How do we throw a wrench in the Jews plan to take over the world?

How do we throw a wrench in the Jews plan to take over the world?

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Know the subject very well.
Expose them as much as possible.
Do everything they don't want you to do and vice versa. Arm and prepare yourself.

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First you have to figure out their plan. How are they going to take over the world?

dont mingle with niggers spics or chinks if tpure white

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Death to Rothschild Zionism.

Just call them jews. They laugh at you when you call them zionists, or name only one of them. Just like they laughed when they were called communists, etc.

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Quoting literal Nazis now?

Hahahahaahhaa what the hell is 'pure white'?

They aren't

>Know the subject well
>Posts photo denigrating liberals for supporting Israel
>Conservatives are more pro Israel than liberals
>Especially as it pertains to criticizing the state for war crimes

You're an idiot

What's wrong with that?
Here, let me quote some jew.

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IDK probably kill them

for a start stop voting for trump dumbass yanks

Jewish gibberish trying to make a simple problem appear complicated.

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What's wrong with quoting Goebbels??? He only helped pioneer a real genocide. Real of course meaning not
>Muh ethno state
>I forcibly brought a substantial population of blacks here and am now mad they don't leave

Ya dont read their posts or engage in discussion, you might risk cracking your ideological armor the alt right has spent years meticulously crafting

Yes and mostly all the alt right figues are jews or support israel.

It's really not complicated. Dems are sooner to denounce Netanyahu for being an autocratic war criminal than Reps.

>a real genocide
This is exactly the kind of Chutzpah posts that makes me spam Yea Forums with Holohoax debunking pictures.

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How can you look at global population numbers to extrapolate on whether certain numbers of Jews were killed in certain parts of the world? What if for every Jew murdered in this time another was born? And how can you pretend that Germany was the only place the systematic extermination of enemies of the Reich was taking place? You are either woefully misled or sinisterly deceiving, which is ironic because the latter is often what you claim the Jews to be

>Holohoax debunking
More like bias confirming

Tickles me silly when the alt-right tries to science and can't

just trip your mom

As of today, most of the intelligent people with an internet connection know that the "Holocaust" is a lie.

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That would be a very large birth rate boom to make up for 6 million in just a few years.

Very unlikely you would have a 40 percentage population boom in 5 or so years (which is what would be necessary to make up for 6 million dead)

Kill your self while framing them for your murder.

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Not necessarily. For ease of discussion let's assume all deaths and births in this time period occur evenly spaced. If ~7% of the population Jews are exterminated and birthed every year, it would explain why the global count holds relatively steady. And this isn't to argue that that is what happened, I'm simply acknowledging the confounding variables for this data, a step y'all always skip. Probably because if you didn't you wouldn't have an argument.

Ya, just Google it. The internet is positively overflowing with communities of regular, non-neo-nazis who deny the Holocaust. Everybody on Facebook denies the Holocaust, it's just, -in- these days

In fact, try it, right. Try to find me a community of non-neo-nazis who deny the Holocaust. This should take you no time at all, if, as you suggest, Holocaust denial is prevalent amongst internet intellectuals.

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wtf I hate jews now

By getting mental health counseling and shutting off any ISPs you have. Medication is likely in order too.

Source it. Pick any one of those and look more into it. They depend on infographics because it's easy to just passively accept their seemingly authoritative arguments and data. Pull any one string, however, and you'll typically find it all starts to unravel

Almost all historians who debunked the holocaust are not "neo-nazis", some are even jews (David Cole is just one example).
Also pic related, a "neo-nazi" like you call it...

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>Historians who have debunked the Holocaust
Go back, start there. Who? Source? Pics with quotes don't count, unless they're sourced properly. Ask Lincoln.

Careful with that bluff, if one really does look more into it: you are definitely done.

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Bet, I hope they do.

I am not going to "Google" it for you, if you weren't a lying jew, you would just type "Holocaust revisionism" into a search engine (preferably not Google) and have everything needed in less than 2 minutes.

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Reject fractional reserve banking and fiat currency. Transition to commodity based economy.

This works so well

You're not googling it for me inbreed. Try that on Google scholar and see how the history community real feels about denying a genocide

>how the history community real feels about denying ...
They "don't have explanations" (see: )
And promote even more "hate speech" laws.

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It's pretty much inconcievable that a population that grew slowly before the war would have a much higher rate of new births during the most devastating war mankind has ever had.

google for Bloody Passover, by Ariel Toaff

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I'm not going to read your neo nazi propaganda.
Oh wait! He's actually an israeli jew, son of a rabbi...

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unironically it's a circumcision (he's using his own teeth), not a suck suck


pure white is blonde hair blue eyes

Oh, I did not know these subhumans used their own teeth... But they do suck the blood (then spit it in wine to be drunk later). They also eat the foreskin (pic related).

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Yeah, because I'm supposed to believe some loser in his mom's basement

Your a cuck and your white race is dying. Blame the Jews for your little dick and virginity?

No, they use the foreskin to make a foreskin golem which will ultimately destroy the white race.

I feed on Talmudic hate like this, give me moar you kikes!

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You can't

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Jewish internet tactics

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Shoot them up whenever the biggest number of them are present at once and you have the opportunity to take most of them out. Of course you will sacrifice yourself in the process but it's the biggest wrench that can be thrown. As you are killing them you should shout against the Jews but don't record so rumors start spreading.

For example, if you shoot up that one time of the year when the biggest millionaires and scientists get together and talk secret shit you will cause a deep wound to the kikes. You will be killing their brains AND get normies thinking. Because if you start shouting shit against the kikes when the most influential businessmen are gathered some fag in the media will make the anti semitic motivation accussation. TO WHICH NORMIES WILL REACT: "Why are the most influential businessmen worldwide mostly jews?"

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meth magic

>that one time of the year when the biggest millionaires and scientists get together and talk secret shit
So, where's security is the highest...

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Nothing a group of well-dedicated-to-the-cause and well armed fanatics can't achieve. Of course as I said, they will have to give up on their lives after the incident.

Sure is a shitload of /pol/acks on Yea Forums today. WTF?

By being very careful and not going for high numbers, one could live to tell his grandchildren.

Maybe the constant anti white threads spamming by jews is starting to pay...

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They are waking up. I've been around the continent and even small isolated town spics are aware of the Jew pest.

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Calm down, FBI is watching.


>learn about the Feder Reserves scam
>learn about how wars are financed
>learn about the deliberate attempt of Israel to bait USA into huge wars in the middle east by bombing the USS LIBERTY with unflagged jets
>look a the world map
>USA has invaded ALL of Israel's neighbours
>start researching on the internet about who owns the media
>see what the media is trying to do

it just makes me sick

Most of us learned the truth thanks to some stranger on the internet, some of us chose to spread back a bit of truth for the next people who need to know.

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shut down the petro dollar, use new energy currency to force the joos to trade ridiculous amounts of shekels for it. flood market with acquired shekels and make them worthless. hoist joo on own petard

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Nice to use a picture of a cheap-ass wrench to accompany your cheap-ass paranoid delusions.

>being this mad over this thread


I'd be mad too if I was constantly receiving calls over "antisemitic" opinions on the internet.

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