Solid 5 user here. Maybe 6 with nice clothes.
How do I get a solid 5 girlfriend when all solid 5's only want 7's and above?
Im lonely and need to lose my virginity.
Pic related.
Solid 5 user here. Maybe 6 with nice clothes.
How do I get a solid 5 girlfriend when all solid 5's only want 7's and above?
Im lonely and need to lose my virginity.
Pic related.
You could start with hitting on a solid 3 gf.
Pay a hooker. It'll do two things for you, lose your virginity and learn to hate women like the rest of us.
but solid 3s get my pee pee soft.
already tried.
Solid 5's expect a solid 8. Go for a solid 9, especially the one's who don't stand out in public. They don't get a lot attention because most of the guys think they re out of their league.
Debatable 6 here, gf 9 the trick is to play the long game, it sucks but soon when they fall in love with your personality they start to see you as physically attractive as well.
you don't need to lose your virginity. it's not going to help you. stop assigning numbers to people and learn to be a normal human being. your looks are not what's keeping you back
Go for one that doesn't know how to use make up.
They don't lose their looks as much while fucking.
Then teach them how to use make up.
you are an outlier. your advice holds, but only for a very small percentage of anons. there is a shitload of variables in that one.
thanks though.
you mean like a 10 year old?
im not pedo. sorry.
This. Can confirm it works absolute wonders.
Lose that goddamn shit, go for what you fuckin like.
No girl will ever consider your existence if she doesn’t feel you like her.
If you “need to lose your virginity” pay a fuckin whore.
Have a car and your own place and be a little more forward with women.
>need to lose my virginity.
This is your problem.
Stop "needing" to lose your virginity. You're inflating the importance of it. Focus on other aspects of your life, look for girls to hook up with or date but focus on your LIFE.
better just skip giving a broad anything and get to hating. spend the money on something cool.
Lonely user stalking, pay no mind
garbage advice. they get 9s and 10s attention
pfft she's playing the long game too. she's waiting to start cheating on you with someone better
Meh debatable, women arnt really just waiting to cheat on guys, with attitude like that you're gonna end up hurting your romantic life
get rich
There is no objective scale. All is opinions.
There are people who find you hot. You will find them eventually.
everyone is just waiting to cheat
everyone is scum, user
this attitude creates scumminess. not everyone is bad. most are but not everyone