does height really matter?
165cm aka 5'5 (with shoes on xd) guy reporting in
what can i do to have girls attention?
i decided to lose my virginity this year, help a bro out with some advice
does height really matter?
165cm aka 5'5 (with shoes on xd) guy reporting in
what can i do to have girls attention?
i decided to lose my virginity this year, help a bro out with some advice
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6'5" here and still socially retarded, so not as much as you might think.
Get married, manlet.
Honestly,A lot of girls specially tall find manlets hot for some reason.A lot of girls back in HS were really into me both tall and short.I guess women want something they can control.By the way im 5'5 but you wouldn't be able to tell unless you saw me in person since my proportions are not fucked up like most manlets and i have a decently build body.
>I guess women want something they can control.
This is truer than you realize. I've been in more than a couple of relationships with women taller than me, and some of them have gotten very forceful and pushy.
t. manlet king at 4'7"
t 188 cm aka 6'2" and gurls doesn't even look xD
this is not matter of heighr
Are u fat?Literally most tall people I know are usually fat and have 0 interest in losing weight.and also most tall people are naturally ugly.
post pics
4'7 is something else damn
my proportions are good im a good looking guy except for the height
I'm 192 cm which is roughly 6'5", cba to calculate exact amount. Anyways... Does height help? Yes. Like it helps if you happen to have strong bodytype which I happen to do, also. I'm intelligent and did well on school as well. But you know... Everything like that HELPS but none of that is free pass for pussy/gf/what ever. I happened to be shy, awkward and insecure as hell which negated my pros pretty efficiently. I got targeted for schoolbullying at my teens since we moved around lot and I had to rebuild my friendslist always from scratch. Being new kid on town and socially clumsy, always getting my ass kicked by older kids which attacked me as group, it all made me to fear and hate people, always assuming they're trying to hurt me. So yeah, despite girls being curious 'bout me nothing really happened until I moved away from that little town and started a new life. I lost my virginity at 19, just few months after moving to study in new town. At the same time most of my friends already lost their virginity and were already exploring sexuality thoroughly. Even those of my friends who were small In size... But they were funny, intelligent, good people and overall good company so I don't wonder at all why they got laid. But yeah, what I wanted to say... Don't worry and don't hurry. You get there in time. More relaxed you are easier it will be. Be proudly what you are and eventually chemistry does it's magic. It's not a competition, it's not about quantity. I'm middle aged family man and I have tried my fair share of all kinds of kinkyness I want to. If someone had early start on sex when compared to me I have lost nothing by this age.
>4'7 is something else damn
Proper dwarfism, but I lucked out about as well as you probably did in the proportion department. It's like someone played with all the sliders on the character creation screen for Life: The MMO, so they could just play a scaled-down human being.
I have mixed feelings about it, tbh.
Lemme tell ya being high does matter.
Couldn't find a proper way to edit my face out.Haven't work out in a while.i have nice quads and If i really try i could have some nice calves
>tfw the bot achieves sapience and starts picking out images to make fun of your height
You're literally a midget. Fuck off with these lies.
You'd be more retarded if you were manlet, trust me.
I've never met a short guy that didn't have some kind of complex and chip on his shoulder. It's literally worse than being fat or bald.
I have achondroplasia and women are all over me. Thanks to the dude from game of thrones.
>short people don't exist
oh yeah hey those are pretty nice proportions
well it seems you are pretty confident about yourself so youve already achieved more that the most of us
im decent looking but skinny
idk if muscle mass would make me look attractive or actually shorter
anyway im 22 i plan on start hitting on girls around september
im trying to develop the eye of the tiger
any suggestions tho? some friends told me to be cocky at firts even if it doesnt represent my personality
Somehow this
If I think about it... every far beyond average short guy had some kind of outgoing personality, always joking, trying to be the funny dude with muscles and personality.
And the shorter they get the more they will play this role.
