Has anyone ever had an mfm threesome and not had it wreck the relationship?

Has anyone ever had an mfm threesome and not had it wreck the relationship?
My gf and I have been talking about it for a while, any tips?

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Be the other guy. When it's over, you just leave.
Problem solved.

If it's just with a girlfriend and if she's the one that is pushing for it, then i'd say go for it if you want.

worst-case, you can break up.

I'd be way more careful if you were actually married.

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This is actually the best answer. It's likely you don't want to deal with the aftermath.


I brought up threesomes but she was way more down for two guys so we’ve been using that fantasy more than with a girl but she’s still down

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Just don’t make eye contact with the other guy, don’t touch his dick and don’t let him touch your dick. And you’ll be fine.

My longtime girlfriend and I did it once and we're still all good. Had a ffm threesome too, though, so balance was kept. I think that's the key.

Well, in that case, I'd probably look to her to "direct the scene" as it were.

It’s all about communication. Establish what you will do before eg will you spit roast her etc or is it more of a tag team thing . Make clear what the boundaries are.

Yeah weve really developed what she wants out of it, we’re just not sure about a guy, thinking about having her make a tinder but she thinks it would be sexier if it happened organically

DPed my wife with a random business man we were drinking with at a hotel bar. Was a great time and we talk about it still 4 years later. Go for it. Randoms are better than friends I would think.

Well, I wish you the best - this is getting a bit out of my depth.

For me (Bi) and my friends at the time. They were both lezbo as fuck until one 4th of July night we all got drunk and kissed like animals out in my backyard they are both 8/10s and where down for it when we did kiss one of them said haha this is so funny and went back inside for more booze. Then when she left (B) her gf at the time (J) looked at me and said annon I want to fuck you but idk if B would be down for that. I told her I know I know and wish we could but then we just decided to make out until she for back. It was a Good 3 mins of us doing it and when she got back B she looked at both of us and started to drunk laugh then pass out. When she did J and me took her inside and the both slept in my spare bedroom. I know they both remembered it beacuse one of them (J) likes to fuck around and the other one (B) doesn't forget much. That's the closest I gotten with there three some but I have more story's if anyone's got the time.

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Don't do it with someone you really care about. There are too many potentials for jealousy. Every one I know- all 4 of them- it was the downfall of their marriage/relationship.

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me and my best friend double teamed a crippled girl he was friends with once i hate this bitch and he was living with me at the time. we are still great friends but i still hate the chick shes a loud drunk and always high and i didnt want her in my house maybe the 3 way was a way for them to convince me to let her come around more often.

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im down man ive got time to hear some stories

What's the point of mfm then?

It’s for the girl

If your gf wants MMF, you don't have a gf. It's just your turn. Take it and move on. Talk other guys into sharing their gf's and be the wolf instead of the sheep.

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Yes I fucked his gf he fucked mine
We still buddy he still with his gf I'm not but for reason unrelated to the occurrence.
Was a good experience, would recommend.
If you both can handle it.

Yeah. Dont be weird about having another dick around. If he is pounding away and pops out be a Yea Forumsro and guide him back in quick

Dude that’s gay

Thats the difference in mind I guess.

I think you see someone else fucking your gf, your "property" as dangerous because of insecurities on your side.
But let me tell you even though I grasp the concept of jealousy.

But what if there is nothing to be jealous about even though someone else is fucking her?
If she has no reason to leave you and you just want to have fun together - why not?
I mean I fucked his gf with him together aswell.

It is just sex people. Everyone has it. Almost everyone wants it. Its fun and nothing serious relationship damaging if you arent to insecure.

Who's the girl anyway?

I actually had an mfm threesome that resulted in a relationship afterwards. When we had the threesome I knew her and she knew me and the other guy was just an acquaintance. We got high and fucked all night then when I got tired and felt like stopping, she stopped too. Which pissed the other guy off but who cares cause he was practically a sex toy in the whole scenario so his enjoyment was irrelevant. But then afterwards the girl and I started fucking with just the two of us pretty regularly and then before too long we were living together. It only lasted about a year though because I mean come on it started with a threesome. But we still talk.

