Anyone ever use antidepressants/SSRIs? I’m qbout to start using prozac for anxiety and depression...

Anyone ever use antidepressants/SSRIs? I’m qbout to start using prozac for anxiety and depression. Mainly for the anxiety though. Heard a lot of good and bad and ultimately decided to suck it up and atleast try it.

It’s only temporary to get me out of being a socially anxious neet Who has constant panic attacks from being isolated so long. But I was hoping you homos Who have experience with these types of meds can share how it was

Also, how can I maximize its use while I’m on it (6 months to a year), like what kind of stuff should I do to best become chad

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I only browse /fit/, very rarely come here but I’ll check it out when I’m done pooping and off mobile

Yo man, I used citalopram for the exact same reasons as you. I'm about 3 months in and I'm doing considerably better. On a moderate dosage and can actually function in the real world quite well while being able to return to blissful isolation no problem

these drugs ruined my life

that's spam, dont join it

Bump for interest i had zoloft prescribed for pretty much the same reason but have been hesitant to start it.

Antidepressants will most definitely not make you a chad
and believe me it’s not temporary, but it’s too late big pharma’s already got a plug on you

However I will say that in the time I did use it my depression got significantly better
Doesn’t do shit for anxiety though.

If I were you I’d never take em

Thank you, I won’t kek

Is this NY or PA or NJ? IVE SEEN THIS sign.

Start on low dosages and whatever you do, never increase it unless YOU feel like you need it. Don’t listen to your doctor about the actual dosages, that’s just them trying to sell more shit to you

This is what I’m hopping for, just to rebuild my social skills enough to function normally while getting a part time job, starting training for my career, etc. I can’t even look anyone in the eye right now it’s so bad. I’m like the poster child of socially awkward/anxious autist right now
I’ve heard a lot of this, my sister started prozac and has been doing great in the anxiety department which is why it was recommended to me by a therapist. I am worried about becoming a slave to it though. I almost don’t care at this point man

take it every day at the same time
don't drink alcohol or do other drugs
give it several months to work
hope for significant improvement but appreciate if you even get 15% better
personally if you're "just in a funk" and it's not a lifelong anxiety problem i wouldn't take them---if you're going on an SSRI go on it with the intention of being on it for years

I greatly regret taking SSRIs, the side effects suck and just give me more reason to feel like shit. Since taking them I've developed a tremor, worsened memory and it hasn't done shit for anxiety. (i've taken prozac and zoloft)
If you insist on taking them, keep to a low dose so the withdrawal effects don't make you want to kill yourself.

These things have caused some people to become even more depressed, and often violence against others and themselves.

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I’ve had anxiety since I was a child dude. But it’s so bad right now I would consider it a funk. Like it’s the same level as before but as I get older (23 now) I feel so much weaker to it, the panic attacks have increased for sure. Just going to the grocery store can be a challenge for me. If it does what I need it to, even just a 15% increase, I don’t even care if I have to take it forever at this point.

Same. Panic attacks and generalized anxiety since I was a toddler. After 30 years I lost the ability to walk in the house and couldn't even watch TV my heart rate was getting up to 150 bpm doing nothing. Ran every test imaginable couldnt find anything physically wrong. SSRI brought heart rate down to 70 bpm when doing nothing lol.

1,000,000mg is 1kg. That looks much heavier than 1kg.

Well I’m pretty sure it’s a gas container dude

anxiety is handled much better by beta blockers.
if you must take antidepressants get on and off them as quickly as possible.
I started on prozac in 2002, had to keep upping my dosage over the years to notice any benefit and now I'm trapped on venlafaxine and it's horrific side effects. an entire section of my life has had to be shut down thanks to that pill...

Not op but damn you guys arent making me hopeful ab starting my zoloft. I think ill just try quitting drinking first to see if that helps me feel normal again

Prozac made it worse.
Still living on Citalopram.

I didn't think they perscibed Prozac much anymore. Usually the newer SSRIs work a lot better.
You really will feel better op I promise. Make sure you take it every day. If you feel better DON'T STOP. Understand you will probably be on this medication for the rest of your life. If it's not working make sure you go back to your doctor and tell him/her. Very often it takes several tries to get the right combination or medication/dosage.

The longer you go between anxiety attacks the better. And when everything is working like it's supposed to attacks will be shorter and you will recover more quickly. I used to have anxiety attacks and would feel like shit or beat up for a week to a month. Now if i have one(i really don't anymore) it's maybe 2 days and i'm back on my feet.

Used anti-d after a separation away from kids all that stuff. Zoloft helped and used about 6 months. The number one most important thing though is if you start do not cold turkey stop. Your doctor will help you stop. The sudden stop will fuck with you big time.

Prozac was garbage that barely does anything

viibryd is fucking great. But you feel like garbage if you miss a dose. I don't know how hard it is going to be getting off.

