Loki stole one of the stones and it’s never mentioned again after the 70’s scene. Wouldn’t him taking it because of them fuck up the 2012 timeline?
Tony can solve time travel in a day but can’t figure out how to make Pym Particles from the samples they already have?
Pym Particles seem so much stronger than the stones, They’re basically synthesized infinity stones. Why not go get more Particles first and then do your missions to ensure victory?
How did Thanos Shrink his ship, he used the ONE vial to shrink his ship with his people aboard and then time traveled?
Why didn’t the Avengers get into the ship and shrink it and get the stones together?
And how did he bring his whole army through to the future too? He only had ONE VIAL.
What happened to Thor? Based on previous movies Thor should be able to wipe out the entire Thanos army by himself (and Stormbreaker and Mjolnir). They show him weaker than Cap, Thor didn’t land a single hit on Thanos. Thor basically beat Thanos WITH stones in IW so why can’t he even touch him without the stones? Ragnarok basically showed us that Thor doesn’t need a weapon to be powerful. In IW he NEEDS a new weapon. In Endgame he has the power and TWO weapons but he’s fat so he sucks. Such a disappointment.
Why didn’t Captain Marvel just put on the Gauntlet, she’s clearly strong enough. Why didn’t she save the van?
Doctor Strange says that he can’t tell Tony if they are in the 1:14Million universe and then gives him the signal that they are in the universe. So, which is it?
AND why did Tony bring everyone back 5 years in the future. Why not bring them back to when they disappeared, it seems selfish as fuck. He screwed all those people who were snapped by bringing them to the “future” because of his daughter. His last act as a “hero” was an act of selfishness, his character has learned nothing throughout the entire series now.
Cap marries Peggy, but doing so would create a time paradox that would prevent the timeline we saw at the end from existing as we knew it.
When Cap goes back he takes Thors hammer, where did the hammer go? Not sure how I feel about the nostalgia grab for fan service, seems lazy as fuck to me but I thought it was hilarious that Women saved the mens ass at the end and that Captain America gave him shield to a black guy. Blacktain Merica!!
Yeah wtf was that loki stealing the gem thing about? wouldn't that change the timeline? unless there was some timefuckery i didnt understand
also yeah now that i think about it how the fuck did thanos bring his entire army to the future with one vial, also how did he shrink the ship
about cap marrying peggy, that's the only plothole that can be fixed: i'd say he went back to more or less when he was frozen in the artic and lived his whole life anonimously, without marrying peggy officially and knowing what to hide to make his 'double' existance invisible to everyone that mattered.
I also love that canonically old cap just sat his ass down during the countless time the world was in danger during the other avengers movies, just going "yup this is all gonna turn out ok i lived past this already"
Leo James
The Cap thing makes sense I guess, but like you said.. Seems very uncap like to just sit by during all those wars and rough times when he could have done something.. kind of a dick move.
I think the Avengers used a vial to shrink their ship, so I assume Thanos did the same, but just while they were in it, also shrink them so why the fuck wouldnt the Avegners do the same?
Gavin Torres
The more I think about the Loki time change the more it fucks me up.
So when you remove a stone from time it splinters timelines. Cap put back all their stones but Loki still had his so currently there would be two timelines. One where everything we saw happened and another that we don't know about from the point where loki steals the stone.
Elijah Fisher
well if you already know that everything will turn out as it turned out before why do anything? you only risk fucking it up for everyone and making it worse, just avoid conflict and live your life
Evan Gray
The last decent Marvel movie was Ant Man (the first one).
But I guess faggots just deserve to be treated as faggots.
Luke Martinez
I am in the minority but I enjoyed Captain Marvel. Also really liked Spiderman Homecoming and Antman but yeah, the rest.. Bleh.
John Cook
Someone didn't understand how the time travel works in this movie despite them having a scene that explains it entirely
Eli Torres
If you're talking about Cap the fact that he even stayed in the past risked completely screwing up the timeline. We know Peggy is married from previous movies, so what happened to that guy? It's dominos
Bentley Howard
honestly i think this movie was amazing, except for these plotholes. the very beginning was very good, breaking the mold from the other movies and having a very powerful start right away
the part where cap uses the hammer? fucking amazing
the ending was very nice too, i liked how cap had its nice life with his girl
Oliver Lee
being vague>giving explaination
Connor Adams
prolly cap under false name
Leo Rivera
I enjoyed those parts too, I really did, but it's hard to ignore its flaws. Most of my problems stem from middle of the film and the end, everything else was pretty decent. It's like eating a sandwich but someone put cat shit in it. Yeah, the parts without cat shit are really really good, but.. the cat shit kind of ruins the sandwich
Easton Lee
yeeeeah i get it
Christopher Reyes
Then why was she so surprised to see Cap in the other movie? Cap would have told her everything in his reality, right? Why wouldn't he, he'd have to be honest with her just to live that life.
