why is it accepted to be racist towards white people. Too make jokes at their expense. However, a white person is not socially allowed to makes jokes at any other groups expense. But overt racism as well is generally accepted when its target is white people. It's kinda of a crazy double standard that logically doesn't make sense. Kind of getting tired of it. It seems to me it truly is a clown world.
Why is it accepted to be racist towards white people. Too make jokes at their expense. However...
Other urls found in this thread:
the same reason it was accepted to be racist towards black people not 60 years ago, it upsets them and keeps them disorganized.
thats just how it is now, smile and grit your teeth in public and keep voting republican without telling anyone
What's a geddit?
fuck off cracker
It's just easier to be the victim, if you can't win, you don't have to try, so much easier to blame someone else than yourself.
even whites are jumpin on this train. I got white liberal friends, and they are just as bad about disparaging their own people, or worse.
>why is it accepted to be racist towards white people.
I see you bitching about it all the time, my white nigger. You have a strange definition of the word accepted.
So how have people been racist against you?
Which is as valid of an argument that can ever be.
Haven't white people suffered enough?
>those racists said i had white male privilege
I agree - white people are fucking disgusting.
They should be segregated away from everybody else so that they can't spread their hate to everybody else.
I nominate we segregate them in North and West Europe and North America.
wow man these double standarts are really crazy, why cant a culture that systematicaly killed and opressed millions of people because of their color and now have advantages in technology and life in general because of it cant joke about it? damn liberals.
Yeah.. if only we could all live like shit skins right?
The first slave owner in America was Anthony Johnson, a black man.. thank your brothas
totally man. Not strawmanning my argument at all. If you wanna stop playing dumb, come back with a real statement in regards to the OP. Or maybe, and there is a high likelyhood of this, you are just a fucking moron. In which case, keep on doing you sport. I'm sure someones proud of ya.
hahahhaha i love when these old white biddies get their just rewards lol
Because white people aren't killing people for saying stupid shit.
Stop putting up with it and it stops.
What race are you oh great perfect shit skin?
The first slave owner in America was a black man named Anthony Johnson.. can't wait for the white uprising
>Why is it accepted to be racist towards white people
It's not.
this isn't a white power thread. This is a thread highlighting the double standards of society and asking why they are a thing.
oh but is dude. look around.
hehehe why censor her body...check out her insides hehe
This thread is not under your control liberal.. this isnt facebook
Respect for the victim. I have an uncensored version
Ps child, this isnt me < but I do agree with them
that dirty cunt didnt deserve no respect hehe
You won't live for ever. i pray you find a better path before your time is up.
Victim mentality. You can make all the generalizations about white people you want snd say shit about all white people because slavery. But god forbid you make the same general statements about all brown people, or use the actions of people from way back when. Then its racism apparently
i go straight to sweet jesus when i die
Racism toward Africans or Chinese was never aceptable, but it's still happening. Just take a look around Yea Forums, you can barely go a minute without seeing 'kike', 'spic', 'nigger', you name it. Racism is alive and kicking here, on Yea Forums, regarless of the target race. I guess it speaks a volume that the whities here are feeling defensive. It's like they're trying to justify their own behaviour, you know?
That's what happens when you ban reasonable discussion on every other platform, we treat everyone equal.. equally shitty don't like it? go back to redit.. the truth hurts mi amigo.
mainstream media is constantly racists against whites sooo let's call it even.
It was actually acceptable and expected on the democratic side
It really shoudnt even bother you. Stereotypes exist for a reason and plenty of white ones are true. People are racist to black people because blacks commit a metric fuckton of crime. Oh well. The worlds gone soft as fuck.
Is reasonable discussion banned?
Does anyone actually watch mainstream media anymore?
Do you think its aceptable?
yes observing reality is not only acceptable it's a necessity
Yes reasonable discussion has been banned on every major platform and the liberal leftists get away with things such as calling for harm to our commander and chief mamber Cher? betchya don't echo chambers don't tell you what's actually happen and when they have to admit it you all act like you didn't support them the whole time
altrusim, moral superiority, all that shit... glad other people see these "Baizuo"
Lul the left are kings of virtue signaling....
Because the same people who own and control the media, the US government, and by extension most western governments, also happen to hate white people almost as much as they hate Muslims (particularly Palestinians).
Whites are being targeted for extermination.
I'll be racist to that faggots face any day. Also jews are white so they're an antisemit too.
Do you think it's acceptable to disparage an entire race because of one persons actions? if not then stop doing it to whites.
I'm of irish heritage. These dumb fucks don't know what white is. They don't deserve to live.
