Is it possible to smoke weed and eat LSD everyday?

Is it possible to smoke weed and eat LSD everyday?

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(That tongue is disgusting)
It is super healthy to smoke and drop constantly. Dont worry about it

Weed is boring af but I would do acid daily if I could.

Possible, yes. Healthy, no.
You can take LSD once every two weeks safely if you don't have mental health problems. As for weed it is mostly harmless, but smoking every day eventually makes life mundane without it

do you want drug induced psychosis?

Lol sure you can do anything if you set you mind to it... you may end up in a psych ward, mildly retarded at best. Check out Nardwars interview with Timothy Leary so you can see what years of LSD use lead to.

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Nigga you can take acid every three days without problems.
You can even take it daily, but you pretty much have to double up every day. It gets expensive fast.

I recently did a week where I was taking around 300-500ug every day. First couple days were pretty hardcore, but it becomes real nice. Something was telling me all the while that it's really good for your body and the universe to get that much inside you often. But like being a stoner and smoking weed every day, the experience changes. You still get high, but without the fresh out of the gate edge. You can then use smoking weed or whatever to temper it and push you out further.

If you want to keep getting as high ever night, general rule is you have to double up.
This can become quite expensive fast.
I'm sure you'd hit some sort of ceiling/limit, very curious as to what that would be like actually.

Regardless, it's perfectly safe.
is a faggot and should try taking more to bust through that fear of self.

Only up to the point where your mind falls apart.

There is no place your mind can go that it can't come back from.

Yes but why?
I spent 3 years on acid.
It's better like every 2 weeks or so.

Weed yes, LSD no. You need to double up LSD for it to have any effects shortly after taking it. It's literally the opposite of addictive.

LSD is like playing Russian Roulette with not just your mind but your neurochemistry and brain structure itself. You can take it without permanent harm your whole life or you can take it once and be a permanent resident in a psychological care facility.


Didn't Ozzy and Tony take acid every day for a year or is that a myth?

Psychedelic induced schizophrenic here.
It was totally worth it.

Expanding on this, does ego death and sich not really matter as much if you're already depressed and maybe not quite suicidal, but welcome death if it seems like it is coming, like there's no will to fight it, what's up with that?

Well some people such as yourself just lack the courage and mental fortitude to withstand the effects... bitch

Potentially. Ozzy's problem is mainly alcohol dementia though. Syd Barrett became an acid recluse, that certainly helped him die young.

it may be safe physically but mentally it is dangerous to fuck around with. I've only taken 3 tabs at once but what really fucked me was dosing multiple times weekly for a few months. sanity is not to be taken for granted

Weed is harmless. Or as harmless as anything else we consume on a daily basis.

Lsd has an official ld50, but its not really accurate. While you will not experience the degree of effect repeating it daily, you will not die from consuming it daily.

you build up tolerance to lsd almost instantly after taking it, you need three times the amount after the first time for the same effect, it takes two weeks for the tolerance to disappear

LSD is a singular molecule that has no physiological effect on the brain, it just increases your brains ability to absorb naturally produced hormones in your body that make you feel good, and you build up a tolerance pretty fast because you end up using up these hormones faster, though LSD doesnt make you produce them any faster.

Cannabis enhances your overall cannabinoid levels which are supplemental to your bodys own system of producing cannabinoids, AKA the endocannabinoid system, which helps regulate things like stress and blood pressure, and has also been shown to aid liver and kidney function

Together cannabis and LSD work quite harmoniously, and smoking cannabis is typically advised during LSD intake to help smooth out the effects and keep things going at a steady pace without feeling like the LSD is coming on in waves, but instead is more of a steady release

Far out, man!

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just wanna say weed is the one thing I will not partake in while peaking. some people like it but that shit does me in every time, it essentially boosts my trip even when I think I'm coming down

>sanity is not to be taken for granted
Absolutely true, my man. I was eating mushrooms every day for about a month and thought it was fine for the most part. After I ran out, I began to think that I would never be normal again. It took months for me to feel normal again and I remember being so furiously envious of children because their minds are so untainted. I'm fine now tho.

Its good to have information like this, considering theres a lot of misinformation about both of these topics. Basically just make sure your scientific inquiries arent being answered by religious fanatics or concerned mothers

>Basically just make sure your scientific inquiries arent being answered by religious fanatics or concerned mothers

Or over zealous drug users.

if i ever want to turn a nice comfy acid trip into a schizoid prophetic experience, i will smoke weed

Most know those rules, just not exactly why they are rules. Which is quite helpful.

100% agree. I got a vial of acid and abused the shit out of it for awhile. good learning experience but not worth the risk. I'm glad to hear you're doing ok now. I've had a long period of recovery after a couple years of heavy abuse of anything and everything so I get where you're coming from

LOL imagine my concern when I take a bong rip and my best friend begins to explain that everything is a lie while illustrating his points through planet earth which he called 'fake jungles' then proceeding to ask me if I want to fight. I literally could not even tell what the fuck was on TV. also worth mentioning his grandfather was a 33rd degree freemason so I had that in mind as well

I don't feel so alone to know others have abused psychoactives as well. It was crazy man, I couldn't get a good night's sleep for weeks because I was so afraid to fall asleep. I would get the confusion as I would start to fall asleep and I would trip in my dreams. I'm glad that you were able to recover, that shit can be hell.


>You can take LSD once every two weeks safely if you don't have mental health problems.
>do you want drug induced psychosis?

Listen to me anons. I dont wanna back from trip.

The beauty of this drug is that it alone won't allow you to do that.
The goal is to pull some back with you each time and make real life and yourself a little more psychedelic.
You can get there, but it takes real work.
The Tibetans and Nepalese fucking know what's up.
I suggest reading Be Here Now and then Autobiography Of A Yogi.

Has anyone tried to drink this shit and talk with spirits?

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I've never even taken big doses aside from about a quarter of mush at about 17 years old. having it available makes it so much easier to abuse. I realize now I was using it as an escape like any other drug and when you disrespect psychedelics like that you get your ass handed to you. your experience reminds me of when I stopped drinking for a bit, I was constantly paranoid and afraid to sleep because I knew sleep paralysis or nightmares were on their way. just know you arent alone and always be grateful for actually recovering. I get the impression you know what hell is like

Ignore me

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