what do you think about chastity, user?
What do you think about chastity, user?
makes me want to pump my cock in your ass telling you what a miserable fucktoy you are as you drain load after load from daddy's balls
while I dangle the key in front of you just out of reach
i prefer to chase titties than chastity :)
Would love to find a female or sissy/trap keyholder
new cage just arrived today, actually. cleaning it up now.
I'm quite happy with this seller, so I'm spamming them a little here. Hope nobody minds.
i don't
you actually put that china-branded "stainless steel" rod/tube into your urethra?
Kinda weird...
I love letting older women dom me, peg me, make me worship their body, specially feet.
Never once thought I could make the experience better by putting my dick in a cage and wearing lingerie. Is it a gender dysphoria thing?
Yep. I clean it and sterilize it very thoroughly first. Sometimes they have traces of polishing compound on or in them.
This does appear to be actual 304 stainless steel. Non-plated, not magnetic. They did a good job buffing this particular one, too. I'll check it often for corrosion before I tell my KH that it's good to go for anything long term.
i think that people who enjoy it should be chemically castrated for the good of humanity.
thats a lot of trust for something thats 15 bucks on ebay with free shipping
at least with butt toys you can put them in a condom before shoving it up the pooper. Thats a lot of trust in something thats super cheap and from china to boot
wish a real man could lock me up forever before claiming my ass, knowing it's the only virginity i'd ever lose
love my tiny dick in chastaty
I've managed to sleep in my cage for the first time today, so now the fun can really start ;)
how long should my first multi-day lockup be?
Yes, it is. It's not blind trust, though. I am cautious with it.
I've had some cages get here that needed a lot of work before they were safe to use. Some had burrs, many had polishing grime, and one "stainless steel" was just chrome-plated.
Buying the cheap stuff from China is always a little risky. I have a dremel tool, though, and more spare time than money, so it's worked out well for me.
I also see this exact model - probably from the exact same manufacturer - being sold for 2 or 3 times as much. I can't go by price alone.
but we don't need chemicals to be effectively castrated, user. What don't you grasp about the idea of "chastity"?
It's good cuz it makes sure faggots like u don't reproduce. A big jail where u just get locked up till dead would be best tho.
Also saging this faggot shit.
faggots won't reproduce either way you collosal retard
Seems pretty gay
pulled straight from reddit, who's the real faggot here?
2 or 3 days. And no more than that without uncaging for a thorough cleaning, or it'll smell like you're taking a cast off.
is showering with the cage on not enough to get everything clean?
not usually, in my experience. it's easy to flush water through it, and not much harder to get soapy and rinsed, but you also need to get it dried well after your shower, or it gets funky fast. that's hard to do completely, even with a hair dryer.
that one looks like it's a fully-enclosed model, too, and will be even more of a challenge to keep clean, I would think. I haven't tried a fully-enclosed one myself, though.
i'm just scared i immediately get a huge hardon as soon as the cage goes off, is there anything else i can do for that?
Love it. I'm wearing my cage right now
post a pic if you can
I always get purple balls. Some user said to buy a smaller ring, sunce then it wouldn't be pulling away from my body. Is he right?
so small that you can't slip out or get a hardon, but not so small it cuts off circulation and makes anything have the wrong color
go slowly, and think of dead puppies? I've read that icing it deflates it quickly, but I've never tried it. I rarely have an issue with being too hard to put it on, and when I have, it usually goes away by itself if I just hold it still for a few minutes. I'm also pushing 50 years old, though, which makes a difference.
depends on where the ring is when your balls turn purple, user.
if the ring is snug against your body when your balls turn purple, you need a bigger ring, not smaller. or a larger gap between the ring and the cage.
if the ring slides down and rests against your balls, turning them purple, then you need a smaller ring.
im 19 so yeah, might make a difference lol
i also usually don't but i had my cage on for 1 1/2 days at a time now and im already incredibly desperate to cum
will try a cold shower
Thanks, I think I need a smaller ring, but that sounds weird lol
yes, I imagine the sensory deprivation of a full-enclosure cage would do that to me too. so far, I've only tried with breathable open metal cages, and even then, I've been desperate to cum after a day.