> imagine thinking that white people have technological advantages because systemic oppression of people
> imagine thinking that the technological advantages didn't enable them to oppress people
> imagine creating a world view where people who are smarter than you owe you something because they were mean about it
They think it’s ok as long as they do it to white people.
palestinians attack Israel and when Israel whoops their ass with our help all of a sudden we're "exterminating" them yeah you're definitely a lefty, Islam establishes sharia law which conflicts with the constitution in almost every way.. we're not anti Islam we're ant islamification.. Their most holy prophet muhammad married Aisha a 6 year old and bedded with her when she was only 9
Didn't finish school because dad wasnt home to make you? Racist.
Cant get a job because you didnt finish school. Racist.
Have to resort to a life of crime to support yourself because you didnt finish school. Racist.
Got arrested because you broke the law. Somehow racist.
It's not the "man" keepingbyou down, it's your own lack of direction and foresight to see that life is more that Bitches and Money and wearing those banger pants low so the homies can get a good look at the goods for later.
Eat dicks.
"imagine thinking that white people have technological advantages because systemic oppression of people" name one technology we got from "oppressing" people and when I say white I mean segregated racist whites only focusing on the white race, inb4 you spout some vox article
Wrong fag user. Reply to other fag.
Yea Forums is a 'major' platform and we're having a reasonable discussion here, no? There may well be left(and no doubt right) agendas but that doesn't mean you have to play into their game. For all we know an extreme reaction from both sides was planned from the start. Divide and conquer right?
You missed that I also dropped a 'c' in 'aceptable'.
He will find it. i bet his heart is beating like a humming bird not being able to just ban us
You can't be racist towards albinoids.
This is the last bastion hence the reason for the the extremism, Don't worry though zuck might be done being cucked he hired some real patriots recently
This is why we're going to exterminate you guys.
u know what speaks volumes? Your use of the word whities. and I'm not talking about dark corner of the internet Yea Forums, where the weirdos gather. I'm talking about on twitter and in daily life, racism twoards whites is mainstream and a double standard. fool.
If you're thinking that me not correcting your mistake is a W for you, you might just be a lefty
the demos have always been the side of racists.. nothing new
keep repeating that as if it's true, I'll pray for you
From your parents basement?
If he believes in Jesus he will be with Jesus.
How about from a tiny country lol Germany almost took over the world with the entire worlds going after him.. we invented the nukes i think we've got this in the bag. But hey I say give it a roll.. Can. Not. Wait.
I see it the same as a kid hitting an adult
They might be told to stop, get a slap on the wrist or just completely ignored.
Turn the table and the adult gets sent to jail.
the left going to war would be hilarious.. what they don't understand is they're being exposed the liberal lefty politicians project their sins onto others such as their racism.. this is why they're so racist against whites I'm Hispanic and i'm on the right cause I don't put up with racism.
but thats not ok, because all involved are equals. so in your approximation, why is one getting to act like a child? and the other has the responsibility to act as adult?
I don't care about the racism tbqh, I just can't deal witht the double standard. if all racism was fair game, fine. if none was ok, fine. but...this uneven reality exists in which only some groups can be racist now in mainstream cuck media.
Liberal lefty antifa calling a black cop the N word youtube.com
It's only the last bastion if you inhabit it. There is an entire middle ground of progressive people, no-matter their political leanings, who want to solve the issue. You just have to leave the fort and join them. Doesn't mean you're a pussy, doesn't mean you're a cuck, you're just a human like the rest of us, man. noone has all the answers, that's why we gotta come together and figure them out.
I used the term to stay true to the meaning of the post. I said 3 other slurs also, can't leave anyone out you know? Isn't that the complaint here, that white people ('whities') are being left of of anti-rascism?
eat shit whiteboi. in south africa you filthy white pigs are getting slaughtered and going extinct. you retarded whitebois are done for.
Nope see what you have here is me talking to a lefty.. the lefties are generally the ones using the racist terms, I have yet to use one while speaking with you so just like the larping lefties you point to others actions to judge an entire platform.. we're not gonna use words that are safe for you snowflake get over it. Yea Forums has been around for a long time and this racist shit didnt start until you lefties started calling us racist for our skin color.. might as well act the way we're treated... look at your first racist post lul virtue signaling trash all you racist and whitey fucks will regret what you did in your youth on your death beds.. oh and you will also pray to god.. mark.my.words.
South Africa? lol you mean these chimps? youtube.com
P.s. i'll be laughing my ass off when in 4 years you guys have a commercial on my T.V. begging for food cause you chased off your farmers.
Lmao do you think any of us non-whites will support you retarded cumskin pieces of shit after all you have done to us? Hopefully the left rapes the shit out of you, you fucking deserve it you piece of fucking subhuman cracker filth.
