Which one's the original?

Which one's the original?

Attached: Spot the difference.jpg (868x528, 368K)

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The black one

Attached: 538C01E8-DD5C-4BC6-9612-EB91BD09B08F.jpg (684x716, 43K)

The black one duh

the nigger one, you can see it on the bestial face structure

ur all racist original is asian

Defo the black one. That color tongue and hair doesn't quite look good on the other

The right one. She's Ana Foxxx.

Attached: E8B081DE-C291-4A13-BEB3-563106AB97DB.jpg (640x640, 81K)

They're both variants of a sex doll.

Eww a nigger, kill it with fire



Attached: 3a29a196-a46b-4f8d-8f3f-d7b8616c0a5f-large16x9_wenn23309140.jpg (986x554, 126K)

obviously left

Nigger nose = Nigger


Attached: FB2A7159-29EB-4E47-8349-DE0FDB297A9E.jpg (207x240, 6K)

The skin tones on the left looks less realistic. I will bet for right.

Fun game. Do we have more like this?

its obvious. left is horribly shopped.

ahaa, thats what they want u to think, its a trick

Well, black girl looks faker. It still some discolored areas and the woman is missing hair, probably due to use of the blend brush. The gamma also doesn't match the hand. Both look shopped, though, so I'm going to so say neither is the original.

It is quite well done, but there are still a few telltales artifacts that give it away.

In general, 9/10 for this shoop

Attached: 1556357833259 jpg 868×528 .png (792x1027, 1022K)

He’s into something

Attached: D19DD884-E332-46F8-B45D-C70DB547E9A6.gif (480x270, 239K)

left's entire area around the shoulders is blurry. face is too bright. it's obvious as fuck.

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 20K)

Right pic has more compression artifacts, which suggests that the left is the original

Attached: 1.jpg (800x750, 151K)

Disagree. Right pic is more compressible due to smaller gamut. Both images have been compressed twice, I'd say

That has to do with the surface. Darkening hair that is already quite dark will smooth the surface. But if you look at the "skin" region of your own pic, you will see that it is actually the white one who has more artifacts.


Not an expert or anything but color noise isn't the same as compression artifacts, is it? You get color noise from high ISO. Artifacting are, for instance, the blocks in the black girls hair


That's an artifact, not color noise

looks like a birthmark

He didnt say "color noise" anywhere. He said "artifact"

clearly the niggeress

And I'm saying there's less artifacting in the white girl's hair, just color noise, which isn't the same as artifacting. The pic with the white girl is less compressed

Photog fag here. Black girl is original. Look at where the hair and skin meet. Definitely has a blur to it on the Asian one. Overall pretty good masking job though.

Anna fox

Both non white. Who cares?

The black is clearly the original. Look at the hair.

Black has much more hair detail. It is impossible to turn the white's into the black's. But the other way around, yes it is.

Attached: Peek 2019-04-27 13-06.gif (768x381, 673K)


This should make it more clear

Attached: 09044A27-1A84-4B1C-8D20-96329AD1FAD6.jpg (868x528, 189K)

Both of them are shopped.

>impossible to turn the white's into blacks
Nigga, do you even Photoshop?

try harder

Attached: Po5OG2m.jpg (1280x720, 83K)

I won. I da best


here yea go bud


you're an idiot

right. obviously

id fuck em both