If you were guaranteed to get away with it as in nobody even suspected you, would you rape a woman?

If you were guaranteed to get away with it as in nobody even suspected you, would you rape a woman?

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Of course


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In all seriousness yes. Not saying it to be edgy, I absolutely would rape if I could get away with it.


But but i would rape you however you would enjoy that anyways so dont have to worry about any of this

>raping women

nigger please... I wouild totally rape the shit out of this bear

hmm pic ddint post...

I would rape this bear

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only faggots resort to shit like that beta males that cant get none

Already have.
When my ex was trying to hang herself.
Found her unconscious
Take off her pants and underwear start pumping
Nut in pussy
She wakes up starts freaking out
Tell her to STFU and quit her shit.

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cool story bro

probably yes, rape really makes me hard.

I'd fill really bad about myself after this though...


Definetly, i fantasize about finding one that is too drunk to really resist, but awake enough to know what is going on

Only if it was a part of a consensual roleplay fantasy

jokes on you, I got wife and two kids already...

Pic related it's her

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Not "any" woman. But women deserving of punishment, why not. If they're hot.

I wouldn't enjoy it much if she wasn't so no

and I already somewhat did...

Well, not really rape, just fuck a girl that didn't want to, no violence, just step after step got into her pants. On two occasions.
I think that she had a crush on me, but didn't want it to go that fast, and wanted something more than bang her two times and leave.
"used her" would be good description

And damn she was horrible at sex, one of worst sex I had in my life...

I'm thinking about raping my estranged mom. I feel like she wouldn't press charges. Why would she anyways...it would be kinda embarrassing..

just be prepared that she would cut ties with you after that.
Don't know how your relationship looks like now...

I would jerk off to a loli hentai all day.

Well no shit if she's not into it you raper

Do u know what estranged means?

Depends on the type of rape I suppose. I wouldn't violently rape a girl. I don't know how that would be enjoyable. Maybe if she was drunk and passed out after already giving consent. I don't know if by me keep going, if that's rape?

now I do...
I thought that it was something about tying...


Ex girlfriend had a rape fetish. We would roleplay a lot and use ropes. One time she asked me to get her really drunk and high and have sex with her while she was passed out.


Depends on the Loli.


It still was strange...
She was just lying there, and I had half flacid dick...

Hope those who would do it get raped.
I am a man, I got raped by a man, not fun.

Did you start sticking things into her?

There is no such thing as rape. Any female who leaves her rightful spot from the kitchen and the house is fucking beging for a cock in her holes. If she gets the dick it is not rape, it is just a dumb slut getting what she deserves.

Yes, have someone in mind too

it started with hugging and kissing (she was horrible at that, probably worst I kissed ever)
than I went for her boobs, stick hand into her pants
after that i took her pants off and mine and just fucked her
with a condom, didn't want a kid

that's all

Of course I would, I would fuck even a woman cut in half, no matter what half

There are lot's of bitches outside. Would love to give them what they'r asking for. Rape is fun for both!

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mudslime detected

People are stupid here.

>Would you if you would get away with it 100%
Nah, I like sex but honestly I'd rather get away with murder, and a lot of it.

100% yes

and that goes with nearly everything.

I've fucked my wife a few times when she is drunk/asleep without her knowing. She is fine with it, but I definitely get off on the fact sometimes she doesn't know that she is heading to work with my cum in her.

There was one time we were both pretty drunk and she woke up and was very dazed, and I told her to be quiet and laid into her. She disliked it and told me to stop, but I finished

If I had the powers to know the future like that, I would find out if shed thoroughly enjoy it.
If not, then nope


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Thats fucking based, Shame its not true

Nigga I'm gay.

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Post proof
>nothing gay tho pls

Dons't seem like fun. It's not that hard to just get laid.