Describe your favourite video game with three words and let the other anons guess it, i'll start: resurrection, revenge, conquer.
Describe your favourite video game with three words and let the other anons guess it, i'll start: resurrection, revenge...
Crusades, Byzantium, Turks
Crowbar, Aliens, Gabe.
Puzzles, Bitches, Honey.
all great games
Mithril, Adamant, Rune.
Destroy, Control, Disappointment
Religion yet again
Destroy all humans?
the half life series
Nudity, autistic screeching, zergs
Think about the greatest disappointment of your life. If it wasn't this trilogy ending it wasn't as bad
Angery, guts, 9000
castles, roads, flags
fury, gods, rape
Fus Ro Dah
I fucking loved Morrowind
Jew passtime, hookers, monsters
city portal, dark nights, Armageddon
path of exile?
Shhh, speak, the most autistic beta fandom.
shaun? Shaun. SHAUN!
Mass Effect
Wow, you're such a fucking retard.
It's clearly oblivion.
Oblivion was the shit
>>You will never see your little blue daughter
But at least you guessed right
I was going for morrowind, but after thinking about's actually the plot for all the TES games.
Cock in my ass, faggotry, another cock in my ass
Don't remind me
Persona 5?
America, Incest, Ubisoft
I'm guessing the last one will give it away
We'll, bang, okay?
copper ore, copper plate, electronic circuit
Met, terrible, fate
Assassins creed 3
I think it's Destiny 2
Is it Destiny 2?
It's Destiny 2.
I'm am 1000000% correct.
But you are close
3 words, 3 games
You've never played Daggerfall, then.
Escape, From, Tarkov
Naw man way too young for all that shit
Your face, your ass, whats the diference?
Dystopia, Sisters, 1960
>>Dont open it
Fuck bitches, kill badies, get paid
you are my nigger?
God of war 3?
God king, swords, IOS
>all these retards using more than three words
Cleansing, Orphan, Retribution
Dang trips but not correct
Rage, quit, repeat
The Elder Scrolls: Arena
P90, rusb b, cyka blyat
ball, cars, goals
Joy, sacrifice, painful
conquer the world
Guns. Gibs. BZZZIEW
needs braces.
>>Dental plan
Cheeki Breeki Zone
>Mfw everything in this fucking thread is about TES
Its like 65% ES 20% Mass Effect 15% other
Not all of it, but yeah and overwhelming majority.
Pleb, cringe, shame
Crits, Hats, Guns
Tactical nuke inbound
Dude, that's my favorite war-themed hat simulator!
kill the all
Andy Sixx's Wargames 2k18?
Heavy Rain
You have made a good choice
Big, green, virgin.
Spy, retarded cringe worthy fan base, closet faggotry shit
Far Cry 5
Legend of Zelda
You ever wonder what it would be like if Zelda was a girl?
Wolfenstein The New Order
I mean, that particular market's kinda sparse the last few years...
Real Life 2019?
Sly cooper?
>closet faggotry shit
Nice bait
Team Fortress 2
Nah, but I like how you think
Deus Ex
Clearly R6 dumbass
kek sad but true
James bond games
Metal Gear Solid
Medal of Honor 2
angsty fast & furious
Shit, shit, shit
Need for Speed: Underground
Fallout 4
Any BR game ever?
Need for speed underground. The niggerest the car, the "better" it was.
I think that's more of a consequence of the BR bubble. PUBG was pretty lit before it got huge.
Gimme that hat
>>Fallout 4
>>Not Fallout 76
OP said favorite game, if anyone's favorite game is 76 they need to be shot.
>hasn't played it modded
Hat in Time?
Lie, more lies, scamed
Molyneux, hype, disappointment
If a game requires modding before it's playable, it's shit.
>not enjoying something that is enjoyable for arbitrary reasons
Keep telling yourself that kiddo.
Whatever Fable bullshit entry
always aim legs.
worrying about grenades
>this much damage control
Sure okay. But if any game is required to be modded sufficiently as to be nearly unrecognizable from it's original incarnation for it to be enjoyed then you're not enjoying the game, you're enjoying the game engine.
Shit, I remember that back then when I still used facebook, I was searching for fangroups of MGS for memes and shit...
But i got 110% shit, autistic faggots, and "muh iq is 99999999"
>mfw now one of my favorite franchises makes me cringe and to be ashemed to like it.
Moneh, boah, cough
Fall, search, fight.
Sucks when something good is ruined by it's spergelord fanbase.
wincest, dragons, murder
Robots, spies, island
I know none of you are gonna get this one
Bgs makes good systems. The concepts they come up with are good.
Their stories are not good, their textures are not good.
Modders can then take the good established assets provided and make it into very good things.
Because modders don't have to operate on corporate budgets or timelines they can pull off some incredible things.
While an unmodded fallout 4 may be unplayable to some; a 250 mod list is comparable if not superior to a AAA game 5 years after its launch.
It's not just the engine, it's the sandbox.
I didn't realize how many other games this could apply to.
"Faggotry" was not among the words provided by user
Anthem or FO 76
Pootis Spencer Here
Sandvich Is Good
Everybody Do Conga
Spy Among Us
Ubercharge Is Ready
3 Cosmetic Slots
Push Freakin Cart
Why Three Spies?
Switch Off Spy.
And Three Snipers.
We Are Losing.
Need A Medic.
W Plus M1
Buff The Phlog
Tired of soldiers?
Airblast the rockets.
Shoot The Floor
Stop Double Jumping,
Just Fucking Die
No Ham Resistance
Are you furries?
