Who the Hell is this Yea Forums?

Who the Hell is this Yea Forums?

Attached: Jq1bLYb8_400x400.jpg (400x400, 30K)

Like name...age...siblings...anything?

A bunch of new fags here huh?

Post her sister

is this a bait?

Does she even have a sister?

Attached: BcxZRgaCYAEp-sE.jpg (2048x1536, 468K)

she changed the poste on the wall.

Prove it Yea Forums

Attached: Bcxga5bCAAAy17O.jpg (2048x1536, 477K)

Now were starting to get somewhere.

Anyone got any details?

she's hot!

what's her name?

Any nudes

Her and her little sister eat each other out.

Lol, cp star.

Makes out and eats her little sister out. Her little sister is like 8.

All I know is they're Italian.

Send the rest to jmofofo on kik

She 24 and they are Russian

Can you prove it?

So not cp right?

Is that confirmed? I always thought the older sister was younger, like 16 or 17.

I'm pretty sure they're Italian. Something to do with the posters, or so I was told.

Of course not. The set is pretty hot tho.

It definitely, definitely is. No idea how old Op girl is, but yeah.

Does anyone have any nudes of her or her sister?

I just read Russian when they were posted back in the day 2008

Attached: (Mypornsnap-1.jpg (474x564, 104K)

Anyone have nudes of her or her sister?

Link? Why is it so blurry?

It's possible, although I've seen it called Italian sister too. Who knows.

They're hot though. Older sister on younger sister stuff is hot. Mexican girls are notorious for that shit.

jesus, here we go

yes sir, this man right here

Because it's pretty old and been sent around for like 10 years

Quit lying

this is CP boys OP is just being a cheeky cunt and is cherry picking which photos to post

Lying about what?

How is it cp if the bitch is 24 fag

Click and search image...

I havent seen a sister at all except for a blurry photoshoped picture

Because she's making out with her in the other ones.

Amongst other things

bruh you have no proof shes 24, and you know youre just trying to be a cheeky faggot....this is fucking CP if not, post the whole set

I dont have the set faggot. No pne has proof of any girls they post. And quit using the term Cheeky, it maked you sound like even more of a fag

he's a dude, bruh

im sure you dont have the entire set you just felt like posting this one that you found on google images....and yet im the fag....lmao this loser is sick in the head

Yeah this is cp tho. Like hard cp too.

also you made the post saying who is this Yea Forums? and yet your denying the claims that its CP so you do know something, its just your parents were crackheads or something

Np proof of that has been presented

>hard cp
Like crying, blood and penetration?
You're a retard.

look at her theres more proof of this being CP than not, she looks 12 and thats because she is NOT 24 you fuckin sickos, if so wheres the proof your so confident in

Present a fact not an opinion

hey sister though...

nd even IF shes underage...no nudity, not cp fag

bruh im telling your dumbass to present proof because youre making the claim that shes 24....i met some stupid people in my day but goddam....goddam

Thats what I read above...do you have any factual way to negate that claim?

im done enjoy life you virgin schizos

Attached: oh-right-the-baitthe-bait-for-anon-the-bait-chosen-39809724.png (500x337, 25K)

You're the dumbest person in this thread, you trendy nigger.

do you?

when losers cant defend themselves they attack grammar or race...nice one loser

Stupid, yet you cant spell damn correctly

thanks for proving my point

go back to africa already

Actually correct grammer is a sign of intelligence.

here, take it and shut up

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lmao im not even from africa but thats for showing what a feeble mind you have....let me guess youre from some backwoods of america, fuckin sisters and riding john deere mowers while smoking meth

is not even that hard to find

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yea so is being able to defend yourself articulately

my point has been made you fuckin losers, "go back to africa though" fuckin sickos

And the sister...if she even exists