Germany also fucked up royally.
the point, not complaint, in the simplest terms I can make it, is that in todays media, double standards exist. Often these double standards are ones in which white people are the bad guy, or the punching bag that its ok to hit. Everyone else is off limits. This being the case in media, it is also bleeding over into real life, as the social engineering is starting to take affect. I can take a joke about my race, I welcome it. But I in turn should also be able to make a joke about other races without being socially outcasted for it.
>fuck off white garbage
Is okay
>fuck off you dumb nigger
Isn't okay
Shut the fuck up, housenigger. Is your master away or something?
I say we should start doing what the blacks do and call a race traitor out. The blacks have "Uncle Tom", maybe we should use "Aunt Jemima".
The first slave owner in America was a nigger named Anthony Johnson, you monkeys arent even a threat to us.. look up affirmative action.. we literally had to reduce the standards so you shitskins could make it in our schooling system.
P.s Negro it was whit bois who saved you guys from slavery.. go suck somemore aids dick you porchmonkey
because being white is wrong
he's right tho, never met a white niggerlover outside of this Yea Forums or reddit shitholes.
yeah you're gonna stop us when we had you monkeys for pets.. Try it.. I dare you.
>being white
Oh, yes. And being a monkey is totally fine, I get it now Jayreese.
You guys make up 10% of America not including the ones who arent slaves to the democratic system It will be a beautiful day when the all the races rise up against people like you
You live in an era where white people are lame deal with it, it's just how the pendulum swings. Pretty soon the beaners will become the master race and we'll probably get to make fun of them then
Hey man I maybe a negro but at least I treat people the way I want to be treated regardless of their skin tone. can't say the same for the lefties
>I treat people the way I want
That's why you'll soon be shot, ape.
Because i'm not racist against the white man? man white liberal lefties can be really racist sometimes...
And so are you, with all of your BLM, and blaming whites for everything. KKK was the best thing that happened to you.
I agree, it certainly seems to be that there's an agenda against white races across some media platforms. This is unacceptable, as is any racially based political narative.
I misread the OP. I read 'why is it acceptable' rather than 'Why is it accepted'. It does seem to be accepted. I guess I could save face and say I don't accept it due to hypocracy. But that's all it takes. We don't have to get up and fight about it, just simply don't accept it as the state of affairs.
So yeah, I guess I'd say it's 'accepted' is because people are being kept in a state of fear and panic, and others knowingly and otherwise pour fuel on the fire. Just chill out, cool down. Who's to say a quarter of the posters here aren't government agents keeping the ball rolling?
My point is that turning to extremes to fight it is a bad move; the whole divide and conquer thing we mentioned a few posts back. Who really thinks that the people lusting after power actually care for their voters?
Stfu whiteboi... u know us niggaz are gonna breed yall white women...you white race be done bitch... get on yo knees and worship the end of ya race beotch
Dem crackaz all be enemies of da black race... us niggaz gotta stick togetha and breed dem white hoes
I'm cool with jokes at white people's expense as long as it makes sense, has some basis in reality, and isn't just "white people are evil, amirite?"
I never supported BLM, why judge all blacks on that, I don't judge all whites because the democrats had slaves
Sorry, I don't speak guadelopean.
I would stand with him long before you he's not being racist.
whiteboiz be jealous us niggaz get laid more than they virgin azz. dont matter if they democrat or republican dem whitebois be jealous of our bbcs
You're clearly a larping leftie acting black and it's despicable, P.s. basic math tells you white make up around 50% of America black only make up 12% the black will be out bred easily.. not a very smart tactic.. how about you lefties stay out of what us "blacks should think"
Yeah sorry you make us all look bad.. nobody likes your type.
Shut the fuck up, nigger. You clearly are below your monkey peers.
>All white people are racist
You're the same guy. as I read you guys like a childs story time book
Said the racist negro
With a side of gibemes
What's that marshal?
agreed, i'm a black dude who votes republican and all i want to do is fuck white women. breed their pink lil pussies. love fucking republican sluts. white so-called men need to stfu and stop being so jealous.
this is a pathetic post. By typing this way I know you get no quality women, of any color.
I couldn't care less what race other copulate with tbh.. I just wish the liberal lefties would quit focusing on race so god damn often
Because the Jews won
Just because a white guy has done a murder doesn't justify blacks murdering either. That is some dumbass logic you got there. 99% of slaves could have been owned by blacks it doesn't legitimize slavery at all. But it wasn't.
