Guys I think I screwed up. I'm out 'clubbing' and it's really weird. I'm sitting in the corner on my phone. What do...

guys I think I screwed up. I'm out 'clubbing' and it's really weird. I'm sitting in the corner on my phone. What do. I can't leave, I have some friends here who will probably be upset if I leave. help

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Just leave man, if you're not enjoying yourself why stay? Tell your friends the truth on why you're leaving and let them kbow it isnt their fault at all.

Clubbing is boring as fuck. Just leave, tell your friends youre not having a good time and just go. What's the point in sticking around? Why would your friends be pissed?

Treat it like a free trial for something that you wouldn't normally do. If it was a free trial for netflix you'd watch some stuff just to see what it is like.
Turn your brain off, put your phone in your pocket and go try dancing.
Just copy what other people do and don't worry about looking like a fool.
Keep doing that and let yourself enjoy it let yourself go.
Doing new stuff takes practice and turning your head off.
Mood isn't as relevant as you might think, it is more to do with attitude.

I have a massive issue with dancing. I absolutely refuse to do it. As in, I'd rather kill myself. Although that doesn't mean much lol. Also, I think I have to stay, to look after my friends

Fucking faggot, lol

haha that's what I was waiting for

I was like that for most of my life, I hated it and felt averse to it.
Then one day I thought "why not, who gives a fuck what I look like doing it, I want to try it" and forced myself to treat it like a video game.
Start sucky, as a noob, and you become better with time, like levelling up in an dog.
You have people you know there, go try in their group, just try. You'll suck at first but after one evening of doing it you'll already begin to lose your fear of it.
It's a life skill, it isn't essential but it is nice not to be afraid of it.
All it is is copying what other people do. Start with your feet. Best way to learn is from a patient girl, tell her you want to get better at dancing. Lots of girls will be happy to teach you, and that feels good.
Really stick at it though. Do the same movement 20-40 times and you become better at it.

Life is about conquering your fear and taking calculable risks. There's no real risk here apart from humiliation, and given you are in a place where a few hundred others are humiliating themselves, you will soon learn that doesn't matter and shouldn't stop you from trying something new.
Big factor is, girls like guys who don't give a shit about what other people think, guys who will try something.
I didn't start dancing until I was 30, the younger you are, the faster you will learn and the more years you will have to enjoy it.
Might as well start now.

Just run away. I have a friend who does this. I think he gets anxious and just bails. He's a faggot, and so are you. If the two of you mimic each others behavior maybe you'll merge into one person

Get drunk, get rejected by a qt 3.14, lose a fight to a Chad, and realise that now you've experienced your two biggest fears that social shit is just another game you can master.

It's like the first time you die in a horror game, once you know what happens when it all goes wrong the game gets a lot less tense.


lol i remember that song

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I guess that's what it comes down to. My fear of dancing. haha. It's kind of difficult considering I can't even admit to people that I like listening to music. Dancing is really a big deal for me. I've literally never done it, and my friends know me as a cold unfeeling autist

club is for normies, you are safe here
just get out, dont say anithing to your friends
or just get drunk

Just start now dude, it isn't complicated.
If it was a new game you'd pick it up in minutes and be a pro in no time. It is memorising movements, imitating behaviour and following a beat. It really is just practice, every one starts from somewhere.
The more fears you face in life, the more you'll feel alive and the less control fear will have over you.
Go over and try joining in. Ask them or some girls for advice if you aren't sure, keep it simple to start with, step back and forth in time with the music with your arms in a kind of running position.
Like I said, I was 30 before I started, and after I'd done it once it became something possible in my mind, so i had less fear and could improve.
Just go join in dude, no one gives a shit if you suck, but every time you do it, you'll suck less and enjoy it more.
Take some classes in between times, as a short cut, but dance now while your friends are there.
Make it a quest or a mission.

I don't drink alcohol. I feel like that might have made it possible to enjoy myself though. Oh well.

you have to drink if you go to a club. or you can walk up and down the club pretending your john wick

Ask the drug dealers on the street for some molly

Get drunk faggot

I don't drink either, I'm the dude who started dancing at 30.
You don't need it, you just need to stop thinking, stand up, go over, start dancing and copy their movements like a 'simon says' game.
Seriously, that's all it is. Later on you learn to improvise etc.
To feel more part of the crowd you can order a fruit juice or ginger ale and hold that, it gives you something to focus on while dancing.
Just do it dude, and report back. Make it an experiment. You'll die one day, might as well try living now.


Grab a drink and flirt with some girls. What's the deal? Unless you're underage then you can leave here too

>levelling up in an dog.
That escalated quickly.

Take some drugs and get tf over yourself

autocorrect, R.P.G.

I know wtf happened, dumbass. No need to clarify.

fuck some hoes, virgin

I think at this point he's better off finding the nearest dick and sucking it.

No, you can't imagine what happened.
You see, on tablets and phones and some computers and browsers, there is a function which autocorrects spelling and words, and even grammar. Sometimes, however, when you write something that ching chong corporations haven't anticipated or they don't like, then they replace it with a sort if similar alternative.
RPG, then r is near to d on the keyboard, and p is near to o, so it thinks I mistyped dog and wrote that instead.
Normally I check, but this time it corrected behind my back and I didn't notice.
Maybe now you feel more educated about the modern world, and can thank me in the form of a photo of your bare naked tits.

I can't believe you typed all that.

Man, I would unironically marry this cutie.

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God, pop sone pills, snort some lines, have some drinks and fucking party.

I didn't like dancing too. I thought everybody was watching and I was looking like a fool. Then I popped some molly and didn't give a shit anymore. And the night was bliss. And I got laid.

>extrovert tells introvert to "just b an extrovert like me lmao"
That's not how it works.

Pro tip: you cannot force personality changes upon yourself. Your personality is pretty much predetermined and the harder you struggle against it, the more miserable you will be. You can spend the rest of your life trying to fit in with normalfag activities and it will never happen.

drink a beer/shot/whiskey
drink some more
And imagine this is your last night, the moment you fall asleep you wont wake up
How will you spend your last night?
just do it, the first thoughts to come to your head
No..rape and massacre isnt that

>can't read, has retard-level comprehension
Don't listen this useless giver-upper faggot who never tried anything in his life.
He sounds like a housewife, afraid of the world and spreading his feminine fears to every one else in order to comfort himself.
Maybe it is a woman in fact.

Manhood is about conquering your fears, not succumbing to them.

Honestly, I disagree to an extent, user. It can be extremely difficult to overcome social anxiety, impossible for some, perhaps, but it can be done. We are still prone to sudden epiphanies from time to time, and it can change your outlook in an instant.

Being social is a skill that takes practice the same as most things in life.
As for fears, exposure therapy is the most effective. The problem is that a lot of dudes have absent fathers for whatever reason, and it means they accumulate their mother's irrational fears and never learn to face fear, when it is essential to the life of a man.

I agree completely. I was raised by parents who were both active duty Army. We moved, on average, about every 3 months. This was essentially exposure therapy, and I learned to make friends easily because of it.

The "but I'm scared/nervous/anxious!" response only reinforces their own fears, making the issue worse. Again, I'm not saying it's easy, but leveling up takes effort.

Pic unrelated, just cute.

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OP, you still hiding in the corner? Or have you finally remembered that you have testicles?

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he's out slaying pussy.
Yeah, effort but it is worthwhile, especially for life skills. Might as well start young.

>Might as well start young.

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alright guys, OP here, the night wasn't so bad. I didn't really dance, but I got involved with my friends a bit more. It was alright. Thanks for giving me something to do while I sat in the corner on my phone