Worst character?

Worst character?

- Saves Tony from dying in space (ok fair).
- Says Avengers cant beat Thanos without her, then they beat Thanos without her.
- Goes away to other planets because I guess they have more important things to do than recollect the Infinity Stones to reverse everything?
- Destroys Thanos's spaceship and then stands for a pose with all the other women for some feminist moment
- Literally does nothing else in the pivotal battle to save the universe.
- Flies off at the end again

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she is pretty cancer but i think we all expected this

who cares?

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It's because the actress who plays her is incredibly unlikeable

link to cam or screener
don't want to give disney sjws any more money

still salty they didnt make a World War Hulk movie fuck these jews

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Movie was quality though, I'm a sucker for father/family vibes and there was a LOT of that in this movie, especially in the opening scene

Totally agree.

Iron Man ded

Black Widow ded


The worst character is as always the OP.

Probably going to be made fun of this here but both the beginning and end was incredibly emotional to me. It's sort of weird though because I have no desire to see any future MCU movies anymore, as far as I'm concerned this is the canonical end for me and what a ride it has been.

I'm still clueless as to how she even got brought into the MCU. Who's decision was this? Who's behind this shit?

How are you this stupid?

First, she left to help other planets before the 5 year time jump. She didn’t dip out when they came up with an actual plan.

Second, how did they defeat Thanos without her? Thanos had the gauntlet on his hand and was about to snap his fingers then she came back in and almost broke his hand in half, which then gave stark an opportunity to grab the stones.

The only thing you got right was the stupid fuckin female empowerment shot they threw in for no reason.

I used to like her until she lost her mind. I wonder if she will realize someday that getting a role as a fictional character (not even the first female superhero) is not a political office.

Ego is a dangerous thing. I hope for the people interested in phase 4 of the MCU that someone sits her down behind the scenes at Disney and make a major course correct for her during the filming of her next movie.

deus ex machina

I adore her personality, she reminds me of House from the TV show House. She's funny and sarcastic and knows she's tough so she's confident as fuck. Only downside to her is she has no ass. Even Peter Parkinsons has a juicier ass than she does.

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Use server 2 for least buffer.

Fuckers like you are the reason I paid extra to go to a midnight screening.

I swear to god thought that was the end though. Iron man and scarlet johansson are dead and thor is fat and Captain America is old. What's the point of there being anymore movies?

Prob bob igers wife

I agree 100% with everything you said just now. I don't like empowering women personally, but I do give credit where credit is due and she DID help kill thanos.

because now they can have the all-female avengers

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought that all female line-up thing was ass.

ikr? why does everyone forget about wonderwoman
>actually a good movie
>wonderwoman is hot
>taller than womanlet captain marvel
>elegant beauty

bitch can't take a joke

She's been added for Marvel to cash in on feminists and get a reputation boost for cashing in on feminists because they don't understand that companies don't give a shit about it, they just care about money and reputation as it makes them more money.

>Worst Character?
Yea... The other super heros have at least 1 weakness, and the other super heros are relate able at least on some level.

Just a weird invincible alien that is totally forgetful.

> Overpowered character therefore hard To use scenaristically
> nobody likes the actress, even the other actors
Ofc she does nothing unless she sucks a scenarist
> too full of pride to suck a man
She does nothing.

Yeah, she leaves no lasting impression on me but I kinda saw that coming. She was meant to be a last ditch effort like the silver surfer for the fantastic four. You're not really suppose to remember her as a character but just that she is powerful and most likely won't always be there when you need her in the future.

Guess they needed a superman, why not mary jane.

They could just kill her.

Did you mean Mary Sue? If not, explain why you referred to her as Mary Jane.

>Brie said they shot her part for Endgame before Captain Marvel
>CM bombed despite Disney's buyout of cinema tickets
>"Fuck, no one watched it!"
>CM cheat-codes saving Stark with no explanation
>Literally says "I have more important things to do, you won't see me much for the resat of the movie."
>Feminista cringe near the end, CM saves the day not long after by being a distraction pretty much summing up her character.

MFW I still loved this movie

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Even superman is better because he may basically be a god - but he has internal conflicts that are relate able. I guess feminism prevents writing any weakness into a character these days.

They forget even "stronk" wamen can be weak sometimes. It's always STRONK WOMAN, STRONK WOMAN!

And that is a shame because... how much more interesting would a mentally weak female super hero be? The internal conflicts... That character would be infinity more interesting than just a 2D snarky god you insert when ever the plot needs. It is a shame really.

Either I stop watching the MCU or they kill her. How? Without Stan Lee I don't know if they could think of any creative ways of killing her off.

never change Yea Forums

No worries guys, she'll be the big bad of Phase 4, Rogue (Millie Bobby Brown) will drain her giving us best Rogue. She'll come back around at the end of the series a little more down to earth (so to speak) to battle it out with Dark Warlock.

holy fuck hopefully. I love Rogue so much

Someone give me spoilers so I can post em everywhere

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I was really hoping that when the ship started firing into the smoke it would be the Nova Corps or the Reavers. Imagine my disappointment to see it wasn't.

Yeah if they have been trying to write Cpt Marvel as some sort of feminist icon they’re doing a piss poor job at it. Two things in particular that really stuck in my craw was the fact that she didn’t work for her powers, she got them by accident (which sounds a lot like privilege bu ok) and at the end where she was all “I don’t have to prove anything” yeah you fucking do. You’re a superhero and your actions have major consequences you dumb cunt. So fucking stupid. Modern feminism is like cancer, but if cancer was both learning disabled and arrogant

Third wave feminism is built off the misconception that men think they can do everything because penises make them special. Penises don’t make men special - hard work and dedication to the fundamental ideals that make society work properly is what make men leaders. But no, women think it’s because of penis, so they say two can play at that game, and ignorantly thrash around saying “I HAVE A PUSSY THAT MAKES ME IMPORTANT GIMME STUFF” while contributing nothing at all. In psychology it’s called self-serving bias: they believe that’s what men do because that’s what they assume being a man is like. Children typically behave in this manner, so it’s no surprise feminists do too

>she's tough so she's confident as fuck
That is a character written for her. She is a self-absorbed entertainer.

Team work makes the dream work, anons.

Feminigger Avengers!