Degrade these girls please, be ultra hard
Degrade these girls please, be ultra hard
Middle looks so cute and innocent. Would be amazing taking that away from her!
Innocent, Pig & Slut. I just gave them nicknames. From left to right.
More dude, tell me wwyd for the 3
Has op gone??
She's a whore, she only look innocent
Less fun to break but easier at least
Throat fuck the middle, gag her till she pukes
Continue, rape her throat
More of middle and right? Left doesn't deserve a cock so she can be the cook/cleaner and if she's really lucky I'll let her suck my cock clean after fucking the other two
Yes, i've got a lots of pics of middle and only 1 or 2 for right
Hog tie middle, grab her hair and rape her mouth
no fuck off
Yeah more
Ok, so why do you comment?
I would grab her hair and start smacking her around, then bring her to her knees and tell her to open wide and stick out that tongue as far as she can go. I would pull out my hard cock and start running it along her tongue. I would slowly thrust it down her thoat. She hitting me trying to breathe. I pull away, so she can gasp for air, but then I ram it down her throat again. I start to fuck her thoat. I'm starting to notice she is starting to tear up and her is being all ruined. I feel like I'm going to cum, but I don't tell her. I see her eyes open wide in surprise of the massive load I just shot in her mouth. She tries to pull away from it, but I hold her head down until she swallows every little drop.
fuck you that’s why faggot
Hum awesome, rape her body now
Sorry, i prefer your mom
>Sorry, i prefer your mom
dont you have soccer practice to go to sunny jim
Nope, today i have nothing, sorry buddy