They're all furries.
Valve Please Update
Where's Heavy Update?
I am waiting.
Sorry, yeah, FO76, for some reason I always call it Fallout 5.
Congas, Pans, and Crits
Game of Thrones video games are out now?
ck2 agot mod I guess I cheated
Akimbo, britfag, eye
Jew simulator deluxe
Did anyone play this as a kid? Shit went hard
Rollercoaster Tycoon?
Nigger simulator 92
tumblr autsim
Swinging, Music, Cubes
Since you fags didn't even try to guess my last one, I'll post another favored game:
Dissatisfaction, Neo-genesis, Happiness
We're 100% black!
fortunate son intensifies
Wolfenstein The New Colossus
Bubsy 3D
Black Ops 1
The latest God of War?
I'll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda.
Surprised anyone remembers that title, but no.
>What is "The average Amerilard lunch."?
uhh Just Dance??
Mighty No.9
Necklace, end of the world, jail break
P5, try harder
Gta, jump the shark, lets fuck
cyka blyat
The Witcher 3 actually
Oblivion has already been posted, read the thread.
damn OP, blackbeard looks so retarded after all his nerfs
damn feels: western edition
Chrono Trigger you stupid faggot
Boah dead redemption tb
Ramirez, Oscar Mike, 627
Superman 64
Watch those wristwrockets
Visual, enemy sniper
Ah shit, here we go again.
Chink, chonk, garbage
Try again.
Final Fantasy XV
Like it says in the book. We're blessed and cursed.
Muh sides
Describe this picture as a Game title.
PTSD. Multiplayer. Racism.
age of empires?
These threads aren't just about getting it right, it's about having fun and sharing a few keks.
Orochi warriors or however you spell that shit
Call of duty
>he thinks COD has PTSD moments
Battlefront 2
Essence, form, marines
Then I'll make my own Monopoly, with monsters and hookers.
Mongoloid screeching may get you on ptsd
underground, russia, apocalyptic
Plumbers dont wear ties
I grew up during those times. MW3 was worse in terms of their comebacks. Instead of the n-word, they fucked your mom.
fish can roll
Rusky fallout spooky version
Come on man, it's Metro 2033. Holy fuck. God damn.
Big tree magic
Fire Emblem
what the fuck?
I know right.
I didnt knew there was an Isis simulator already. Can you fuck the goats?
Secret of Mana
wrong but also CHECKED
Saints Row
Beat saber or the racing one
Fag got singles, there's nothing TO check.
Wrong, fuck you zoomer.
RO2, Just a shot in the dark.
conspiracy, superpowers, revenge
E.T. the extraterrestrial
close but nope,try again
no but i wish i could
Fuck her while I hold her down, pour some cream down her and fuck her while I eat it out and she spills on my face
Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon
True fag found
Jesus Christ I thought desync was fucking v sync.
I mean it could be multiple thing based on the last 2, but desync the band? I'm stumped.
God of War
Age of empires
Legendary? Or Singularity? Some forgettable no name game with a one word title
Lots of die
Nope, think more recent.
Duke Nukem?
House of the Dead
Dark Souls
Gimmick, fucktards getting baited, Fucking gimmick
A GameCube game
okay fuck i misread your post as ROE,im way too tired for this,also no it's not vsync nor a band it's desynchronization.anyways heres another hint:
CIV6 or CIV7, I know its the one where Ghandi nukes everyone.
cite your statistics nigger
Minecraft, as some user said, I've seen way worst autism on MGS
Drop off hookers at police station
Fur, cancerigenous faggotry, cringe
pay 2 win
dead space
engineers,in space,clang
synthwave, fast-paced, lots of killing
the square root of the number of the first item is how many words you're supposed to use
hotline miami
Aliens: Colonial Marines
XCOM, likely XCOM 2
Far-Cry: Blood Dragon
Nup, press Enter to try again.
bullet-hell, mutations, gun god.
>the n-word
Just say "nigger." First of all, you're on Yea Forums, specifically Yea Forums. The magic word gets tossed around here like a child actor gets tossed around by kike movie directors, so you have no reason to be fearful of saying it, especially with Yea Forums's - or just the internet's in general - well-known anonymity. Moreover, you just look like a PC (opposite of /pol/ in this case) faggot when you can't just say "nigger," especially on an user board."
fucking kek
I live in blackland, I work in blacktown, and black is everywhere. It's habit, sorry.
Vikings , knights ,weebs
space engineers
Desert, Mailman, Nuke
For Honor
augmentation, future, sunglasses
Fallout NV
New Vegas
Deus Ex
I live in the ghetto, too, so I understand. Just try to convince the more intelligent (and less racially prejudiced) ones that saying "nigger" is better than "the n-word." But just as advice, if you don't want to risk saying "nigger," refer to it as "the magic word." It's magic because saying it in the wrong "hood" will magically (and quickly) get you beaten the fuck up.
mobsters, "nigger"
also 60s
Too bad I won't die if I say it. They'll just rob me and run away. Don't I love this place.
Lan , loot, kill
mafia 3?
Survive, explore, imagine-anything
Coon, furry, spastic
Since you fags are all too young to guess it:
Breath of Fire 3
And too oblivious:
Stardew Valley
PUBG duh
Bamboozled, negro, retard
ARK: Survival Evolved
Kebab, europe, colonization
Yawn, fuck off with your faggotry nignog
>mad because uncle-daddy didn't put it in his butt this week
diablo 2
Mighty kek