Benzos are awesome for social anxiety and to stop being a neet. Just take them before trying to go out and do things. I prefer valium even though everyone else seems to like Xanax.

I'm on zoloft now, it gives you erectile dysfunction too. quitting drinking sounds like a better idea

Oh I take 40 mg a viibryd daily

One to two mg of Xanax when I feel like it. I hardly ever do Xanax now

I normally take about 20mg off valium when I'm trying to be a Chad.

I’m op and quitting all drugs and drinking is a must if you’re having these issues dude. Small steps. But once you have that under control, try to get better sleep and start eating better. As well as exercise. Again, small steps. Even if for exercise you start out just going for some walks here and there and eventually graduate to lifting and jogging. It’s not always 100% but it’s helps A LOT. I recommend you do that first if you haven’t yet, and then decide after a few months if the Zoloft might help or is rendered pointless with the results you get
Thanks for this post man, I used to recover from the attacks after an hour or so at the most, now I feel absolutely wiped out for months. Had my worst one to date at a job two weeks into training. The purpose of that job was to get me out of being so anxious. I was humiliated and quit, almost bought cigarettes it was so bad (I don’t even smoke)
Yeah I’ve heard about this, that they need to be tapered. Makes me worried but it’s nothing I can’t handle with the drs help

Yeah i agree it just kinda sucks when having a few drinks is the only way i can leave the house and talk to people even then i dont feel like i used to

I was gonna ask for a script for a supply of Xans to go with the prozac. Use it in emergencies and for shit like interviews. I really don’t want to use these drugs for any longer than I have to though

OP again, my sister used to use alcohol as the same crutch and told me she doesn’t even drink or want to anymore after being on Prozac

Thanks mate. Ive quit loads of stuff and drinking is the one i held on to bc its legal but i think its fucking up my mental health now so im gona have to let it go finally. Man thats probably no gona be pretty for a couple weeks. Anyway wish me luck

Yeah man you can do it, make sure to drink a gallon a day, take melatonin at night if you find you can’t sleep, and get sunlight/take vitamin d (I found it helped me quit weed a year ago for some reason)

Hey friend,

don't be discouraged if prozac isnt the med for you. Everyone responds differently to different medications and it may take some trial and error to find the right one. I ended up finding out that efexor (SNRI) works wonders for me with really no side effects. It took a while to get there, but it was worth it. Stay mindful and keep doing stuff to keep yourself healthy! You're already doing stuff to take care of yourself and it's awesome.

This is a hepful thread thanks annons. Not even op

No problem brother, I had one of my worst ones when i got a promotion at work. I left on my first day in tears. Embarrassing as fuck.

What the fuck is up with these literal babies with panic attacks? Get a fucking grip on yourselves like seriously

Doctors aren't incentivized to write prescriptions you fucking cabbage.

I've been taking prozac for my depression with a lamygdal modifier. Its helped me a lot with my depression but idk about anxiety. They say not to drink while taking it but only because it inhibits your motor skills

Yeah that was pretty much how that panic attack went at the training. I just remember being in the parking lot bawling feeling like I was actually dying due to my heart pounding until it hurt. One more day and I’d have started the actual job too. Now when I apply for jobs at home I freak out because I’ve orry it’s gonna happen again

Post body

Mate i used to think the same thing until it started happing to me. I hope it never happens to you. I quit my job yesterday and had to go sit alone in the woods for a few hours before i went home that wasnt long enough but it was getting dark.

Im using Escitalopram (Lexapro) and after 2 weeks im already starting to feel a bit better. Less anxiety, less OCD and bit less depressed also side effects arent that bad. I can also last a lot longer in bed.

Take it but try to remplace it with cardio like running.
Most important: sleep well, before midnight.

I have been taking them for years. I take effexor and welbutrin. I am also taking a a mood stabilizer, lamictal. Some day I will just be taking handfulls of all sorts of brain candy. Fuck it. At least I no longer have myself and the world and don't fly into rages.

I have tried lexapro, fetzima, lorazepam, Abilify, Zoloft, seraquil, Wellbutrin. Probably some others. Nothing has ever been able to help me become a more functional person. Right now I’m coming off a manic state and my mood is low as fuck right now. Just had a cry for no good reason. Over 16 years of feeling like this. In my 30s now and I just can’t beat it

Aka "mydickisdead"

user, that’s not going to be temporary

You're going to get fucked. It seems like you're excited about that prospect too, so you kinda deserve it.

Say goodbye to erections user

So true, I was on lorazepam for 2 month... Not a single boner... You feel better tho but you don't fonction as a true human

>lying piece of shit kike
Nice try you weasel faggot

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Don't ever let your doctor put you on risperdal or abilify or Haldol two of them with give you erectile dysfunction the other one called abilify will give you serious side effects look up all the side effects before you take them

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I have no fucking clue why you would go on it. You even outlined your problem in the op: "attacks from.being isolated for so long". Don't isolate yourself

Yes they are. Why do you think drug reps exist?

