>Tay bread.
Tay bread
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Taylor Swift's pussy stinks
Hello there my Scottish user!!
Well hello there my catanon. How are we doing today ;).
I'm really good! How about you?
And so you should be today, it’s been a colourful day ;) I’m really good too, a little tired but happy.
I wonder how long her cock is
A Foot long obviously user, wouldn’t expect anything less.
You stayed up late didn't you...
Erm...no, no, not at all I crashed out early and erm...had a rough day at work today that’s all ;)
>but really cute blue jumper and those faces, nice to see miss autismo come out to play ;)
What does her pee taste like?
You sure are a hard worker :)
>she still comes out to play from time to time
I’m glad you believe that one ;) so how much fun did we have last night?
>I know, I just love to see her that’s all. Never change my catanon.
Last night was fun! Slightly nerve-racking but still a lot of fun!!
>I'll try not to
tay private
If it wasn’t nerve racking there would be no point in doing it, shows you care. Glad you had a good night though, I know I had fun.
>that will keep your Scottish user happy ;).
tay nude in the bed!!!
wu tang clan
Thank you, stop these threads, because I can't seem to bring myself to care.
Can you think of any cute names for a kitten?
>asking for a friend
I could think of a few names for a cute kitty but I would need to know more about it ;) Do you know what your friend is planning on calling it?
tay box
No and I don't think she does either...
No way, really how long has she had her?
Not very long...
If that was hers I'd literally clean it with my tongue.
Aww that’s too cute she’s really a new kitty then, must be fun for your friend having a kitten about again ;).
She loves it!
>we all know the world runs on kitty cat purrs!
>kitty cat meows too!
German Swiftie here, is love Taylor since many years now, but everything after 1989 was medicore. I'm hoping that the rest of TS7 will be better.
Is the kitty a boy or girl?
I bet she does lots of stuff to clean up and fix now and how are the detectives taking to her ;)
>yes we do purrrrrs and meows keep us going ;)
will you incorporate new swifties to your daily threads or is is just a thing between the both of you?
>lyrics are just like all the other songs out there
>only difference is her angelic voice and the instruments
>beat still the same
Such a shame seeing her voice go to waste trying to please the crowds instead of developing her uniqueness
i want more speak now country pop styled songs.
Jon Snow
same but it's not even that though
The underlying issue with her becoming more and more pop even after she demonstrated that she can do it is that she's undermining her original persona and becoming more and more like the crowd of those pop "artists".
She only thrived in country because of her voice, any dumb schmuck can write a song; it's the execution that makes them famous, it's what made her famous. That is, unless she sucked actual dick or is a tranny and that's why she's at the top
Just literally stop trying to revolutionize (((pop))), it shouldn't be something that anyone should want to be involved with unironically. It's all the same, LITERALLY, I don't understand why people find it hip or whatever. She's going to be replaced just as easily as all the other artists if she goes down that path.
i couldn't agree more and what's up with all this feminism shit, because it's popular these days. i always liked her, because of her goofy persona and not as a calculated buisness woman on TIMES magazine.
Everybody know that cats are gender neutral and baby kitties come down from the sky!
They are getting along like peas in a pod!
Anyone can post!
>what's up with all this feminism shit, because it's popular these days
the same reason why she kicking the dead horse, because she wants to look good in front of everyone, for them virtue signalling points
She's only doing this shit for money: she doesn't want to look like a monster for not donating to womyn's causes, she doesn't want to look like a nazi, she wants to please everyone, etc.
> i always liked her, because of her goofy persona and not as a calculated buisness woman on TIMES magazine.
Well that’s a worry of my mind then, I’m glad to hear they have a new recruit.
>you could always tell her to take a couple of letter of what you call me, that would be great thanks ;).
also TS7 is only happening so soon after Reputation, because there wasn't any big hit song on it. You still hear songs from 1989 on the radio or TV, but Reputation hasn't delivered. Now she's back with the sweet colorful 1989 aesthetics.
i'm visiting taytay threads since many years. i'm from germany and i have the same T.S. initials, Taylor is also from german blood.
yeah, she knows she fucked up
except that I doubt that ts7 is going to impress or be a total game changer, shit's going to be the same as all the other pop hip "artists" with previous themes
i'm still enjoying 1989, i don't know exactly why though. maybe because of the retro vibes of some songs, i means those 80s styled basslines.
Any plans for you tonight?
lotte here, which dress should i sew next?
I like it because the bass fits in and is used correctly, unlike reputation, yet still embodying that taytay energy visible in New Romantics, Wildest Dreams, Clean, and Blank Space. It's probably not her #1 but it's definitely up there competing
The plan tonight is to post with my favourite user until they disappear or I do and lots of sleep, unless anything goes crazy ;) what about you?
The same user I have been lurking these thread for years now, no doubt we have spoken in the past. How’s Germany.
what do i know, i'm a 27 yo german Wizard. i'm still looking forward to TS7, i'm working from home with music and i like different stuff.
no shame in that user, we're all looking forward to an epic comeback/redemption
Germany is as boring as you might think and fucked up by politics. I kinda lost interest during the Rep era, but here i am waiting for TS7.
This 100%. I just want her to be having funtimes all the time.
I kinda like Gorgeous, it's a low key bop
How about Gizmo? I don't know why I like that name. My last kitty was called Mrs. Kensington. She showed up at my work and I would feed her. One afternoon I didn't see her and when I was walking up to my apartment building, one of the tenants said there was a cat on my window sill. I lived in a second story apartment and there was an overhang out my window for a sitting area in the courtyard. She had to have climbed the nearby tree and it was awesome she knew which window was mine.
she's officially a crazy cat lady now.
i want the old taylor the sweet taylor the speak now taylor
I may have to disappear and do a few things...but if not I'll be working from home and poating with my Scottish user!
How about this dress!?
Like most places user but it’s coming in to summer ts7 is almost here and times are good. Although I can’t help you with Angela.
it's already pretty warm here in german, come and visit Angela opened the boarders for everone.
Sounds like a plan to me let’s hope the world doesn’t need saving and you can stay home ;) so by work you mean we are on to the next one already?
I'm always up to something!
It’s the same here user starting to get toasty. Actually visited Germany a couple of times, it’s really beautiful. Also I beat you I’m Scottish I have Nicola sturgeon can’t get worse.
You sure are my catanon and now I can’t wait again thanks ;)
She looks like Merkels younger sister, i would like to visit Scotland someday. Winterfell and stuff.
And just as crazy. Wants to be independent from the uk so she can join Europe lol. You definitely should try it’s not as bad as we make out and it’s truly beautiful most of the time. Also we have tigers