British people are fucking gay

british people are fucking gay

they have one of the trashiest accents, like talking with shit in your moufff

Attached: trash.jpg (960x560, 60K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>british people

Implying that there is one accent for the entire Isles

Nothing to see here but yet another display of American ignorance

Yes, but ugly, drunk chav sluts in short dresses have a certain appeal

something about those weird, pale faces and their complete lack of morals that makes even a hideous troll like me believe I have a chance with them

britfag, go sip on your tea faggot

Not even a brit

you are welcome..

Bitch the British have like 50 accents and East Cornish is the unholy fusion of all of them.

Oh blow it out yer ass. We don't all like tea. Guinness is where it's at

which accent, we have like fifty (i will admit half of them are absolute dogshite but the rest are ok)

>trashiest accents
Your women don't think that. Wait did you get cucked by a bong? Guys he did.

british people are the superior race, americans are gay

>be american
>get shot

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Attached: 1556146731785.jpg (1024x597, 41K)

We owned you Amerifags at one point, silence yourself Amerimutt.

yeah they're gay

Attached: anonymous-id-my-ww-06-04-16-sat-06-10-25-no-75990682-post-disgusting-soulless-2658956.png (500x666, 76K)

What the actual fuck? I am german and i switched from the american accent to a southern english one. The southern american accent just feels like not moving your tongue at all. This is ridiculous, if anyone has a dick in their mouth it's the southern american ones.

Oi mate do you have your Brexit loiscence?

They all sound the same.

Tell me a Scottish and a Brighton accent sound even remotely similar again and I'll shove the Royal Albert Bridge up your ass

you birds are like the sparrows who chatter without end,among 50 of them,,2 get to wing
& flap fighting from ground to the bush, to the fence up into the trees,because one chirps how the other does not like

The accent would really soung like shit in the mouth!
Good thing Englanf was defeated on independence war!
btw l sorta live in Engalnf