Blacks enslaved blacks and sold them to lazy white people. They even cause their own slave history XD
The fact that the first slave owner was a black man and the fact that white men died to be the first nation to free them should speak volumes.. but how could you virtue signal then?
Free Speech as long as you're not a criminal. Neo-nazi are made in prison and should stay in prison.
Hate speech is speech that attacks a person or a group on the basis of attributes such as race, religion, ethnic origin, national origin, sex, disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
That's why. Speech indicates INTELLIGENCE. Being ignorant is not a right.
The left is against idpol. Identity politics are the class politics of the professional-managerial class. It is against the interests of the working class.
Yawn, Define Neo Nazi, tiny dick
Oh you mean like how they do with white people?
First time Trump got in the paper was because of the discrimination against black tenants in his buildings. But ignore that, he had a photo taken with a black man.
>walls stop murders
why stop at the border?
Where is the evidence? prove it with out using a hardcore leftist platform.. I dare you.
We don't many homes have walls around them.. unless you live in California then it's a cardboard box
If you're going to pin racism on democrats, then we also got to pin slavery on white still.
Reparations when?
Fuck niggers. Fuck jews. Fuck jannies.
The democrats are the racists because they started slavery.. but you keep supporting them whiteboi it makes no difference trump a real man who cares about colored people is getting a full 8 years
Nobody thinks islam is a race but the conservatives. Any sikh with a turban is a muslim.
No, fuck white people
>Obama perpetuating racism
Nothing is more pathetic than a nigger with a white man's cock in his mouth.
And yet no one in USA pays for their healthcare but their employer.
You need better reading comprehension.. that's not what that picture said.. what would I expect from an ass leaking cock slurping leftard
>be nigger
>live off unemployment
>live off food stamps
Thinking that cops need to culpable for their actions isn't demeaning to cops as a respect for their position, to the contrary it works on the assumption that cops need to be held to a higher standard of morality.
No one thinks cops need to be less responsible at their job.
everything that lives is racist, inter/crossbreeding is rare in nature, it is just the jews that say whites must be eradicated
It's funny the lefties are anti Israel aka ant Jew, they're racist towards one race simply because of their skin tone, many whites had nothing to do with slavery as a matter of fact more whites were sold in the Irish slave trade than in the Atlantic slave trade where even whites were sold as slaves then... then they call us fascists and want to take our guns.. they're literally exactly like nazi Germany not to mention the historical statues they tore down
Get back to your cotton fields, Jamal.
damn that bitch lookin ratchet as hell sheeeeeit
>be white
>have tiny dick
>cry online about how women dont want you
>show one black women
That represents only one black women. To think it applies to anyone else is what stereotype are.
Your average anti whitey
I want her to sit on my face.
nice bait
>be stupid fucking nigger
>thinks white people obsess over blacks
>chimp out on a Mongolian shadow puppet board
You really are a dumb nigger, aren't you? Let me know how those reparations go, shitskin.
The same way you're virtue signalling that the first slave owner in all of human history was black as a matter of historical fact is somehow legitimizes all slave owners?
The civil war was not about blacks owning niggers. Just because the first rape was done by a white guy doesn't mean black rapist are fine either. Just like if a the first murder was black doesn't mean white murder is fine either. Just like if a black slaver was the first slaver doesn't make the entire war to own slaves for the Confederates legitimate.
>be baby fucking brown man
>complain about racism
>lives off child support paychecks
>fucks white chick
>still complains
>white chick is 2nd cousin
>"well were going to be family anyway what difference does it make?"
this should answer your question
because we're not insecure niggers and we don't give a fuck.
You want me to google that shit for you?
There's even a vast index based on country for you, dumbass. Love that you can be ignorant as fuck and still act like you're the intelligent one.
Don't listen to vocal people on the internet and on college campuses. Most people recognize this to be a form of rudeness and generally avoid being rude to people despite their opinions on race when in person.
Remember, what you think only matters because of what it makes you do, and most of these people wouldn't do a damn thing.
Shitskins are literally the biggest rats of them all...
Because we live in a clown world
Sharing a fact is not virtue signaling, acting like you care more about blacks than others is.
and I know you think your adult daycare is helping you but college is just a big echo chamber of opinions
and the civil war wasnt about freeing the slaves? do me a favor and google the Emancipation Proclamation then go takes more of your prescription pills
culturally enriched
Wikipedia is fake news, looks up the definition of fascism on Wikipedia then look it up in the Merriam-Webster dictionary the official dictionary of oxford.
It's treated on a case-by-case basis with no precedent set before it and is one of the best defined laws that their is for this reason that looks at the context of the speech as merit and not just the content.