I don't think I could cage up after a cold shower, or icing, come to think of it, cuz my balls would disappear inside me and refuse to come out. I'm already really high and tight as it is.
also, what's the best way to tease myself without taking the cage off? i wanna make the next night more fun if you know what i mean
put a hitachi on the cage?
Pff... "smaller ring" doesn't sound any weirder than anything else in this conversation, user. just do what works for you.
watch your wife fuck another man while you're caged. if you're into that, I mean. hasn't happened yet for me, but I'm still hopeful. (don't flame me. I don't fully understand the "why" of it all myself, and I've done a lot of thinking about it.)
that'll make me cum though, right? what can i do that is even more frustrating?
Is there a part that sticks into your pee hole?
Wait do you fucking sound yourself with the metal bar in the center???
What in the actual fuck
i'm gay and single so getting my wife fucked isn't really an option lol
i'm not into the whole cuckoldry aspect of it, it's about the denial, horniness and Sub/dom dynamic for me (if that helps you understand the different reasons people have for this)
i'm on day 9 now and it's getting really tough, weed making me even more horny doesn't help either hehe
11 more days to go, i hope my bf won't (will actually pls) expand it to a month then
love being locked up and cumming like a girl
yes. although, "sounding" implies (to me, at least) moving something in and out a lot. This is more of just putting it there and leaving it there. i become accustomed to it, except for when it shifts (bending over, sitting down, standing up, etc.) then, it reminds me that i'm owned. it's a mind fuck, totally, like I'm getting my chain yanked.
yeah, I get that angle too. there are as many reasons and aspects to this as there are people doing it.
9... nice. I have yet to make it more than 8 before my balls get too tight and refuse to relax. I dream of a month.
So how do you guys stimulate yourselves in chastity? Do you just fuck your ass? Or do you use a vibrator
it gets more and more frustrating with every day, this morning i even saw i leaked a bit of precum at nighttime
i'm actually treading new fields as well, never been locked beyond a week, this is gonna be fun
I think it's hot - in theory or in porn
But I think it doesn't work in real life
i prefer anal, since by bf is my keyholder i regularly get my ass done, in addition to blowing him pretty much daily
in my own twisted opinion, a vibe still feels too "close" to penile stimulation so it's too much of a relief, to each their own though
or you could of course go for total denial and not get stimulated at all during a lockup
fine as long as dat ass is not also locked up
Do you cum from getting fucked lol
mostly, I don't directly stimulate myself. the thing that makes me the horniest is eating my wife out while caged. she makes me her toy, and my orgasm doesn't matter. this makes me leak.
haven't done much with my ass, due to complications of that area.
vibrators are fun, but if I'm wearing a cage with a urethral insert, they can irritate the urethra too much.
i agree. at least, it doesn't work as a way to prevent sex, or lust. it cracks me up hearing stuff like, "Tiger Woods' wife should only take him back if he's in chastity." it makes lust a lot stronger for me.
i do! it's a really different feeling from anything to do with the penis though
i'd even say a much better feeling (getting my bf's cum into my ass is also priceless)
How do you manage to? I've tried to do it using a dildo before, but the most I've got out of it was precum.
I would love to fuck that faggot and make him cum hands free like a girl
if i masturbate anally (which i rarely do by now), i always aimed for the prostate, sometimes keeping the dildo in and just wiggling it against the thing for stimulation. thrusts are of course also important, and a lot of fun
most important thing is patience and a good mood, having been denied for a couple days helps of course
now that i have a keyholder bf he does most of the work lol, even then having been denied for a couple days helps a lot, as well as the daily teasing (mostly in the form of giving BJs) i get
I wish I had bf who keeps me locked and wants blowjobs he wouldn't even need to fuck me
How should I aim for the prostate more exactly?