There’s a fat girl who’s inviting me over to fuck her today. Should I go or not? Pic unrelated

There’s a fat girl who’s inviting me over to fuck her today. Should I go or not? Pic unrelated.

Attached: 9C28D909-EE18-4A66-BED0-79A0D163AA06.jpg (960x1280, 229K)

Other urls found in this thread:\invite\pRkMu23

Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?\invite\pRkMu23


Useless without a pic

Are you gay?

I haven’t been on Yea Forums for long but I know enough to not post those type of pics

Nope. I just think I don’t wanna fuck this bitch that’s all.

are you a virgin?



Hey just because you can’t get any pussy don’t get mad because I have standards and am actually thinking twice about fucking a whale

If you don't want to do it, then don't fuck her. Do you want to fuck her and are looking for support for your decision? You do what you want, but wrap your willy unless you want hpv or kid.

If she lets you fuck her in the ass go ahead if not don't

Yeah I actually don’t want to fuck her. It sounded like a good idea when my dick was hard but now I think I’m gonna work on getting the pussy from a 7 that just gave me her number on tinder

Nd I always have my magnums in my wallet fuck kids and diseases

I’m not really into anal. What’s so good about it?

fuck off samefag sage cunt

>wrap your willy unless you want hpv or kid.
>thinks a condom will protect from hpv.

7 year olds use Tinder?

might want to get rubbers that actually fit. They're not gonna do shit if they slip off.
Also, wallet is a bad place to keep condoms. The heat can cause them to deteriorate and break more easily.

Trust me they definitely fit I’ve never had one slip. Nd thanks for the wallet tip I’ll just probably keep them in my dashboard or something


Of course you should go. When you get old the only fucks that you will regret are the ones that you did not do.

Just do yourself a favor and make sure you're only having sex at night since the sperm are asleep.

Tbh I don’t really care about sex unless the girl is at least a 7. I highly doubt I’ll regret not going.

Lol triggered much

Sign me the fuck up

Pussy's pussy brah

go and fuck the SHIT out of her

Before making any decisions involving women, rub one out to clear your head.