You would know this if you spent even 5 minutes looking into the laws instead of just assuming that everyone is part of a jewish conspiracy by the deep state to destroy the white race.
btw dumb ass you should have had to google the name you're calling people and I get the sense you're not capable of actual determining its definition.
In the new york times. You know, where Trump lives.
Sure it's that's why the saying "all white people are racist" is a thing amirite? as a matter of fact i think there is evidence of it in this thread
They first met him, on the front page no less, on Oct. 16, 1973. Then 27 years old, Mr. Trump was the president of the Trump Management Corporation, at 600 Avenue Z in Brooklyn, which owned more than 14,000 apartments in Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island.
“Major Landlord Accused of Antiblack Bias in City,” the headline stated. The Department of Justice had brought suit in federal court in Brooklyn against Mr. Trump and his father, Fred C. Trump, charging them with violating the Fair Housing Act of 1968 in the operation of 39 buildings.
“The government contended that Trump Management had refused to rent or negotiate rentals ‘because of race and color,’” The Times reported. “It also charged that the company had required different rental terms and conditions because of race and that it had misrepresented to blacks that apartments were not available.”
New york times is fake news here is an article from them talking about "male privilege"
Fake news.
Ya. Sure. The court case was fake news too?
You mean the front page cover that generalizes whole races, and claimed they had insider info on the Mueller report that will for sure get Trump impeached you mean that front cover?
You're implying that the center of the biggest internet corporations are somehow homeless?
Those morons think we're the top shit so we can't be hurt but in actuality we're just regular people.
I mean, it's neat to be seen as such a high place in society but it's mostly kinda dumb and weird.
Implying? I have evidence youtube.com
Trump isn't allowed control of the military. You will NEVER see Trump in the situation room during a military action.
Pic related: Obama killing Osama Bin Laden
I guess you're right. Islam is not a race tho. Not to liberals, maybe to conservatives.
Don't blame me for not being able to understand the retardations of a fool.
Reparations are owed.
How does time work?
Well get help maybe one day you can reduce your retardation, it's not very smart to call names after you were wrong.. liberal.
None of those are attributable to Trump. They were happening since Obama.
south african whites need to rise up
Sharing a fact is virtue signalling.
Virtue signalling is a pejorative for the conspicuous expression of moral values. Academically, the phrase relates to signalling theory to describe a subset of social behaviors that could be used to signal virtue—especially piety among the religious.
>it's not what you think it is unless I think it is
the american dreram
Well.. do that. Then come back to me.
Yeah that's why they called Trump insane when he said he would get the GPD to 3.0 and now he's got it above 4 and that's why Obama said the jobs arent coming back what's he going to do to negotiate it? wave a magic wand? fafaffafafafaffake news youtube.com
Expressing a fact has nothing to do with my morals
abortion is separating a child from it's family but you don't hear them bitching about that
Because niggers are worthless and nobody cares about their opinions.
I have no problem determining it, you're the dumb one that has not a fucking clue what I am talking about. It's trying to understand how a dickless retard thinks is hard for me to understand.
I am so use to know how a big dick genius lives and breaths.
I did and the official definition is wrong on wikipedia, not to mention anyone is aloud to edit it soooooooooooo your point is mute
The internet era is fuck as hell lol
Loonies are actually being payed attention too and gullible people will follow them.
Leaders are going extinct and sheeple ( or zombies as I call them) as far as the eye can see.
You can't define it.. lol knew it.
Again, hate speech is case by case based on merit of context. So one black women say all white people is racist is only an example of on black women not of all white people.
shitskins literally prefer whites than their own race. much more common to see than a white man with a black girl
Published and verifiable and Trump has even confirmed it. This is real thing that happened.
Unless you mean 'fake news' as in 'this makes Trump look bad' than ya, FAKE NEWS.
And who determines what is and what isnt hate speech?
Nope. No clue what you're talking about. Your headcanon is your headcanon.
Until you can post it on a non leftist plat form it's fake news.
u sound insecure, lonely, and probably a virgin.
Only illegal for politicians to collude with FOREIGN citizens outside of the USA.
but ignore that
Trump insults everyone in his part and online except Putin. No way there's anything going on there.
Even Comey one of your own admits NYT is fake news youtube.com
You have an anecdotal story.
A youtube is not a evidence.
Lol investigated by the FBI for over two years and they find no collusion but you lefties simply can't let it go.. it's almost as sweet as his initial victory
>Trump insults everyone in his part and online except Putin. No way there's anything going on there.
