YLYL: other one is infected with an underage twin incest comic edition

YLYL: other one is infected with an underage twin incest comic edition

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This made me sharply exhale through my nose. Does that count as a loss?


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>$40 for a $30 pair of pants
Must be some good shit

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I assume if it's real it's either a joke or a fetish site
>if it's real

fucking lost wtf is that channel

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this one caught me off guard

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Any of you old fags got something to add here?

This threads wack so far

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Haha, Jody got yo girl

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>underage twin incest comic
you mean this?

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I hate this because I catch myself reading the whole thing and actually get a little aroused. I just want to laugh at shitty memes not question my sexuality.

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>question my sexuality
are you gay?

Thats what you get when you pick up a dependa in oceanside

forgot i was playing and lost

I'm bi but I'm not into incest or underage


Gorilland is really entertaining, I love it. But don't like the same issue spammed over and over in the ylyl threads. Span ruins it.

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I dont think their teeth are pointed

Almost the same for me except I get aroused for a brief moment and then laugh at the jokes. This comic really should decide if it wants to be porn or be a comedy

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i am

it's stored in the bladder, dumbass

Fuck that comic, killing ylyl threads prematurely. Get that shit outta here

Kinda sounds like you are

Nobody in your country runs you fat fucks

Can we please stop with the faggot spamming in every thread? (I know we can't)

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That gave me a sharp exhale from my nostrils...

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taking request to shop and edit images

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so thats why they let jar jar come along even though he was a fucking retard


better filename

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None of this shit is funny

YLYL is not the same as before

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Then post something funny. Be better...rise above.


miss the potassium yet faggot?

shit taste my man

i see your shitstain and raise the ante

Attached: merica.jpg (750x563, 65K)

well hank does have negative ass

Attached: negative ass.jpg (750x721, 75K)


Nice Brie Larson pic

I sincerely don't know what it is about this image that infuriates me, I just don't, but there's something about her 2D ass that just makes me want to shoot up an ASPCA building

Looks like someone programmed that ass like a madden game

Out of the loop here, who is Brie Larson and why is her arse being compared to this person here?

the bitch that plays captain marvel. she is being compared to due to her not having a ass and she needed a body/butt double.

Thanks user. Why is she so hated? Don't watch Marvel films but still interested for some reason.

she went on a rant on how she wants to kill white people/men

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Cuz she said shit like "A Wrinkle in Time wasn't made for middle aged White Dudes, so I don't wanna hear your Opinion of it."
and pretty much using her platform with Disney to preach libtard politics

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Probably doesn't help that in Endgame she's used as a Deus Ex Machina, can 1v1 Thanos, and starts the incredibly forced "all women superheroes in one place, girl power!" scene.

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If you spoiled any other character, I would have flipped out and DDOS'd you but I could give negative shits about her
thx for the cringe warning Yea Forumsro

wew lad.

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Yeah, it really broke immersion for me. Other than that, great movie, you'll enjoy it. :^)

dubs of truth. i feel the same lol

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son of a bitch


just about to close the fucker and i spot him

Spoiling is for fags.

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Nice ass

Reported for illegal recording.

>of that ass

Any one have the actual pic?

Apologies, brah

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Who is that?

She's not a deus ex at all in endgame. She does nothing that is significantly more helpful than anyone else, nor does she outright save the heroes. The "girl power scene" is really forced but it doesn't take up all that much time. Not really a big deal.

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Some filler.

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It seems not. Same spammers every time. Twincest comic, anti-semites, or ray pist. I can only imagine these neckbeards are refreshing the catalogue every ten seconds to see if someone finally posted ylyl so they can spam it. Just like the faggot log poster.

>Le sharp-edge leaf

Jack in the boix logo. But instead of the clown, have a gimp like off Pulp fiction. Shop the sign to have the gimp where the clown is and have it say gimp in a box.

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Lost already

Goddamn, I’m so fucking dead inside that this fucking got me. The shining light in my life is neck fat smoking a cigarette.


an user is putting a syringe full of "five hours energy" up his ass, if anyone's interested

black widow

Attached: Screenshot_20190426-234258~2.png (1080x1629, 540K)

Why wouldn't he just cram the end of the bottle in there and squeeze? I don't think a syringe is necessary here.

Just search for "Juju Salimene"

>Actual true story inbound:
>be me
>17 at the time
>beta loser who can't get laid for the life of him
>pathological fear of girls since middle school, when some bitch mind fucked me
>have a younger sister, 16 at this time
>my sister is boy crazy, really wants to date someone
>>announces that she's "seeing someone"
>father and I start discussing plans on how to shoot the bastard.
>few days later, brings the dude home
>tall, scrawny kid with brown hair and glasses
>visibly nervous
>my father and I sit down and tell him that he's "walked into the courtroom"
>discuss for a few minutes
>they go out
>dad tells me "it isn't going to last"
>sis comes home
>announces it was "fun"
>around a week later, my sister tells me that her bf previously dated a college girl
>she's worried that he secretly wants this college girl back
>about a week later, overhear a conversation between my sister and my mother
>"We're not a thing anymore"
>tell my father this
>laughs uncontrollably
>mfw my dad predicted exactly how his daughter's first relationship would go down

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just in ass not blood
>shit tier

Giving a new meaning to deepthroat

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Was a heartier kek than this shit thread

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I would

Holy fuck lost

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Lol y tho


Like I haven't seen it buuuuuut... really? Is it a spoiler that Thanos would die?

