Seriously... if I could literally snap my fingers and kill the INCEL FATBODIED BASEMENT DWELLING LOSERS!!!!!! that post spoilers, I wouldn't hesitate!!!! It shows no respect for those who won't be able to see it until later in the weekend. I, for example, won't be able to see it until later tonight when I have permission to go with my friends and my wife needs alone time with her boyfriend. I mean seriously literally kill yourselves!
Ironman and Black Widow die.
You wouldnt visit certain websites / social media if you gave a shit though
So, you would kill yourself?
>When your spoilers don't work so you pretend to be someone who got baited by them
The ending takes place in 2023. The “five years later” time jump is another five years after 2018, when the majority of the film is set, and the film explicitly says that 2014 was “nine years ago.” The Avengers, having traveled through time to collect all six Infinity Stones from before Thanos could dust them, made a special glove containing all six and put it on Hulk. He snaps his fingers, thus restoring everybody Thanos had dusted back to life at the present moment — not five years in the past, when the dusting actually happened.
A Thanos from 2014 that traveled forward to 2023, with the help of 2014 Nebula (who took the place of 2023 Nebula), then blows up Avengers HQ.
There is a huge fight scene that encompasses much of the movie’s final 45 minutes, which includes every Avenger introduced so far, a bunch of side characters, and even Pepper Potts in full Iron Man regalia. It’s really cool and fan service-y; we get to see Captain America wield Thor’s hammer and all kinds of fun things.
That fight scene includes a massive game of keep-away involving the glove containing the Infinity Stones, which is held (but not worn) by nearly every character of note. Thanos finally gets hold of it but is prevented by Captain Marvel from snapping his fingers to completely unmake all of existence.
Tony Stark tricks Thanos by taking not the new Infinity Gauntlet but the Infinity Stones, which slide into slots on his armor. He snaps his fingers and erases Thanos and his army — but Tony dies in the process.
I personally watch big hype movies at least 3 weeks post launch, can't stand a full theater full of people and bickering
I'm subbed to r/braincels and got the movie spoiled for me there. I was pretty pissed because I had plans to see it with a friend last night and got so close to seeing it w/o spoilers.
But honestly, I still really enjoyed it and it still had me on the edge of my seat. I just tried to push the spoilers from my mind and I truly believe my experience would have been exactly the same if I had avoided spoilers. But maybe that's just me
this shit franchise is overrated as fuck and you shouldn't throw your money at them every time they fart
What if they put all the stones in the hammer? Would it burn all of Thor's recently gained mass?
I would snap and kill all normies that laugh / clap in theaters
This is the only one I went where it got them money. I didn't even pay for it myself.
it's almost as if this thread has been posted before
Laughing is fine if it was at least a bit humorous, clapping is gay. "Oh my god Captain Marvel cut her hair! How fucking brave and original!"
Yeah laughing is kinda ok when its a quick one, but clapping is fucking retarded. What are you clapping at? The screen? The guy who is operating the projector? wtf
clapping in the theatre?
>only in 'murrica
that soylent logo is photoshopped
You could just stay off the internet until you go see the movie.
Spoilers are punishable by copyright law.
Enjoy watching your mom shell out 1000s of dollars to industry lawyers.
They clap to raise awareness for their autism.
This is a beautiful summary user. You should be proud of yourself.