Yep nothing to see, Putin's just a great guy. Only dick Don sucks more is Israels
Youtube is ran by independent journalists with no motive plus they site their sources so you're free to make your own mind.. unlike the liberal leftist programmers that only lead to to echo chambers
Trump insults people who deserve it he's not going to go call a world leader names cause we have idiots he calls out in America
I never called anyone names?
You just called me retarded tho.
>the demos have always been the side of racists.. nothing new
Were just going to pretend like Storm Thurmond didn't leaves the Dems and Join the GOP because of the civil right and voting rights bills.
You'r fucking dumb
this is your quote
"Don't blame me for not being able to understand the retardations of a fool."
Goodness man you said it like 5 minutes ago.. get off the heroin.
Looking for crimes doesn't mean you're a criminal.
Is this what retards see as comedy?
The ambiguity of the term "hate speech" is an attack on free speech. Being critical of a culture for performing female circumcisions or stoning homosexuals is not hateful.
>hate speech is destroying free speech
white liberal's have always been like this,i feel sorry for the fact your dumb enough to have them as friends
He ran for president and lost too, so what does that say about the supposed racist America you dream of.. when in reality only 2% of Americans owned slave and it was only the VERY wealthy and yes that included black men besides he was involved in politics in the 40s longs after all the evil the democrats had done with the KKK
Who can forget that landmark speech about the GPD. That was front page in all the papers. I am sure Trump said he would get it above 3.0 and below 3.0.
He's a former lefty and he's a reporter not a comedian his jokes suck and his facts and on point
>free speech
>waaah,media man says bad things about my president
trump supporters are just as bad as democrats when it comes to supporting the constitution
I never said it had anything to do with your morals. If you think slavery is moral free topic that's your fault.
Anyone is allowed to edit it, but only if its under the establish guidelines of verifiability by publications. you really have no clue how wikipedia works.
This isn't a new fucking website mate.
Colluding against a standing president and calling them mean names are two entirely different things. besides it's already illegal to incite a riot or for a call to action which the mainstream media has done against a STANDING PRESIDENT multiple times..
Real talk, because theyre weak. None of this shit was accepted until they accepted the idea that they deserve it, until they started pecking on each other over who is less racist, until they lost all sense of community in favor of kissing up to people who hate them. The only thing people hate more than an asshole is a loser.
Lol white boi
I have, I did, and I can. What are you going on about? You asked me to teach you how to think, not debate me in an argument.
Asking for a dictionary is not an argument.
I think being white doesn't make anyone more morally responsible for the actions of others in the past. And furthermore blacks have more than equal rights there are no laws holding them back from anything.. we literally just had a black president.. look at Africa it's their culture that holds them down not the white devil
Proving your source is fake information that has a left leaning bias that can be edited by anyone is the goal not to get you to read the dictionary. I apologize you don't ever confirm what you believe.
The courts? Who the fuck do you think? If it's a private company tho like a website or a workplace they don't even need a reason to censor as the content is theirs to do with as they please, and don't even need justification for censorship as freedom of speech is a right given by the government to the public, not by private organizations.
You seriously need to look up the laws. This is one of the single most important laws in the entire country. Freedom of speech is an important part of democracy because it protects minorities rights to speak in political participation. Freedom of speech puts restrictions on tyranny of the majority who are required to sacrifice their own time in order to permit minority opposition to express their views and ideas.
"why is it accepted to be racist towards white people."
because once whites get sick of it, these fucking nigger racists are fucked.
Until I can post the first time Trump was on front page of a newspaper?
It was the New York Times.
It is the New York Times.
It will always be the New York Times.
It's like changing the city that Trump was born and raised and lived in.
It's New York.
I am sorry if you think New York is some liberal conspiracy, but Trump was born in raised as a New Yorker. You're fucking golden boy is New Yorker.
I cannot change history you fucking mouth breathing retarded fucking inbred dog fucking shit eater. Take your own head out of your ass sometime and maybe you'll understand why the entire fucking world hates you for being so retarded.
Shut up, Wesley
Elizabeth Warren talking points are futile, who defines hate speech? if Zuckerberg gets his way that means Trump can influence what is aloud to be posted you liberal lefties will be the death of America and it wont be a game of throne reality you will be withering like the rest of us when these liberals get their way Open borders with free healthcare and housing will break us disease will spread and all so liberal lefties can get their free monthly check to shoot up every 1rst of the month
You mean the raid that was planned under Bush? And then Obama showed up late because he was playing golf?
Yet Republicans are upset about the Democrats taking down the statues of the confederates the Democrats erected?
New york times has a heavy bias and has posted fake stories more than once Veritas caught NYT admitting to posting fake stories youtube.com
Comey aint ours. Until Trump fired him Democrats thought he was loyal to Trump the way he outed Hillary and threw the election for her.