Angel Young
in the movie they explained how going back in time and changing things doesnt affect their reality at all, it just creates a new alternate reality, thats why they didnt go back and make infinity war never happen, they just came back to get the stones so they could undo the snap. The timelines they did mess with were going to be fucked or something then because they didnt have the infinity stones so thats why cap returned them before they actually went back to get them so all the timelines would be the same again and all merge back into one timeline. So everything that happened in tha past in the movie didnt happen in the realities history, it all happened like it did in the previous movies, they just needed the stones.
Levi Ross
Well this wasn't a plot flaw. You kinda answered it yourself. Because he didn't want to loose the last 5 years of his life or the life of others who had existed for the last 5 years.
The loki thing will undoubtedly be used to bring him back in another film. The Pym particle shit was super stupid. I agree about that. Time travel movies almost always suck as they never make logical sense and leave amateur physicists talking about how "time travel works".
William Reed
Well looks like the asshat running Marvel put his hands on this and now you get this turd
Bentley Ramirez
>What happened to Thor? Thor with Stormbreaker was definitely nerfed in this movie compared to Infinity War. Why? ...because plot.
Asher Perez
Loki stole his stone in 2012 though, so the stones weren't every completely put back yeah? What you're saying makes sense though, I understand it better, but Cap staying and Loki stealing the stone I don't think are explained.
Jayden Young
congrats, soiboi
Jackson Torres
They put the stone back (and took it) before Loki stole it. Loki stealing doesn't fuck with anything as it is another timeline.
Ryan Powell
i dont remember the scene you mean but maybe she just acted for it? or old cap didn't tell her before, so her suprise was genuine
Grayson Moore
Spiderman was good because it wasn't trying to be more than a spiderman movie. Captain Marvel was ok, but mostly because of the alien war plot and nothing to do with her character or Fury who was also very annoying in that film.
Bentley Clark
Cap'n america = cuck
now cap'n murica = NEGRO NIGGA
Ryder Flores
Worst scene of the whole move was the unnecessary moment where they felt the need to have all the female heroes in shot together making a comment on how powerful they are. Shows the way these films are going, each film designed to pander to the masses by being "progressive" and "ground braking".
Elijah Hall
did anyone notice how the camera was lightly shaking when cap was speaking at the depressing "you have to go on" meeting with muggles?
Zachary Turner
can someone explain to me how iron man gets the infinity stones from thanos? he just grabs the gauntlet and then it magically transfers to him???
Jace Morris
the cameraman was topkekking hard
Jeremiah White
nano tech, he made the suit get them, it moved like venom, it was just not shown
Zachary Sanders
So now that all the original Avengers are gone/retiring, we got: Black Captain America Iron Man's daughter probably taking the mantel Same for Hawk Eye and his daughter Captain Marvel Thor being a fat child Oh well, Endgame was a satisfying end to the good Marvel movies
Owen Wright
will a nano tech enlarge my nano peneor
Liam James
the kid from ironman 3 is at the funeral, he will be tew ironman
Charles Gray
>Oh well, Endgame was a satisfying end to the good Marvel movies
fake and gay. another Spiderman is due in 3 months then Shangri-chink shit movie will follow, and it will be the start of the 4th season of the Marvel Shittimatic Universjw
William Russell
I'm still confused if Gamora is out there somewhere. The end sort of implies GotG3 will focus on searching for Gamora, but did she disappear in Tony's snap? I can't imagine them making a whole Guardians movie without the Gamora character.
So correct me if I'm wrong, the way I interpret this is that it doesn't matter what Loki did because once Cap returned the stone to 1970, the events where Loki steals the stone never happen? At least in their timeline?
William Sanchez
She's alive because Tony only snapped out Thanks and his army. In Tony's mind, Gamora was an ally. And honestly, I don't even know if he realized she was there? I don't recall them conversing at any point once Thanos arrived. I think she on conversed with both Nebulas, Hawkeye, and Quill.