The ending

The ending

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It's so low quality it could be a shity Photoshop



>Dany pregnant with Jon Snows baby
>Becomes Wight Walker
>Baby is the Heir to the throne and thus the future Night King, and King of the Seven Kingdoms
>Peace is achieved by uniting the two houses of Fire and Ice

the ending is.

the children of the forest control the white walkers, bran is being fed visions controled by the forest people, the forest people lie to jon he falls for it but takes em down with him. the forest people almost got free but didnt . i say it on my third eye. they just want to be free. also the ones who built the wall were the children of the forest

no dice niggers

>implying anyone is going to live

GoT is going to end like the Departed, everyone dies

Fucking gayest show on earth.

It's totally obvious.

>GoT is going to end like Lost

a total troll ending

Actually they killed off their gay characters. I'm considering writing a letter to HBO about this.

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Alright Fuckwits. Here's the REAL Ending.
>Rhaegal and Viserion both die at the Battle of Winterfell
>Bran dies at Winterfell
>Daenery dies giving birth to Jon Snows baby at The Eyrie
>The Night King dies at The Eyrie
>Euron Greyjoy kills Cersai to become the king
>Drogon, Euron and Jon Snow all die at the battle of Kings landing when they're all caught in a giant Wildfire explosion
>Tyrion becomes the King Regent and raises Dany and Jon Snow's son until he becomes old enough to rule
>Remnants of the Night King's army carry Bran north and stick a Godswood shard in him, making him the next Night King.

You're welcome

you're talking about it as a political echo to the fact the white women are leaving white men in droves to be with niggers due to this systematic campaign done by the zionists to fan white genocide. No chance in hell will Whites loose the majority of home countries. If you have a problem with that you should go back to your country that you came from

you're on some awesome drugs user lol

But I'm from this country. And I'm white.
I want to watch you neo-nazi wannabes be subjugated.

>implying anyone watched Lost

There are also numerous veiled references to the Trump administration in GoT, too.
You're outnumbered by liberals, user. Face it. Stop fighting us.

Your mom did. You were too young to watch tv.

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no she didnt, she had better taste than that

I havent watched a network TV show since.... probably the original run of the xfiles

user Lost was watched by tens of millions of people. It was one of the most popular shows on tv. Stop being a faggot.

Ending? That's from Episode 4, lol

no you aren't
thats actually factually incorrect. There are more Republicans in this country then there are Liberals. And there are more combative Republican men there are combative Liberal Men who are all soyboys which includes all the shitskins. In reality you're the one fighting me and trying to pretend that you haven't lost everything

>There are more Republicans in this country then there are Liberals
stop watching Fox dipshit

>you're the one fighting me

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and hundreds of millions didnt

your point?

that your a fag

jon snow fights the night king on the trident, where literally every important battle ever in the history of westeros happens, on or above the isle of faces, the home of the green children, while bran fights him in the weirwood net
they have to burn all the weirwood trees while also defeating his real body and his astral projection
the bittersweet ending is bran, jon, and dany all fucking die

but I'm not the one who liked Lost

shut up faggot

>numerous veiled references
yeah, he's tywin lannister, the man who got everyone to stop laughing at his home until his retard offspring decided he wanted to fuck a heathen because she's exotic

fuck it, night king is actually tywin resurrected and he wants to go to king's landing to slap all his kids' shit

No you stupid fuck. The children of the forest regret blueeyeing the night king with that dagger and are afraid of the whitewalkers as well.

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Sansa talking about Ramsey Bolton too.

thats false. this is the ending

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that was the night king??

do you know any other insults besides faggot?


stop mocking my sexual orientation

or they've never stopped working together

Are you mocking me

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The ice King fucks princess bubblegum?

Who cares

Yes. I voted against gay marriage. Being gay is a dangerous mental illness.

Joke's on you,
i never watched any of those movies other than the first iron Man.

Honey, go get momma her po-tay-toe cheeps before our little soap comes on. You're a fucking faggot.