You think Comey fucked hillary over as a sign of power she had for him?
You're a special kind of retarded. Ironically Trump fired Comey because he couldn't exonerate him, the same way that Mueller couldn't exonerate him, and yet Trump has claimed exoneration EVERY FUCKING STEP OF THE WAY.
Still not true. But ya, ignoring reality, show me more youtube links like they're reputable sources of fact because only the most intelligent people can have a youtube account, but newspapers any idiot could start one up.
You know Hitler removed statues and burned books that didn't agree with his narrative.. sounding pretty familiar :cough liberal leftist cough:
Those statues are History both good and bad history are important to remember so we don't repeat it..
None of that is true. If Trump had any proof she would be investigated. I have never seen Trump reference a single piece of evidence in any speech he's ever talked about.
OP - with me you have confused racism with complete and total indifference. I don't like most of the people i come in contact with, skin color or religion doesn't even enter the equation. if you are not me, chances are I wont like you. so go suck on that. no HATE involved, only indifference.
Comey attacked Trump for 2 years straight.. he's definitely yours.. likely it was after Trump removed the head of the FBI more than once so now Comey was a headless snake who just gave up
Tweet has 11 likes. The majority of same, rational people don't agree with the vocal minority known as Twitter
Yeah cause we all know Hillary doesnt have special treatment
Cowards, the whole lot of them
racism isn't the problem, you can't see race for what it is without being racist.
bigotry, especially when it's based on lies is what drives people to hate each other.
She was the treasury on a board committee that approved the sales of uranium by a canadian company that might have been funded by russian with a non-export clause for the mining of uranium to be used the USA.
It's all in the same news article that broke the story in the first place. This isn't even some after the fact explanation. This is part of the same story. Her committee couldn't even veto the transaction and there's no proof to say she even oversaw the details it was just a standard fact checking for the President's approval.
Not like the Trump Tower Meetings en.wikipedia.org
Because brown people know deep down that white people are the superior race and they don't like it. That's it.
Mueller never said Trump was exonerated. Specifically worded it as such, but since a sitting President cannot be indicted he can't claim him guilty either. It's actually up to congress to decide just like with Clinton and Nixon that it's up to an impeachment before legal actions can happen.
Man you're retarded.
>totally not a russian
Imagine if Trump had done what she had done.. lol you can't say with a straight face you would defend him the same way.. indoctrinated... they claim we venimently defend trump for no reason... take a look in the mirror
Whoops auto correct vehemently
This is what CNN would like you to believe and that fake Lawyer on youtube but, just like the last two years Trump has nothing to worry about.
We are the exact same species. No doubt in my mind.
No motive to tell the truth either. Clickbait is clickbait. Journalism is actually held to a higher legal standard and is why newspapers have to check with lawyers before publishing.
The day that pewdiepie has a lawyer check before posting a video I will agree with you.
Ya. Just like I don't understand the gibberish of a baby, doesn't mean I am retarded.
I love you.
Getting a little defensive there mr.berg chill out
Journalism has been held at a higher standard? by who?
Because apparently only forward racism is bad, not reverse racism.
post of the day
Show me 5 out of their 100's of articles about Trump that are positive and i'll change my mind
What are you talking about op, this is completely socially acceptable here.
Hate speech is ambiguous because speech is ambiguous. Free Speech as it is defined is the intelligent discourse of a person. The implication of speech is that of intelligent and intent more than what you're actually saying or how you're saying it. The expressions of a free speech applies to painting as it does with words, as speech is not just the uttering of the mouth but the expression of a human in whatever form that maybe.
As humans can express themselves in almost unlimited different ways so to must the laws reflect that. What you see as retardation is actually one of the most tried tested and true laws that is the NUMBER ONE FUCKING CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT for a reason.
I understand it might seem complicated, and needlessly so, but the difference of speech and hate speech is distincted so that people that say 'I am going to kill you and your family' as a threat cannot be protected as a right of free speech as it is an intent of criminal action. There is a difference of criminal activity and law abiding activity, and it is up to the debate of the honorable judges and lawyers in the court of law to deliberate as much as needed to determine the difference for each and every action that merits such.
There's no clear and fast answer for this, but with the internet having more and more publication of expression of speech every fucking second it is overwhelming at this point.
It is no small topic, and also becoming increasingly more important when people like ISIS are using the platform to recruit as well as internet trolls are to just giggle at being idiots.
I wish there was a simpler answer, but the answer is 'IT'S FUCKING COMPLICATED'
Because we "white" folks are privileged and have an advantage in almost every way. It's normal for others to feel excluded (they are), disadvantaged, resentful, hostile, envious, etc.