I had a psychotic episode, basically I was schizophrenic for 40 days. It's seriously helped me but like I said the downsides are huge... Slow brain, no personality, no sexlife... I don't regret taking them but I hope I will never have to use them anymore

Ah yes, I am sure they are using Prozac™ purely for the scientific reasons and I'm sure a pharma sales rep didn't sell the doctors it in the first place. Where the fuck do you think the drugs come from you fucking moron? Do you think these companies just don't compete with eachother trying to get doctors business? Somebody is making money, there is a competition, doctors are being incentivized. The only way you could think this ISN'T happening is if you have been isolated from how the business world works

1 year in prozac, this won't cure your depression but It would help for the ups and down of mood, get rid of it until you become a fucking asshole. Bad side effects on the skin.

Vitamins supplements don’t do shit user.

being this noob

Abdin is a milder version of abilify, helped me stay horny.

Tahts sort of why I’m hesitant to starts, still might not even go get it
>you seem excited about the possibility of finally having a way to solve one of the biggest things holding you back in life
Pic related
Notes, thank you
I yeah but the point is to be on for 6 months to be able to be around people to then come off

Anybody here with just depression and no forms of anxiety and panic attacks at all?

I feel so laid back and usually confident around people, but everything else in me seems lost. No motivation, barely any emotional response to shit happening around me, feeling bad despite working out, being financially okay and having a lovely wife, seeing everything gray eve tho objectively everything is okay in my life, having a hard time getting excited and having a hard time forming memories that are not related to skills (i.e. what actually happenned in my life and such).

No suicidal thoughts, but I do have a wish to just sleep unconsiquentially for a month or such, or just to go live in the mountains as a hermit for a few months, without it costing me anything in my life (career, relationships, etc)...

I eat healthily, work out, have great friends and a loving wife, have my personal achievements, have ups and downs in my life... but nothings touching my soul anymore.

You need coke. Lots of coke.

I don't care what you think the point is, these are long term drugs. You won't be off in six months, it will be a significant portion of your life. You can work out your issues, don't take the blue pill

You aren't alone. A lot of men are feeling this way. There is a larger societal change and we are being pushed out. It's hard to get excited about anything in this clown world

There's different meds for different kinds of people. I tried all sorts before finding the one i was comfortable with, and it was an antipsychotic and not an antidepressant that finally solved everything. Just don't give up and keep working things out with your doc. What's there left to lose anyway?

I did speed for about three months a year and a half ago... it was also the last time I felt genuinely alive. I mean, i did the same things, but I felt them and I remember the quite clearly... everything else before and after that is just a haze even tho I was clear of any substance whatsoever...


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no, i'm not a fucking loser that thinks everything sucks and can't see that just being alive is fucking awesome, losers

Seroxat+carbamazepine or something like that.
No social anxiety and depression , felt like i was a new man , it was so fucking good. 5 days into the treatment dick won t get up but who cared kek , lost all interest in sex but i still took the pills , after one year i started to shake uncontrollable... i need stedy hands for mi work so i stopped takeing the pills. 7 years after(now) it got a little worse + i can t sleep more than 5 hours + low sex drive + ed .... not even viagra can help , i tried. I hope you ll get out of it of not.... well ... nature decided that we should not reproduce. Oh and btw it s a little somewhat genetic , even if you have a healthy kid you ll induce it to him. Good luck youngfag , you ll need it.

Semen retention (meaning never ejaculating) made me lose almost all (!) of my very high social anxiety (had it since a kid, before that) and stop ~90% of my depression-related sadness and suicide thoughts.
I still have the terrible lack of motivation from depression though (episodic clinical depression).
I would never consider taking meds because of what I read about them (lack of efficiency, forced to take them for life, terrible side effects, etc.).

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Also some of them are made in Israel, that says a lot...

Ya. I take Effexor... it can KILL your sex drive and when you're not fuckin you're totally depressed. So it can be a vicious circle

What is this "you'll be taking them for life" shit with the drugs, no you will not necessarily be taking them for the rest of your life, that shouldn't even be necessary, if they're not doing anything for you or you don't like the way they make you feel, stop fucking taking them, easy as that

get a job you don't really need, something easy to bring value and constant human interaction into your life

Only take it in combination with weed and ritalin

used zoloft for a year and a half, basically saved my life
they can be really helpful if you have a decent therapist and work on yourself while using them otherwise it wont help on a long run

This is true. I had a sex drive, but I couldn't orgasm. Added in Wellbutrin and that fixed it.

Fucking m8 I'm on ven too. One time I tried to stop, next few weeks were the worst of my life. Fucking brainzaps

here is how you get rid of anxiety and depression :
don't be a little bitch

Used prozac for same reasons. Didn't work, just made me aggressive and overwhelmed fairly easily. Ultimately made my depression and anxiety worse, so I stopped using it.