> Can use Infinity Gauntlet to wipe out half the universe
>Can use Infinity Gauntlet to destroy Infinity Stones
>Can use Infinity Gauntlet to bring back half the universe
>Can use Infinity Gauntlet to destroy Thanos and his entire army
>Can't use Infinity Gauntlet to heal yourself

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Sorry phone posting. I was talking to the other guy about the night king fictional character, and your number was there, I tapped it by accident.
I don't really care about your votes or opinions.

You gays will be removed from society and made to work along the highway.

He wanted out of this shit and insisted they kill him off.
He won't be back no matter how much $$$ (((they))) offer

Downey wanted out of the franchise after Iron Man 3. If nobody saw this coming they're retarded.

I gave no indication of my hetero- nor homo- sexuality.
But you know what they say about guys who reeeally hate gays

Exactly! I mean, he signed a $150,000,000 contract and did another 5 movies he wanted out so bad!

If he wanted out so badly he could have just left like Henry Cavil did with the DCEU

He wanted money obviously.
Now that he made his boatload he wants out.
He recognizes this for the shit it is and wants to make real films again

Everyone liked lost when it was running until that finale hit you retard

Are you a kid or just inept

Wow. Bi-polar much? He got his money after getting a lot of money and he still wants to be involved with Marvel in their creative process.

But, he "recognizes this for the shit it is."


>Implying (((they))) would kill the golden goose willingly
>Being this retarted

>outnumbered by liberals
I love the complete lack of self awareness from people poisoned by je.... er "liberalism".

Pro tip, kid: Little NPC jewshillbots like you are vastly outnumbered, outgunned, and outsmarted. You're called the "vocal minority".

Interesting. His contract is up and they've told multiple stories with Iron Man, plus continue to add new characters to the universe.

Not to mention that Steve Rogers will no longer be Cap, so it seems like they don't want to drag it on like James Bond movies did where we had 55 year old guys doing fantastic, athletic stunts and then sweeping a 25 year old woman off her feet and into his bed.

You know, if you don't like something that is fine. Just grow up a little bit and don't let it affect you personally to the point where you have to go on a crusade and make things up to justify your hatred is correct.

Just deal with the facts.

>Everyone fucks off to Ashai and enjoys a nice pleasant life protected by the Lord of Light.
>Melisandre becomes the new Night King
>Tywin was really alive the whole time and Tyrion killed Syrio Forel who was a Faceless Man. He gets a second term as Lord of the Westerlands even though his approval rate is less than 40%
>Opposition claims collusion with the Iron Bank
>Muslims control the Bay of Dragons and breed dragons to crash into Kings Landing
>Varys invents the iPhone

Fake af, bro.

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source of the Dany pic. It's not even that good.

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the knight king gets hard as fuck beyond the wall and blows his load all over westeros. everyone dies

The mountain and the hound put aside their differences and kill the night king with brute force. The rest of the cast just fuck a lot.

I don't watch Fox news tranny

Even if I was him he's still more alpha then any tranny nigger

nice catch. but he IS going to get some named character zombies, we know this.
We are also pretty sure jon has to kill danny to make his sweet ass sword, so her being a white makes sense.

But im hoping the nights queen is in the crypts, gets released, and fucks everyone.
Team night king!

What a stupid show for dummy child

>Watches another comic movie

Cersei's army is coming to Winterfell.

who dis

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Can you even spoil a tv show based on a book series?

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Well technically GRRM left the show in season 3, so no. The books are not even finished, he could do something completely different.
But... Im pretty sure the TV guys know the major plot points, so ya i guess the big details will be spoiled.

People give too much power to the night king. He will not rule. The ending will be the same as in the books. The night king is not in the books, therefor he will be defeated and play no part in the final choice of ruler. Also, people forget that Hodor was killed by the white walkers, therefor he is no a white walker. He will be the one to kill Bran and rightfully so so the gimp is the one who made him a tard.

well, fuck me and my typos

Gendry. He is King Robert's bastard.