Avengers beat Star Wars in the box office.
Avengers beat Star Wars in the box office
Because on average they make better movies. Star wars is on par with if not worse than some of marvel's forgotten movies in the series.
Honestly I don't understand how a movie with a massive budget and plenty of time can't put together a decent movie. It's like star wars was made in a corporate board room with no actual writers involved.
Too many people liked star wars because Disney told them it was amazing and the people are incapable of thinking for themselves.
Who cares man. We live on a planet of retards. Fuck this gay earth.
shut the fuck up shithead
I liked them well enough because I recognize they're movies for kids
you on the other hand don't realize that and get your butthurt hurting
Meh not saying much. Nowadays Star Wars is filled with niggers and chinks
10/10 movie tho, Endgame.
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>Black widow sacrifices herself to gain the soul stone
>Thor is comic relief, utterly useless
>Iron Man kills Thorax
based and satan-pilled.
Dude loved it but damn crying the whole damn time! But worth it, this kind of epic shit doesnt come down but once in a blue moon.
so yeah it rocked and deserved to beat star wars.
How bout you shut your dumbass low IQ moronface. Just because something is for kids it don't get a pass on having dumbass illogical, incoherent and self-contradictory writing.
you didn't know star wars is a meme series now?
i pity you
You got some low fucking standards if this is a 10
It is ok, i cried too it hurts huh buddies?
Star wars has been absolutely shit. Avengers has trended down, not has hard though
Can someone spoil this whole movie for me who dies how do they win? I heard it was some alternative timeline bs.
They are both average, one does what people like and the other one doesn't, it is as simple as that
15 minutes is way to much screen time for that bitch
>crying over superhero movie
That's pure Soy right there.
(((Disney))) milks the goy public no matter what.
It could've been a lot better but Star Wars is garbage these days.
Thor is full of self pity and is a fat slob for the whole movie
They went back in time to collect the stones in a different reality.
Black Widow sacrifices herself for the soul stone.
Iron Man and Cap America accidentally free Loki during the events of the first Avengers movie so they go back further and get the tesseract, more time travel juice and Tony meets his father.
Alt Thanos followed them back to take the stones.
Hulk uses the stones to bring back everyone who was snapped
Iron man snaps Thanos and his army.
The energy kills him.
Cap goes back to return the stones to their reality and stays in the past to live out the life he lost.
Thor joins the Guardians
An elderly Cap gives his shield to Falcon (I don't know how he came back when the "past" was in another reality.)
Captain Marvel is hyped as stronger than everyone but isn't there outside of the start and the final battle and doesn't do anything exceptional.
End game was a giant fuck you Tony from dr strange
at the very start they track thanos to some random planet because he used the stones again, hes living a peaceful farming life in solitude with half his body burned and fucked
they jump him and he tells them what happened and they thor cuts off his head
5year time skip
ant man was inside the quantum realm during IW and the person assigned to pull gim out (i guess wasp i didnt watch his shit movies) was dusted so he was stuck until the machine malfunctioned or something and he gets spit out and has to figure out what happened and ends up visiting avengers hq to talk about time travel
tony has a kid and is out of the game and they all come asking him about quantum shit but he refuses and tells them its crazy
he ends up working on it out of curiosity
the crew decides since tony said no they will go to bruce who did gamma testing and fused bruce and hulk into a half hulk brainy guy so hes not hulk big but huge
the crew does some attempts but its all meh/funny
stark figures it all out and talks to potts about morality and she tells him to help so he arrives and saves the time travel day
the black dude from iron man tracks down green arrow who has been killing bad people because hes fucking mad about his family but she gets him to stop and join the time travel crew
everyone still alive pretty much is talking shop about where all the stones have been at what time etc etc and split into 3 different time table teams
tony cap and antman and hulk get the ones from new york or something (dr strange, loki staff, and i cant remember but hydra steals it in the old movie)
no one knew dr stranges history so bruce goes and finds that bald bitch who he talks to and she says hes too early and ends up spirit moding him until he finally says dr strange gave the stone to thanos so she says either strange is dumb or she is and gives the stone
Good. Even the worst movies in the franchise are 10 times better than any of the new Star Wars movies with the exception of Rogue One.
The set up was perfect the one acceptable "win" was the one where Tony gets fucked. The Dr even had the time stone. He could of reversed tony injuries
Thats fine with me, The Avengers movies were pretty solid, and now its all over and downhill from here.
