year old being cringy and edgy. probably just wanted to be some sort of /pol/ hero like Brenton. fuck em. he's just sending us down the shitter by merely associating with the chans

How is killing (((the))) families offspring a mass shooting? If a two man team can kill 10 people without getting caught for almost a month, imagine how many people 5 two man teams of highly trained and armed men who are aptly equipped can do. A lot. They're called black ops.

stfu nigger Join our new discord server no rules anything goes! pTZSnTf

Because that's just assassination and or terrorism. Most mass shooters are more impulsive. And like I said, many of them aren't going to have the training needed to do those kinds of shots unless if they served or are hunters. Better if they served and one of them has had experience as a marksman. Again that was the 90s, this is 2019 with an ever more vigilant law enforcement. I will say they can probably do mass three mass sniping events before they eventually get caught. But the DC snipers were shooting random people not targeting children of Jews, so police would watch for places with Jews more closely.