Do you think i'm FUCKING playing? Follow the links Yea Forums, I'm not going to keep babying you. This is REAL LIFE...

Do you think i'm FUCKING playing? Follow the links Yea Forums, I'm not going to keep babying you. This is REAL LIFE, not one of your stupid video games that you play. FOLLOW THE LINKS NOW!!! That is a direct order!

Attached: follow_the_damn_links_NOW.jpg (720x480, 28K)


No u

Yes daddy

babying us?
cctv staff confirmed retarded

reported for spamming threads u fucking faggot

You don't give orders here, keep it moving.

I am not your daddy, review my credentials and than try addressing me again. Correctly.

I am unsure of that heresy staffing agency. How about you keep your thoughts to yourself and proceed to the next link.

Its not spam if it is for your safety. So how about you get off your ass and proceed to the next link. I will not tolerate your disobedience.