Are black women(qweens) the most beautiful women in the world?

Are black women(qweens) the most beautiful women in the world?

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Other urls found in this thread:\invite\pRkMu23

More importantly....Are they actually human?

Yes. they were the first humans.

unless your a evolution denying drumpftard

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They share more DNA with gorillas than they do with any other human race.

I want to mix my DNA with a black queen

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thats bullshit and you know that

black people cant mate w gorillas

take the ebonypill

No they dont dumbass

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The first humans were white. Unless you can find me a black chimp with an afro your arguments are invalid.

All of them are beautiful tbh

monkey skull on the right

I want to mix with a black woman

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let me guess? climate change isnt real and jews are the reason youll never get laid? Back to the blacked threads drumpfie

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Climate change is real, there's nothing mystical or special about the jews, and blacked threads are for trump supporters. Still doesn't change the fact that the original cavemen of africa were whiter than any woman posted here.

Black women are the most beautiful

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wrong. first humans were black not whitoid. Stop denying science

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First humans were said to orginiate from Africa I've never heard or seen anything that says that the first humans were black.

If they have the right amount of white in them, yeah. The girl in the original picture, she’s dark as crap but her features are definitely not the typical facial structure of a negress. Guarantee she has a white grandfather.

wont lie, I would hump them all like a teenager

There is no "most beautiful women in the world", each beautiful woman is judged on an individual basis.

Having said that, I would totally have a harem of black bitches and impregnate all of them one by one, creating a tribe of happy barefoot little half niglets

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Cope. shes 100% black

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>anti trump
Well this one has lost all value

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no black qveens for drumpf supporters

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Trump homies get ALL da African breeding cows

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no they are disgusting, can't have a decent conversation, can't keep a job, can't keep a house clean, most can't cook and breed low potential offspring.

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all lies

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Well i do have an uncle that married one so maybe idk bro i dont come from a black family

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How do you get past the smell?

no. /thread


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breath through straw when mating

your all gay betamales

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"We wuz kangs n shiet"


They were

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Black whores are the best, they are fierce and will do the work for you, unless you got those anorexic whores.


The only things niggers ever made are watermeloium and niggawatts

>be me
>be trump supporter
>be boning black chick

100% cope soy boy faggot.

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need petite please


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Any time I see a black person with a sweater, I think of Arctic Monkeys.


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She's mad because she lost her Obamaphone.

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They wuz Kangz and shit

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most are no more than a shaven gorilla
but there are footfags, so i bet there are apefags too.

>thread about sexy black women
>no sexy black women in sight

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"whats wrong
can't stand the sight of a strong qween"

most black waman are whale monkeys or really infact do like old disney caricatures.

just yesterday i sall a whale monkey drop hey childs kinder suprise chocolate shell next to a hobo pee infested bus stop only to feed it to her doomed future dindu nuffin child.

Hitler was crusified for wrong think

saw* , Her*

so many closet gays in this thread sad

kill yourself faggots

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Ohohoho. Good one. If somebody is denying evolution then its you. Older research proves that niggers are closer to monkeys. Just look on common logic they were first monkey-like proto-humans t so its obvious that they are less developed then others, add to that low-inteligence, cannibalism, and agression and you got a image of niggers

evolution is a religion
nope evolution isn't based on science so no. i do beleive Gods could be racist shitlords and the hewbrews, indians, Nords ect ect could be races created by different Gods With Racist Agendas.

are you Less racist than a God Could Be.
but if you're black probably not

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have sex

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>inb4 implying I have the chance
I'd fuck any Qt despite her race.

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It's like you're not even trying

Reminder to all white men. Live by these rules and you will reach enlightenment.

>love black women
>impregnate black women
>worship black women
>protect black women
>support black women

Breed a better future, breed black.

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doesn't that mean they enslaved the Israelite's?


>breed a better future


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the earth is heating up because of global warming.

were gonna need some melanin to survive bro...

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Silly OP. Monkey's aren't people.

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wow, even in their deluded bullshit fantasies they're still garbage. too bad all that white devil science disproves most of that shit

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Dark skin repels UV rays, not heat moron. More melanin = feeling hotter. If global warming is going to be an issue, lighter skin would be ideal.

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notice how they're standing inside a building and have fabric on their bodies?

that also seems like a good way to survive.. shelter and protective clothing

Her kik: jgs84c

High school nigress. She sucked my friends dick today thinking he was gonna break up to be with her. So romantic
At least she knows how to lick...

your pic only further proves that whitoids are aliens. i dont want my lineage to be aliens...

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Beauty is subjective fart knocker.

das raycis

She's mixed

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I think whites are the purest form of aliens, and blacks are the result of jalf breed aliens mixing with monkeys.

Damn alien cross breeding scientists

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Thats fucking disgusting. Main reason i dont find blacks attractive.

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shes what our daughters will look like

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Yet, most tropical and warm weather places were where darker skin prospered

>They were the first humans.

Actually that makes them the most archaic and animal-like human race currently in existence, not much different from the nignogs roaming the fields of africa 100 000ys ago.

>Last race = best race
We evolve for a reason

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But black women are niggers?

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yep whitoids evolved pretty good i say. just look at where they are now...

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is this a tranny?

Yes, so is this one.

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Is there such a thing as a good looking black face that doesn't resemble white features?

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Lookin' like a crack addict.

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I don't care man, I fuck every chick. I love black chicks and white chicks and brown chicks and green chicks. I don't give a fuck what colour they have I fuck it.

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Man I know this pic is old but I say it anyway. This is a true ugly ass dude.

How does one fall so low as to unironically be attracted to monkeys? Did yall make it past the furry stage?

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he says as he posts a literal hapa.

btw real men love black women. now back to the trap threads you go

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Aryan only

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Eye of the beholder

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fucking monkey

they are the most attractive of apes

Which tribe of the Chosenites are you from, Shlomo?

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Enough, incel.

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This is legitimately depressing, despite the context of the thread.

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some black chicks can be but when their not hot theirs really really unattractive. dated a black chick for a bit but she got to attached had to say good buy to those big tities. white woman on the other hand are usually passable

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I have never seen a black mongoloid. How that

I only find them attractive

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absolutely, this is an opinion i've held for quite sometime but all ethnicities have the potential to be attractive imo I just when a black girl is attractive, they're ATTRACTIVE ifunowutimean

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Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?\invite\pRkMu23


Suck start a shotgun, JIDF

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Fuck off

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>trips of truth checked

abraham had an ebony queen as a wife.

Its time to take the ebonypill my friend

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> 'Some New XXX Chans (imageboards)'

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if eating shit was knowledge
youd be a doctor

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This is the single most moronic comment here

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Sauce on that video?

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in the US, this will breed out black. so i'm all for it.
it's a numbers game. 13 % vs 77% (asian/hispanic/european).