How am I looking honestly Anons? I have been on Keto for 6 Months and Im 6'3" 195lbs and 27 years old...

How am I looking honestly Anons? I have been on Keto for 6 Months and Im 6'3" 195lbs and 27 years old. I've lost 38 pounds so far and my goal is 175. What does Yea Forums think? I've also had a major hand surgery very recently and cannot do any heavy exercises pretty much except cardio. Suggestions?

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Kill yourself

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Very tempting rn but I'll pass lol

That is good progress, keep it up. Your hand limits you but you can always workout legs and do abs excercises

Can't wait to high 170 and then run cardio I need to lose some fat

try to go on a diet if you can't exercise

Thanks for the honest advice man, yeah this hand thing is bs I just got started into dead lifting and squatting two weeks ago before my surgery and then boom

Not bad user! Keep it up and when you're able, start lifting. Good luck!

wholesome thread

good stuff anons

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you have the shape of a woman

stop eating soi products, stop making excuses, and workout your core, faggot

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Keep going OP. Keto works. Also you may wanna try fasting a bit? So you can increase growth hormone and take a bit more manly shape on your lower torso.

OP literally said keto which is a diet.

Keto will be your life or you will gain all of that weight back.. good luck user, looking sexy you twat

Th ms you so much Anons for the wonderful advice, legitimately a whesom thread. You guys are awesome thanks for giving the the confidece to push forward!

175 is unhealthy for your fatass. Am for 185-190 stable weight or else you won't keep the weightloss because of the absurd diet/workout regiment

u can still do weights with one arm and the other side of your body will also get gains, read up on this

i can see ur a lazy cunt so i read up on it for u

Thsnk you very much this is actually a good link

What you guys honestly rate me 1/10 scale?

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4/10 Hope you have a good personality

Thank you for being honest my only advantage I have is a big and a super personality.

Big cock & super good personality**

big cocks adds 2 points

WELL AT Least I might have some kind of
Chance, at least I appreciate the honesty user.

how'd you get so gross at a young age? I'm 30, 6ft tall and 200lbs, but I'm jacked. get off your ass fatty, stop using the surgery as an excuse. I've seen wheelchair bodybuilders, missing limbs, guys with no legs in marathons. stop making fucking excuses, get out and lift some shit. do the work, you're not disabled.

Thanks again Anons, I love you guys, you gave me more advice than before. Truly warms my heart

You're absolute right fuck this, I'm going to lift, love you guys pcw

For that height and weight. Also got to put into consideration reach, frame, and body type as well. Heal up first.