Man goddamn

You must be forgetting how she single handly destroyed that mothership that was about to destroy everyone, or how she randomly showed up to save tony stark.

at least the dog got away

Brie lost her shit when Chris called her out for her claiming she did most of her own stunts

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Jesus fucking christ

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Thank You Veryyyyyy Much!

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Why did I laugh at this

Twice, dies twice

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Everybody already knows that you needy crybaby, you are not special for sharing a fucking piece of a movie.
This is not a normie site.

Underrated. I smiled in appreciation for this meme.

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Sensible chuckle


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Jesus christ she's so hateable. she's worse than a teenage girl

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>it's stored in the bladder
And who's the dumbass?


That's a knee, bud.



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i bet she was a cutie, 50 years ago.


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Top kek

This pic is still on Amazon

Lefts really are retarted, isn't it?

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It's a good thing we only try to take their tusks

exactly my reaction lol

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Brodrick said that as a joke lmao

10/10 would bang.. not her, i mean i'd bang his gunshot wound.

Wonder what he was subscribed to that he couldn't have gotten for free.

>doge happy to see master
>Great balls of fire rain down from heavens
>master tastes good???
>**tries a bite**
>Master ver good
>doge is now the mastter

gulp :(

goodness garcious

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wow, steve fucking chugs dicks


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she's pretty hot

She wishes she had an ass as good as Americas ass

Oglaf is easy-mode for making losers in YLYL threads.

Who do I get today?

>Do ya wanna know how I got these scars?

you only say that because you are cursed


yo. that, Joe Rogan?

Lost hard


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10/10 lost so fucking hard



meesa sides are going to the planet core

this one cracks me up every time


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Who is this guy


Yea Forums back in the glory days saw the birthplace of memes not where they come to die
we need to fix this somehow


Actual fake story outbound.

>Be me.
>25 at the time.
>Beta loser who can't get laid for the life of him.
>Pathological fear of girls since some bitch mind fucked me.
>Have a younger sister, 13 at the time.
>My sister is boy crazy, really wants to date a guy named Ray Pist.
>Announces that she's "seeing him".
>Father and I start discussing plans on how to shoot the bastard.
>Few days later, brings the dude home.
>Tall, scrawny freak with swastika tattoo on forehead.
>Visible shrimp dick.
>My father and I tell him he's "walked into the courtroom".
>Discuss for a few minutes.
>They go out.
>Dad tells me, "it's not going to last, his dick is tiny".
>Sis comes home.
>Announces it was "fun".
>Around a week later, my sister tells me that her bf previously dated an 11 year old girl.
>She's worried that he secretly wants this girl back.
>About a week later, overhear a conversation between my sister and my mother.
>"He drugged me and raped me while I was unconscious".
>Tell my father this.
>Laughs uncontrollably.
>MFW my dad predicted exactly how his daughter's first relationship would go down.

Attached: 1537721639178.jpg (497x544, 25K)

haven't seen a good YLYL thread in at least a decade

Attached: Don't Snicker, Bitch.png (760x572, 247K)

Marvel is for faggots

the last time this board impressed me was when that user hacked a surveillance camera in a christian school and somehow also funneled sound through it.



I kept waiting to give a fuck, but it never happened. Is there a part two where something interesting/funny happens?

fuck i remember this thread and cackling like a retard at like 8 in the morning. if you watch the full video they dont start using sound bites until about 30 minutes.


this thread made you feel like you were one of the kids in the class cracking up with your other friends who were in on the joke. really fucking weird sense of nostalgia

Cute little white girl butt

Idc , i dont watch faggot ass cape shit anyway . And the "goodguys" always win in those rugmunching superhero movies

this joke is so goddamn old

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This is gold

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Beyond The Mat.

get a nice lungjob off her

It’s a poor ylyl when your only laugh is from a reaction
Fuck the spammers - I just want a laugh


fuckin wrong. who says fuckin pound? lets check the countrys with the biggest population: india? nope. china? nope. russia? nope.
oke than. let's check the coubtries most influencing western culture: germany? nope. france? nope. italy? nope.

fuckin kiddo, go back to your redneck-bubble on fb, faggot


Attached: 5B584878-07F9-49CF-B93D-7F24F82C25BA.jpg (400x400, 75K)

None of those countries speak English...
Are you a child?

Unironically commit suicide

Wow, two faggots

the only country that matters is America. we literally own every other country.

Who'd fuck that?

Pic says most adults in the world. I'm livin in germany and speak proper english, little sissy

Attached: amerimutts.png (960x540, 773K)

A faggot

>lurk more faggot


>not a quote or an implication
>greentexts anyway

I wonder who needs to lurk

this, totally this

Yea Forums is sadly almost exclusively cancer now :(

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God fucking damn it there its a gain. Tranpa

That's my pant size

If you spoke "proper" English, you'd know that it's called a "pound sign," wussbloke.


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>being this inept at greentexting
>telling others to lurk more
You’re a fucking retard. I lost at your post. Thank you.

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That's quite the skullet.

>being this insecure
Go away faggot.

Yeet nigga

he lied

i was waiting for posts like this.
the notre dame fire was 100% the largest satanic church burning

nah man, that is roe jogan


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>i done did my own stunts
>did you tho

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Was it you?

so? what happens next? incest babys i hope

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Japanese porn

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Aww bump limit

Try telling that to the chinks you owe trillions to

Best case scenario.

Very lost.

>inb4 israel


its yet to be finished, unfortunately