You could define anything as offensive.. this is silly.. if lefties could have they would have banned the Support of Trump. The day you mess with our first Amendment will be the day we use our second Amendment to protect it
>Colluding against a standing president
The fuck does that even mean? Freedom of the Press is a constitutional right along side freedom of speech for the very specific and protected right to be critical of the government, which includes the President.
It's not just a seen as a privilege or a right but a constitutional duty. As a matter of a free press for the operation of a free and just democracy that the very fact the country was founded upon from it's inception to this very day, and it's not until Trump who's first every understanding of the contribution wasn't until 2017 when he was sworn in did he even know it fucking existed.
Even George Bush Jr. had more respect for the constitution. Trump thinks it's just like any other law and something to be obeyed when convenient, and not the very duty in which he is suppose to not SUPPORT but PROTECT as every other President has said during in the inauguration that Trump replaced with the 'the american people'
I haven't seen him claim any facts in that entire video. He made some implications but he never actually claimed any facts, and probably for a specific reason because if he DID claim any of those as facts he could be sued for defamation. Like look over what he's actually saying, it's not a crime to insult people, but it is a crime to claim false witness.
They attempted to get him impeached on a lie.. that's colluding with the enemy mi amigo
Honestly, you are a gem.
this thread makes me ashamed to be white tbh
We're ashamed you exist too.
Sincerely White People.
Ya. I agree. So the merit of what color the first crime was done holds no water to justification tot aht crime or to the crimes later. As the civil war proved tho it was white slave owners that decided that owning slaves was such a tantamount importances that military actions needed to be made to attain the right to continue to operate slavery over specifically the niggers of the USA.
This is not a debatable fact except by some apologist that want to say it was about state rights which was actually what the union was pushing for the confederates did not want because it would not guarantee them the rights for slavery and how the war was started in the first place.
But ya, it probably was a nigger in africa that sold a slave at first. Black slavers was a thing. If you were not trying to virtue signal as a slave apologist maybe don't bring it up again.
No you're the minority, you fucking retard.
The courts define it.
The difference is that Zuckerberg is private sector Trump is the public sector.
My gf is black.
Stealin' yo wimminz, blak boi
And it was also white soldiers willing to die to stop it, mid you the rest of the world still had slavery rolling strong and some still do to this day.
Ya. You won't see Trump ever doing this.
They were just reporting the court case.
Ohhh but it's whitey treating minorities bad.. so whitey is treating whitey bad? hmm get your stories straight you're sounding a lot like NYT
They were not destroying the statues, you fucking idiot.
It's their responsibility to wait until all the facts are there.. they didn't because they're biased against Trump.
Video evidence youtube.com
Seeing people throw shrieking temper tantrums at each other because "stop being difrent culur dan me!" makes me ashamed to be human. Pic related you insufferable fucking cunts
P.s. this is two of your sources, CNN and the NYT sooooooo enjoy.
2 years? The fuck you even talking about? Trump wasn't even in the political world that long before Trump removed comey and this includes the primaries.
You are not talking about reality.
The answer is the Jews are oppressing the white Anglo saxons by allowing immigrants and refugees in the country, opening up the borders for different citizens to become citizens and keeping the blacks in the country to mix breed and take over until the United States are all a bunch of mutts
0 indictments to Hillary and her campaign to this day. Trump is sitting over 100 in his campaign, including a dozen by his own personal lawyer that even names Trump as part of election finance fraud.
Special Counsel against Hillary when?
She's either so fucking smart she can't be arrested, or Trumps so fucking dumb he can't arrest her.
Either way, who looks like the impotent loser?
Trump ran against Obama you Dunce he's been in the political world his whole life
I'm sorry.. what was it the Fake FBI investigation planted by Obama determined? oh yeah that's right no collusion.. jajajaj go cry at the sky more liberal
Yeah seems right you two are two peas in a pod
No this is part of the Mueller report. He clearly states it. You can look it up yourself.
Or you know, just watch some youtube video by some guy that is selling vitamins online.
Same thing, right? I think Trumps amazing, paypal me money.
I am trying my best to make myself understood by you, but you're proving dumber than I originally thought.
The libel laws.
You mean the guy colluding against a president doesn't want to appear as though he's colluding against a president... hmm m that's really strange
>makes a false quote of a guy saying he makes false quotes
This is the Libel law
In the common law tradition, damages for such false statements are presumed and do not have to be proven. Statements are defamatory per se where they falsely impute to the plaintiff one or more of the following things: Allegations or imputations "injurious to another in their trade, business, or profession"
Precisely what the media has done against Trump