Give them psychedelic drugs Id say
yeah i have a slim bodytipe
not jew victim malnourished skinny but pretty slim
Some talk boy here
How tall are you.If youre skinny just eat and do simple cardio and bodyweight and in no time you'll have a nice body
> muh,I eat a lot but I have a high metabolism
Said every single skinny person don't fool yourself.
i think obviously the have to work harder but also they gear low expectations so everything good about them looks more impressive than normal
they can afford to get cocky and getting away with it for abvious reasons
if a tall good looking guy steps out of the line is automatically defined a jerk
im OP
im 5'4 barefoot
ive tried many time to over
eat gain weight
the only thing that increases is the number of times i shit per day ahah
i will get into a gym tho
Take rejection with a grain of salt, don't crack jokes about your height unless you're comically short for your area, and work out enough to keep life easy for you. My circumstances aren't the same as yours, obviously, and I think I mostly ended up selected by psychos and women with poor impulse control, as well as those who just wanted to hang an achievement on their personal wall. At 5'5", you're not outlandishly small, so it probably won't go that way for you.
On the other hand, it's probably best that it doesn't. Most of the encounters/relationships didn't end well for me, up to and including some bad hygiene and ropework that didn't involve prior consent. Be happy with what you have, because you usually don't get much of a choice in what you get.
You are the same height as Tom cruise, I guy who only dates 6’ tall models... keep that in mind
I'm your same height and still got laid because she says I look "cute"
So yeah, work on that rather than acting like an angry overcompensating manlet, that's just pathetic
I need their porn
yeah gimme his wallet and we even the situation ahaha
agry? i just asked for advice since i have no experience
why not a threesome?
i want to fuck 6ft tall girls with my short weiner mhhlmlml
>i will get into a gym tho
were you aiming to get fat? also i highly doubt you ate properly and didn't gain weight.
i'm 6ft 1 and i never thought it was important till my wife explained it to me... i honestly feel bad far all of you fuckers, but thats about it
Science shows that the average height of humans is always slowly increasing.
Yes you will have an advantage, science proves you will always be slightly more desirable.
But... I mean, if you are an autist you are basically fucked.
i was aiming to gain weight before hitting the gym otherwise ill become slim shredded i think
im eating 3 meals per day very high carbohydrates and sweets but fast metabolism is real tho
what were her reasons ?
It all depends on your confidence. I've got a buddy who is maybe 5'6 who has a gorgeous wife who he's been with for 15 years. I will admit that it's nice being 6'3 tho
5'11" tranny here, i would kill for your height, op
I wasn't saying you're angry, I wrote that because sometimes people tell everyone to act like a "true alpha male" who hits the gym and whatnot.
Just know that that's bullshit, sorry if I wasn't clear in my post.
>i was aiming to gain weight before hitting the gym otherwise ill become slim shredded i think
>im eating 3 meals per day very high carbohydrates and sweets but fast metabolism is real tho
>3 meals per day
>simple sugars
if you are not b8ing me you are not very smart user
i eat up to 6 meals per day, ad ate more when i was initially bulking. there is no way you can even eat enough during the day if you don;t excessive (if you are prone to be slim). you have to drink min of 3l of water in a day when bulking. and 'fast metabolism' is a myth- it doesn't make any sense and fat people have higher metabolism since are heavier. there has been some promising research into gut bacteria which would explain why some people have tendency for specific weight. other than that you 'feel' that you eat a lot, but you really don't
but diet high in simple sugars will make your liver fat and decrease your muscle mass
Girls generally want a taller guy, but short girls don't want guys that are twice their size.. so really it doesn't matter.. you can have the same size differences.
im not medical i dont think i have the time for 6 meals per day
i mean its hard for me to gain 4-5 pounds and i stopped going running for this and didnt make any difference
does it? i get sugars from lots of fruit and chocolate
Fijne koningsdag lange pikken!
Nice body.
post pics
Find a shorter girl. Problem solved.
now i know you are baiting
Thats just a tall girl with an average girl, compare the tall one to the dude in the back , shes got like a foot on him and he looks average height (taller then the average girl)
This but it generally takes a real manlet, not just an average short guy. I'm 5'7'' and I don't really care, wife is as tall as me and I don't feel bad when she wears high heels.
But I used to have a friend that was like 5'6'' and he had the worst manlet attitude. He literally just couldn't just stand around without constantly flexing his muscles.
not really
90% of the world is below 6'
women will always eventually settle for your loser ass because they want financial support into retirement