Rate thread

Rate thread

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you look like the blue's clues guy's older brother that wouldn't stop sodomizing the kid, grabbing his dick, and then calling him a faggot for crying

You are very ugly and should kill yourself.

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blues clues/10

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What do you guys think of me ?

Attached: 10154612043269302.png (901x600, 902K)

got your dad's cool guy hair and demeanor, and your mom's dick sucking lips

10/10 BMW driver.

Attached: 14003650563946.jpg (650x1000, 54K)


Rate me... Just got myself a new gun hehe

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you look like a guy at that magical place where wearing a fedora can't hurt your looks or social standing any more than your face already has

Rate me please

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Take off the gay fedora and you may look presentable

Also, get a red or black tie
They look nicer on blue dress shirts

Blues clues on drugs.

please rate

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any other btard /draft/?

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Why not

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Oh shit sideways


Fuck it

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> 'Some New XXX Ch@ns (imageboards)




You look cool

You could use some eyebrows mate.

No, you do!

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You killed the guy from Blues Clues and jerk off with the shirt/kill trophy?

hot honestly

aw thanks you're too kind

i'd tongue you while you gun down muslims in the middle east

lol they exist, just very blonde bruh

I read that to my fellow kebab removers and they laughed good job user

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Dye them brown then cunt.

I don't want shitlogs above my eyes, next time I post a pic for you to fap to I'll just use better lighting

With those ghost brows nobody could fap to you anyway.



bro how's it feel to be wrecked

Feels bad man

post dick?


Already got wrecked, don't wanna end up crying myself to sleep because my uncut wiener gets brutalized by someone's words

nah i wanna fap to that since no one can fap to your face. i don't mind uncut dicks