>My gf and I have been talking about it for a while, any tips?
Did she bring it up or did you? If you did just go bang dudes. Sure we all laugh when a women complains "All they did was pay attention to each other."
If she did, yeah... these things do not work out like MFF, MFFF, MFFFF etc do.
Is she looking to get spit roasted or does she want one of you going down on her while the other fucks her or does she want a small train? Does she want you to go homo?

Is this a trade thing? MMF for MFF? LULZ, that usually means a breakup before MFF.

A friend of mine had 2 husbands and some boy friends but she never did more than on at once. She was strictly 1 man and as many women as show up.

I had one friend try MMF in college. It failed hilariously when he realized he was not bi. He had just assumed he was since he was an art major.

MFF all you want. MMF only works if you are the spare.

Several times

Protip: only do it with a fwb or if you're the other guy

I dont know what fwb means but

My protip would be if you are into it do MDMA
It will make things much much better

She wants all the attention on her, and I’m not bi

Do it! If it wreck the relationship who cares, find another girl


dont risk it she's gorgeous

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the fact youve even talked about it/considered it says everything. the days of loyalty and possibly real relationship are over now.

she needs to get blacked by 2 niggers while you watch. she is georgeuos and she looks like one of those types begging for the black power experience. Niggercumsauce all over her pretty slutface while you play with your weener like it's beef jerky. that's what needs to happen. I know , you know it , she knows it, Yea Forums knows it. Enjoy sharing the niggercum with her , it will be a bonding experience.

If she's cool with another guy and not another girl then you shouldn't do it, OP. That's a warning sign that she just wants to fuck other dudes, especially if she is the one pushing for it.

You are a cuck, whatever then.

She is down for a girl but more into two guys

Lol not happening lmao, she is into them a bit but no way

Just because you are doing MMF doesn't mean you have to suck his dick.
Fucking retard.

hire a male escort
he's not going to fall in love with your girlfriend and probably laugh at her if she catches some feelings

>She wants all the attention on her, and I’m not bi
Once when I was 69'g a chick my wife got strapped and started fucking her. Yeah, I got hit in the face several times with a rubber dick. Now imagine if she was a dude.

Also men and women have sex in different ways. Get her a chick or few, it will work WAY better (what, she wants to be disappointed by 2 men at once?). Yes, she will end up poon addicted but poon addiction has never killed anyone.

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I want to fuck her tits

He may have to risk it BECAUSE she’s gorgeous . I mean this may be a dealbreaker for her

Tip# 1 except the fact that your gay
Tip#2 except the fact your gf cannot be satisfied by your baby dick
Tip#3 except the fact your relationship is ending
Tip#4 except the fact that you've reached the pinnacle of your pathetic life and for your next 45 years on this earth you will never be happy again

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My experience is that by the time any side (or both) ask for extra sex partners, the 'relationship' is dead and usually something else (convenience, sex or simple laziness) keeps the relationship together. This whole 'let's spice up a relationship by adding another person' is a great way to bring a third party's drama and damage into your already-complicated relationship filled with two peoples' damage and drama.

If you do do it successfully, you'll want to lay down ground rules (IE we come first, he's a surrogate cock). Otherwise, if he's even remotely better in the sack or as a pal, you're treading dangerous lines.

Lube your asshole first

why mfm? and not fmf? you gay faggot

Be prepared to get cucked like a bitch, OP.

Me and my wife have swung/done both mfm and mff threesomes for the last 8 years. We're both fairly good looking and have been sexually adventurous since we met. After we had got married/had kids we decided that there was no way either of us were only going to bang one person for the rest of our lives. Other than an awkward encounter or two (this French girl fell in love with my wife at one point) there have been no issues. Neither of us are remotely jealous in any situation and it's just amounted to a whole lot of healthy fun and a good relationship. That being said it's for sure treacherous waters if you and your partner are not 100% understanding of the terms/reasons and expectations of what you're getting into.

Do you mean accept?


You're an idiot

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If it you end up licking his shaft and balls while he's railing her, you've fucked it all up.

why not a mff.

Honestly at this point if you don’t do a mfm threesome she will probably cheat on you m8
>cheat first
Lmao if you decide to go through with the mfm then have her be blind folded and tied down so that she gets used and isn’t using the other dude ya feel me?

Leave her now.
She's thinking about fucking other men besides you and may have already. Get out now.

Show tits