Why don't any girls like me?

why don't any girls like me?

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you don't have a goatee.

>Click here
not always about the looks bro. ever checked your personality?

you'll make a great mall santa in about forty years

If you're asking that question and only posting a picture of your face, the question is pretty much answered

It’s probably your weight, hair, clothing, and personality. Maybe hygiene, but that’s a wild guess.

there are women out there that like all sorts of bullshit ass dudes
there is a woman out there for you, just not all women
so for you and me it's a numbers game, and not that you're reducing women to numbers but with a smaller population of women that are into dudes like you you have to cast a wider net than a ladykiller

nice dubs bitch

lol are you related to Brandon?

never seen a guy with a goatee with a gf

because you post pictures of yourself on image boards instead of talking to them?

Because you don't like yourself.

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>implying he'll be alive in 40 years

Because you give off that “I like butt-sex” vibe.

it's hard to cultivate a personality when the world universally shuns you

i definitely don't want to live 40 years like this.

i don't follow the logic

yeah. i'm fat. i have shit hair. i don't have nice clothes. i have shit personality.

damn you really got me. i feel like killing myself.

i have no idea what population of women would like me.

no. girls say they like brandon almost every time he posts anyways. nobody every says that to me

they don't want me to talk to them though ;-;

people who don't like themselves get gfs all the time


damn abandoned again ;-;

has the guy in the pic been meming this for years or is someone else meming him? lmk

it's not a meme. it's all just me. nobody posts my pics except me.

>it's not a meme
yes ive seen 15+ threads of the same guy over years
>why cant i get a girlfriend
>why doesnt any girl like me
i dont even go on Yea Forums that much and i can recognize this guy irl if i seen him

it's still just me. i've made thousands of threads over like 6 years probably.

Because you're the crazy MAGA guy, and you're only worthwhile during election season. Otherwise, you're just a weirdo.


i'm not a maga guy

Are you mentally stable, have a secure job and financially well standing?

Well first off stop being that prick that looks up "how to get women to like me" seriously stop that it makes you gross, second be yourself, and if that doesn't work you're hanging around the wrong kind of women for you, you can't fake a proper relationship.
Now secondly if you're Jewish youre best off looking for a Jewish girl.

You look angry, my guess is that you have this appearance normally.
Are you active socially?
Do you have any hobbies?
Do you have stable job and roof over your head?

By being a big, cuddly gay bear of course.

not really. teenagers and twenty somethings who put on a false exterior of hating themselves to be cool do.
But you have a deeper problem, you don't value yourself, and until you do no one else will

not really. used to be all 3 but not anymore.

i'm not jewish.

You look like you anally fuck your cat daily.

no i'm not socially active. i don't have hobbies anymore. i don't have a stable job anymore. yes i have a roof over my head.

Exactly. You don’t want success because you want the pity. You get a girl, the game ends.

oh no.

So that's not a problem then, work on stop being a fake mess and just be yourself, try and make some friends that way you can be happy with yourself enough to start sharing your life with someone.

it's kinda fucked up that normal people can fake hating themselves and it gets them attention and then they don't have to be alone, but genuinely hating yourself nets you nothing.

Unless you are extremely attractive (you aren't) you need the aforementioned 3.

i don't have a cat or any pet.

>actual answer incoming

They don't like you because you don't like you

What happened? How did things get shittier?

bullshit. i want a girl. there have been literally fucking 0 who liked me over the course of 6 fucking years. thousands upon thousands of girls universally don't like me.

brandon gets girls who say they like him every fucking thread he posts.

You know yourself the best of anyone. If you hate yourself, why would anyone else like you?
Anyway sounds like you get off on pity. Self pity is a drug and unless you quit your addiction this is how the rest of your life is going to turn out.

Try smiling

You look like you want to strangle a bitch. If that's the pic you chose to post, I'm guessing that's your general demeanor. Try positive and happy around girls, even if it's fake. It's usually fake for everyone, really.

do you think i'm not acutely aware of the fact that i'm not extremely attractive or attractive at all

Is that Hungrybox?

Fix yourself then. Nobody owes you shit, you have to earn it. Get fit, get some useful skills, get a decent haircut, learn to dress and learn to fight. Even if you don't land a chick right away all of those clichés will at least help you feel better about yourself.
Being a pathetic fat fuck is entirely a choice and you goddamn know it.

Yep. I’ve been “here” in this circus for awhile. I’ve seen you around for a long ass time. This can’t be the same person. Pic/time stamp. Now.

I think you want the world to fix your problems without putting any effort in and for an anonymous image board to give you pity while it doesn't

Master jew meming.

being fucking completely alone for 28 fucking consecutive years wears on your sanity.

for the job, school rotations start in like 2 weeks and my current employer will not be open any of the hours i'd be available to work. so can't work= no money. not fired and i didn't quit, but i can't be scheduled for any hours. i would quit because some of my coworkers have started being mean to me but it doesn't matter anymore.

i need to just die. i'm too pussy to kill myself but i wish i could die.

have fucked up teeth, can't.

i can't fake it anymore, i end up cracking and getting sad and almost crying so i just put on the only face i can.

what a diss on hungrybox.

