Anons. Do not spoil Endgame. Please

Anons. Do not spoil Endgame. Please.

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They did spoil it to me. Luckily, it was so awesome that I enjoyed it despite all. :)

Good consumer

Did you cry?

Quit being a faggot.

No, but I did say lots of "Whaaaat?!?! HOHOHOHO!"

He is not a faggot. There is really something wrong with ppl who like to take joy away from other human beings that you will never even meet in your life.

If you are one of those, and are reading these words, I warn you. Nobody will remember you, when you are gone.

Are you that retarded? that movie is based on the comics... Every comic reader knew about the plot ages ago

fortnite makes a cameo

Im not that retarded. I do not read the comics.

Thanos dies

No I meant quit being a faggot literally.

Friendly reminder that Thanos dies in the first five minutes, but has already destroyed the stones, so they go back in time and get the stones. Then, Scarlett Johansson dies, and Nebula from the past switches with the future
one and brings Thanos back from the past through the time machine. Hulk uses the stones to bring back everyone, and Thanos fights them with his army. Thanos gets the stones, but Iron Man gets them back and kills Thanos with them, but dies in the process. Captain America goes back in time to return the stones, but stays in the past and now he's an old man.

In the common tongue in which such words are represented. I happen to like spoilers, but superhero movies are overrated

This is nothing compared to when han solo died.

I was wondering when were you going to appear. We have been talking about you for a while.

hulk dabs

batman kills thanos

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Hulk is a bullshit character. At least goku doesn't have to change personas like a wimpy faggot

OP is always a faggot

Thor is fat and acts like a little bitch.

heroes win
bad guys lose

is this too much?

I'm looking forward to the new spawn. Wish they would have gotten Denzel to play him

End game it's a shit Hulk lost an arm!

Who the fuck cares about a superhero movie ? How old are you ? 10?

The Universe gets destroyed , every body dies. Hahhaha

I want my favorite antihero. Fuck these dumb ass movies. Xman, spawn or bust

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People who like movies haha

>his is nothing compared to when han solo died.
Worse is that he plays Fortnite.....

Don't be a hypocrite

Van wilder could slip in there and shit on everything

Harrison Ford plays fortnight? Ugh...

Spoilers no spoiling

I still play wc2 chop farms , and sc you stupid bastard heh

I fucking hope not. I don't think Todd would allow it.. But he has sold before.

Captain America is in Endgame

I want danny devito to play the clown in spawn. I'd be awesome because remember how bad ass he was in batman? It's be sweet. He's a really good actor too

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>This time mama is a dirty nigger that is called Satan's spawn.

I'm I the only one who cares about spawn?

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Don't you remember him off of 'throw mama off the train'? How old are you? He was in a lot of good movies..

He'd still get his ass beat

Tony dies