Drink Thread
What are you drinking today Yea Forums ?
For me it's some Fireball Whiskey to help deal with a cold.
Drink Thread
What are you drinking today Yea Forums ?
For me it's some Fireball Whiskey to help deal with a cold.
Vodka mixed with lemonade
Morgan mixed with sprite
(also shots of both probably)
also, 10/10 recommend mixing Fireball and Orange Crush. Shit slaps
for sure, will try that still got lots.
Fireball is so disgusting it's like Christmas came in my mouth
Retard 22 year olds drink this garbage.
Just good old Beer
>some Fireball Whiskey
>to help deal with a cold
annnd retardalert.jpg
I mean if it means forgetting he has one
Seagrams 7 and Budweiser
Redneck fuck
Disgusting plebian tier, might as well drink sugar water with cinnamon
Jameson black barrel long week at work bros
Pic related.
Usually mix it with apple cider, 10/10.
I too am curious about orange soda and fireball.
Fucking hipster gtfo with that overly bitter ass juice.
I'm not that trying to get that pissed.
Fuck the haters OP, fireball is the shit. Although surprisingly, Jack Daniels Fire is actually a bit better.
the fuck you mean? Steamworks IPA is the shit.
Glad someone can see eye to eye.
It's super good for clearing mucous
>Apple cider.
Cider is apples.
That's like saying "I smoked a tobacco cigarette".
Screw top wine and sake outta my truck because my wife doesn't know I fell off the wagon after 3 years
I'll be sure to check it out next time.
Go be a hairsplitting nigger somewhere else.
My nigga. You ever have nigori before?
Jameson Black Barrel
i gotta try sake sometime, it sounds pretty good
>Cider is apples
cider came from apples, like niggers came from africa
tito's is actually tasty, smooth as hell so you can just sip and savor it
Can't drink Whiskey anymore...
Sad Times.....,
But just try and stop me drink the super fine tonic wine.
Any fellow UK fags know of the beverage of which I speak??
Try fireball with apple juice user, it tastes like an apple pie! You won’t regret it!
Tanqueray now, started with Jose quevero tho
piss probably, fucking yuropfag
>sipping vodka
Either slavic or in need of help. That said, Tito's is best bang for your buck.
Oh yeah I'm an alcohol from way back. Sake is wine strength but chuggable. Like alcohol and granite. A second close in Pinot Grigio. Very chuggable wine. I'm a wretched creature
Powers gold
I'm a big fan of Jose Quervo myself, how does Tanqueray compare?
best buddies
Yaaaa mate, definitely! It gets a bit spendy though. I'm averaging a bottle a week.. Probably should slow down a bit..
I actually hail from Northern Ireland and will hopefully be part of a united Ireland.
Vote No.1 - People Before Profit ~ North Belfast / West Belfast.
Stay in the EU
One Island All Ireland!
>Sake is wine strength but chuggable.
>A second close in Pinot Grigio. Very chuggable wine.
Agreed, very easy to get lost in the sauce. I'm also a sucker for the overly sweet cheap box wines for the same reason.
>I'm a wretched creature
If you weren't you wouldn't be here now would you?
Won't ever happen
Absolutely !!
Well done
Made by Benedictine monks feet.
Clearly it's Jesus juice
Got some beer for tonight, maybe a few tokes. I wouldn't drink that shit unless I was about to amputate my leg with a circular saw.
>I actually hail from Northern Ireland
thats what i said yuropfag, show pissjug or gtfo
tito's earlier. beer (ipa's) now.
Svedka was the only drink I ever got diarrhea from but I heard fireball had a laxative effect. I never shit from it but I had so much that I started getting queasy from the smell
Just beer tonight. Nothing going on in western metro Detroit.
I have my Jameson black barrel in my liquor fridge, in my flask right now is redbreast
Well, for one, Quervo is Tequila, and Tanqueray is gin, so there is no comparison other than the fact it gets you fucked up. One tastes like the underside of a lawnmower and the other tastes like the underside of a juniper bush.
OMG Redbreast! Got the dream cask as a birthday present a few years ago. So nice. Drank the whole bottle in 3 days.. Felt guilty afterwards..
Whiskey sour made with fresh lemon juice, maple syrup, and pic related
tanqueray is gin,tequila is a whole different alcohol.but id reccomend jose cuervo as a decent tequila and tanqueray as a good gin
german/norwegian and not a fan of alcohol, this shit's appreciable to me though, along with red mead and some ales
You bitchfuck piece of fuck.
I'll rape your shit.
so vodka straight is bad? ill admit,russian standard is pretty good straight
Tried that awhile back was tough to do shots but mixed with cider sounds pretty good.
As for me bush beer and a couple nips of red stag whisky. Cheep shit i know but it works.
How can you guys?
Even a season drunkard like me can get a hangover off sweet cheep wine.
Molson Dry 8.5% 1.18L Beer
plus,id recommend russian standard over tito's.but there both good
If you want to drink vodka without a mixer, get Stoli Orange and pour it over ice. Plain vodka shots are gross, and sipping it neat is even worse.
some good ol jack here OP
Today is the first year passes since my one good brother died. I'm drinking pic related