I'm confused. According to wikipedia I'm not a boomer (31yo) but a millennial. Millennial my ass

I'm confused. According to wikipedia I'm not a boomer (31yo) but a millennial. Millennial my ass.
Apparently boomers are born between 1944 and 1964. Between boomers and millennials dwells the generation X.
Like wtf.

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Who fucking cares what meme level your age is at?

Why don't you check your horoscope while you're at it?

you're mainly just stupid

How about you take your reddit spacing, paint it black and shove it up your ass. You negro loving little shitter.

>thinks reddit spacing is a thing

what's there to be confused about other than your gender you fucking millennial?

So... You're dumb and thought Millennials were Gen Z?

I refuse to be a millennial. I'm a boomer.

Kids these days. Go fuck off Millennial. Have you never watched TV in the 90's? Gen x been popular for awhile.

I thought millennials were a like 18-25 prior to that are the zoomers.

you don't get to choose your generation, just like you didn't get to chose your parents

Sounds like being classified as a "millennial" offends you... You fit right in.

You could always "identify" as a "transboomer"...

You must be a fucking moron to think you were a boomer.

Yes, you are objectively not a Boomer, no matter how much Zoomers wanna use that to insult you. Just because you don't act like a stereotypical Millenial doesn't mean you aren't one. I'm just like you, except younger.

definitely a millennial for not knowing that you werent a fucking boomer

I wouldn't mind being a millenial if I'd always been one, but I was genx until maybe 10 years ago, and then after a brief stint as geny I'm now a millenial? I get that these are all arbitrary labels and none of it matters in the slightest, it's just irritating to have people redefining my shit on a whim.

A fucking subhuman from the land of reddit is what you are. Take your bullshit meme and fuck off back to the loose hole that spawned your ugly orkish assface.

Or your gender.

I was confused why people were calling 30 year old boomers. Boomers are the generation that benefitted from the end of ww2.
I mean you can keep calling yourself a boomer for all I care. Just shows how fucking stupid you are.

>arbitrary labels
That you let
>people redefine
And that is
Apparently you don't 'get' it.

You're Gen Y. 1980-1994

Be glad because we had the best cartoons growing up.

you mean sex, you do get to chose your gender user.

woke af thanks for educating me brother


why give a fuck about that?


Why would you be a boomer. You havent boomed. You and your 30 yo faggit screw have only bombed.

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People are fucking retarded now a days. When I was growing up I was generation y "33", and my little sister is a millennial. People are so retarded now. Nobody can agree on a single thing. Fuck em.

You glowniggas told me that for years

No you don't you tard, sex and gender are the same

My grandpa is a boomer. He's 80

You fit the bill for the boomer meme, but not the actual definition of baby boomer. Please educate yourself and don't use board culture and memes as a means to it.

We're not even at the border to gen X.

1981 and 1996 (ages 23 to 38 in 2019) is a millennial. Why would you want to be a boomer, that would make you old as fuck

>t. fortnite addicted zoomie

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Wikipedia is correct. You're wrong, like everything else your generation of Millennials has done

You’re 31 and you thought you were a baby boomer?
Dumbass millennial

I don't give a flying fuck about those terms. I didn't even know about all that until you faggots called me boomer. After a few years I decided to look it up once and for all just to find out you were lying to me.

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Go cry to some Evangelion YouTubes, faggothorian the III, son of fagrithian, Lord of the Northern Traps.

A kek was born this day.

You dumb fuck. You were in middle school during 9/11. You’re a millennial you dumb faggot. Kys

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The term boomer comes from the Baby Boom, you antiabortionist's remorse.

I was not. I was rocking the high school equivalent in Europe.

user I'm Gen X. Fed up of getting Boomer hate. My generation got fucked over the most. Worst thing was starting work and the boomers laughing at our shitty contracts when compared to theirs. Bunch of smug cunts!

Refusing to be a millennial is Literally the trademark of millennials. The entitlement of wanting what you can't have .and refusing your reality. fucking snowflake generation!


When a generation gets a name like boomers or millenials it's for a fucking reason... learn history and youd fucking understand... you're acting like a millennial

Baby boomers are the generation that are in like their 60s to 80s now why on flat earth would you think that 31 is a boomer

Kinda true. Born too late 100%

Because Yea Forums only uses the terms zoomers and boomers. I didn't even know about the other dumb terms.

Those have been used for all of 2 months, good job outing yourself as an ultranewfag as well as an uneducated tubtard

What a bunch of bullshit. Hint: we ancientfags never used the term newfag

Are you retarded or just don’t understand humor?


You might be part of the "Oregon Trail Generation" between Gen X and Millennials. The way I put it: if you can't remember a time before the internet, you're a millennial. If you have conscious memories of both the time before and after the internet really becoming a thing among the public, then you understandably don't really fit in with the other millennials.


>According to wikipedia I'm not a boomer (31yo) but a millennial
Thats all part of the joke. Its been shilled so hard people are starting to believe it. Poes Law.

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Do any of you retards even know where the term boomer comes from? Those were the kids born right after WW2 when all the soldiers came back and the birthrate soared for a couple years. Baby boomers was the term they used.

>I'm confused
def millennial

33 here and they call me a millennial. But thats a new term, when I was in high school they called us something else.