>implying you don't just want another pic for the collage

Attached: Photo on 4-27-19 at 2.13 AM.jpg (1080x720, 167K)

I don’t know what to trust anymore. Jew trickery?

Because you need to have the min list: job+house+car. After that you can get any 5-6/10 girls no mtter what appearence or character ur of, it just happens automatically, you'll actually get bored of them pretty soon.

Mountain time. Arizona?

why would i lie. it doesn't make sense.

yeah, shit's fucked brah
maybe chicks can somehow sense that you're about to snap and murder them so they just fucking try to avoid you like plague

no not arizona. idaho.

Iron Man is in an old 80’s movie on cable. Put it on kids.

Welp. That explains everything.

bullshit, i've never hurt anyone and never would.

Not the guy you're replying to but what's so bad in Idaho?


Guy in the pics look like he's repressing a lot of anger and frustration.

frustration yeah anger no.

Ok, so you have a girlfriend. Great sex, fun, etc. Then, the “honeymoon” ends. Now what? You want to do something alone. Guess what? Nope. She has NEEDS. Privacy? Ha! I’m not trying to make you feel better. Dopamine spikes. You wish you had a girlfriend until you don’t want it. There is always a catch. A downside. I’ve been in threads until you do a “countdown to suicide”. Still here. You have depression? Go check into a hospital. Or just keep making these threads. You work?


Doesn't being frustrated all the time lead to being angry? How short the fuse really is?

At least no niggers.

for the same reason you have to ask, you probably try way too hard and are super creepy as your picture indicates


You know where you are, right?

i work for the next 2 weeks.

no i don't think it does. more sadness for me.


yeah probably


You look like a goblin
Your hairstyle is bland
Your facial expression doesn’t scream approachable

Lose weight
Lift weights
Shave your beard
Get a cleaner hairstyle

Or lift weights
Grow a viking beard
Grow viking hair

yeah i am fucking ugly.


>i would quit because some of my coworkers have started being mean to me but it doesn't matter anymore.

Seriously, autism?

yeah probably. one of them keeps yelling at me for things i'd have no real control over. she returns overstock stuff, but she doesn't adjust the automatic inventory in the ordering program, so it automatically puts whatever she just returned back into the order because it's under the reorder point. somehow it's my fault for not taking it off the order when i'd have no idea that she returned it, and i assume the automatic ordering is correct. she got fucking pissed at me for not taking a few things off the order but how the fuck would i know that the automatic ordering was wrong? and the real problem is she didn't adjust the inventory settings and the reorder point is too high.

but yeah the boss just started and he chewed me out for not knowing to take that off the automatic order, i think he wants to fuck my coworker who bitched at me. it's very caustic and they're both mean to me and i didn't do anything wrong. but being the ugliest/lowest social value person means i catch the brunt of blame even when i didn't do anything wrong.

go to bed, get some refreshing beauty sleep
staying awake at night and sleeping at day can seriously fuck up your health
melanin and vitamin D are important too, not just pussy

i don't really care about health anymore. i just want to die most of the time but too pussy to kill myself.

Delude yourself into thinking and KNOWING that you are superior to them. You then develop a false sense of confidence and ride that to get you to the next level. Career. The pussy will be there, I guarantee it.

you will die, it's inevitable
meanwhile try to seek some professional health for that depression of yours and other mental issues you might have if you want to give things a chance to change for better experience until that day comes

because you're a whining manbaby

>some professional health

Listen. You don’t look like some nu-male faggot. You must initiate the and take control. You reek of depression. I’m not saying take the drugs but fucking do something. For you. Of course you’ll read this, think for a second and be right back here. Nothing magically changes brah. Have to get it.

i'm not superior to them but i shouldn't get yelled at because the automatic inventory reordered it because she didn't adjust the reorder point.

it's not a good work environment, and she's just wildly full of herself because this new boss kisses her ass because he wants to fuck her. oh well.

i've tried. nothing worked.

i already know the only way out is death. i'm too pussy to do it myself.

i've tried the drugs. i've tried counseling. nothing will make me happy. the problem is fucking bad, i've been posting this shit for fucking 6 years and it never got better.

If you have already gave up then why keep posting these fucking threads?

just hide them. no need to be abusive to me.

I thought you said you don't care about anything any more?

i mean for your sake. being mean to people will make you feel worse. but do what you want idgaf

you're a huge lying fucking faggot and that's why girls don't like you
you probably have that look in OP on your face because you ass hurts so much from getting buttfucked so hard

If you have already gave up then why keep posting these threads?

someone is doing some projecting. i'm sorry you got fucked in the ass.

why not?

because you keep asking the same question.
You don't care for the results.
You say you've given up yet you keep asking

So why, what's the point?

It's the same nonsense autistic spamming as that atheist poster.

Give a proper answer it'll help answer why people don't like you.

>why don't any girls like me?

One big variable you can change is your weight. Lose weight OP.
Look into intermittent fasting. I went from a bald ugly fatass to a thin bald uggo. Since I lost weight I gained confidence and found myself a nice obedient bitch. She's not that pretty but she's nice.

Lead people, don't let them lead you.

feel the same Yea Forumsastard, but i know why womans dont feel atracted to me, dropped out

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old pasta is moldy

You seem pretty normal to me. Nice beard