They also had 40+ hours of "Opening Day"
Not sure why they even bother at this point. Just pretend the move opens in December, and release it over the summer. That way you can count it's entire run as "Opening Day".
the staff gets taken ez but there was a hiccup on the hydra one and loki steals it and teleports out so tony and cap go back in time while still back in time and go to captain marvel time frame ish (the place cap was made and marvel breaks the door nick fury was finger print magicing up)
cap meets the girl he loves and stark meets his dad and they steal pym particles (which is going to fuck up the timelines the movie explicitly tries to not do since the whole point is they return the stones back to when they took them so its a closed loop but now its not but they never address it)
warmachine nebula green arrow black widow go to guardians of the galaxy opening planet and widow/arrow leave for the soul stone where widow and arrow have a who can sacrifice themself first party and widow wins
nebula ends up sending a transmission to the nebula of that timeline due to how she works (not traitor shit) warmachine ends up teleporting out with the stone but nebula gets interrupted by a counter transmission and gets kidnapped and the nebulas swap places
rocket and thor go to when thors mom dies to get a stone from thors love and thor fucks off to talk to him mom and steals his own hammer (which i think is returned so no paradox for that)
im pretty sure thats all 6 stones
in the present theyre making a guantlet and nebula fucks off to call thanos into the timeline and coming out his ship breaks the machine
bruce snaps and brings back dusted people only
Yeah, that's a pretty solid plot hole. I understand they can't go back in time and bring them back to the future because that would mess up their timeline but Strange definitely could have used the time stone like he did in his own fucking movie.
Nevermind. Thinking about it, it would reverse everything back to before Tony snapped the glove. Essentially bringing Thanos back to life as well.
However, they could have skipped all of that if they just let Captain Marvel put the glove on and do the snap. She could have handled it. He'll, even Spiderman could have probably snapped the glove without dying.
thanos bombards their hq and the gauntlet is lost so he sits outside and waits for his minions to get it
good neb kills bad neb with timeloop gamorah
they confront thanos while the guantlet is mia and get fucked
gauntlet is recovered and needs to be ran down mid to a fucked antman van to return the stones to not fuck the timeline (which the writers definitely did)
thanos decides to bombard his own army to stop the offense
marvel bitch returns for the first time since thanos died at the start and destroys his ship and defends the gauntlet
thanos intercepts anyway and she prevents his snap and then tony takes the stones off the gauntlet and thanos snaps again but is confused
tony has his own gauntlet now and thanos said his catchphrase of the movie and then tony says "i am ironman" and snaps
all baddies get dusted and then tony dies of injuries from using the stones
a funeral is held at his house and then they return the stones
cap returns all the earth stones(and i think thors hammer like i said earlier) but doesnt travel back and instead lives life and appears on a bench really old and gives falcon the shield
i think thats the end
Know who also cried? every american hero ever.
Perhaps you arent man enough to cry, i feel sorry for your insecurities.
I think at the very least, we can all agree that fucking Avatar needs to be knocked off the #1 box office spot.
this, this 10000000%
fucking hate that shit.
I cried but mostly because infinity war was the last movie I saw with my ex wife and this had a weird finality to it, especially with Tony's family and everything
plot holes are
pym particle shortage
thors hammer is on earth at best not asgard
all of thanos crew is dead and not in their fucking timeline
also the past cant be the same future anyway since captain america fought himself and he knows it wasnt loki so at minimum theres 2 time lines
At the end it doesnt matter because in starwars Ironman dies, ups sorry spoilers!
What about Thanos sending his whole army through time when he only had enough particles for one person.
Endgame was pretty disappointing. Not only was it rather messy in general to start with, but the powerlevels were all over the place, Captain Marvel was annoying(ly condescending), there were quite a few cringe inducing scenes - that girl power scene, really? - and the time travel was underwhelming. Still entertaining, but 6/10.
I think the writers justification was "only the stones are powerful enough to fuck the timeline" so the pym juice is prolly a-ok
Wait, what girl power scene?
>pym particle shortage
covered dude there was a lot of pym bullshit
definitely not true because they throw out the idea of just killing thanos before he gets them all because they cant make any changes in the continuity
when marvel saves spiderman during the gauntlet relay race all the females appear for some group photo before dispersing and killing bad guys during the race
They line up all the females to fight thanos for about 45 seconds. It was pretty obviously pandering.
Fair enough about the timeline but I literally didn't even notice it was all female heroes in that part so maybe it wasn't as bad as described
No, it was bad... It was Captain Marvel that had the gauntlet, then there were a couple of female characters around her and one of them said really emphatically "We've got this", while the camera zoomed out and it showed practically all the (and only) female characters.
btw what made it dumb is marvel was clearly strong enough to not need help and trivialize half the movie but she needed that entourage
and the fighting pauses for them to have the moment
if it wasnt such a static event it wouldnt be so bad, like the actual girls fighting after the lineup wasnt horrible because the entire world didnt stop for their bullshit
The Mouse gets all the money either way so what's it matter?